Eagle Centers

Eagle Centers

In the Eagle product suite, an Eagle center groups together Eagle components with related functionality and serves as a toolbox of Eagle functionality based on a specific role and function that you need to perform every day. All Eagle center windows contain similar elements to help you perform tasks more efficiently.

Eagle Center Window Elements

The following are common elements in all Eagle center windows:

  • Eagle Navigator button. Allows you to access the Eagle Navigator from any Eagle window.
  • Home tab. Allows you to access key actions on the ribbon.
  • Grid tab. Allows you to manage how data is presented, sorted, and filtered in the workspace.
  • Ribbon. Allows you to perform actions on the data in an Eagle center. Every Eagle center has a ribbon. The actions on the ribbon are organized into toolbar groups and are enabled or disabled based on the Eagle center context.
  • Find. Allows you to quickly find data in the workspace by entering specific text as criteria. You can set the Find option to only display items that meet the criteria, or to highlight the items in the workspace.
  • Search. Allows you to search a particular area of an Eagle center by performing a database query. You can customize the search criteria and options.
  • Workspace. Allows you to display or edit data in an Eagle center window. The workspace uses Xceed grid technology that allows you to view and sort data in many ways.
  • Left Navigation pane and Wunderbars. Allow you to navigate between specific areas of an Eagle center via wunderbars that link to each area. The left navigation pane also allows you to narrow down the data that is displayed in the workspace.
  • Bottom Navigation tab. Allows you to access Eagle center windows that you have already visited without having to close the current window.
  • Status & Notification bar. Displays the status of an Eagle center process. The default status is Ready.