Setting Up Legal Entities Best Practices

Setting Up Legal Entities Best Practices


Eagle has introduced functionality to store and report on Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) for a wide range of market participants such as issuers, counterparties, brokers, exchanges, and depositories. This document describes the best practices for configuring these market participants in the Eagle Accounting, Data Management, and Performance.

Eagle is developing additional reporting and analysis capabilities leveraging LEI data. It is critical to follow the steps outlined in this document in order to ensure compatibility with these new tools.


Eagle introduced LEI capabilities in V12.1.2. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, Eagle has database scripts available to add the specific columns and tables required to support LEIs. This document assumes those database changes have been implemented.

  • Please contact your Eagle Relation Manager or Client Operations Manager to obtain and/or apply the scripts


Refer to the official Eagle product documentation for additional information on configuring LEIs.



Issuers are set up using Add Issuer Information.

  • Cross reference information such as Bloomberg ID or RED codes can be set up using Add Issuer Cross Reference

  • The Issuer (2299) field returns this list of values when adding a security

  • Obligors and guarantors can be linked to securities Add Issuer Role Details

    • Role Type (3347) is set to Guarantor or Obligor

  • LEIs are specified as described in the documents linked above


Counterparties are set up using the same Issuer Relationship architecture described above.

  • If the counterparty does not already exist as an issuer, use Add Issuer Information to create it

  • If the counterparty already exists as an issuer, use Change Issuer Information to set Counterparty (213) = Yes

    • All issuers tagged with Counterparty = Yes will be available in Counterparty Name & Counterparty ID for swap trade processing

  • LEIs can be added to counterparties by following the issuer instructions in the documents linked above

Brokers & Clearing Brokers

Eagle Accounting maintains trade-level brokers and clearing brokers as Code Values.

  • Use Codes (V17) or Add Code Value (prior to V17) to add new brokers and/or clearing brokers

  • The Code (Category) for brokers is BROKER CODES, and for clearing brokers it's CLEARING BROKER

Note: Eagle is planning to migrate to maintaining brokers as issuers in a future release. To facilitate a smooth transition, you can create brokers as issuers using the same Issuer Relationship architecture described above as part of your workflow. Counterparty should be set to Yes. This will ensure all necessary records exist when it is time to migrate.


Similar to brokers, exchanges are maintained as Code Values. For details on adding LEI information to an exchange, refer to the documents linked above.

  • As a part of upgrading through V12.1.2, Eagle copies all exchanges from the IEXCHANGE CODE Code (Category) to the new EXCHANGES table

    • LEI information can then be added to each exchange

  • Going forward, new exchanges should added using Add Exchange

    • This automatically adds the exchange to both the new table and IEXCHANGE CODE Code (Category)


Similar to brokers and exchanges, depositories are maintained as Code Values. For details on adding LEI information to a depository, refer to the documents linked above.

  • As a part of upgrading through V12.1.2, Eagle copies all depositories from the CUSTODIAN BANK Code (Category) to the new DEPOSITORIES table

    • LEI information can then be added to each depository

  • Going forward, new depositories should added using Add Depository

    • This automatically adds the depository to both the new table and CUSTODIAN BANK Code (Category)