| | | | | | | | | |
objectType | | ObjectTypeEnum | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/objectType |
objectId | | ObjectId | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/objectId |
objectDescription | | FeedTypeEnum | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/objectDescription |
updateTimestamp | Required | dateTime | | | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | UPDATE_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/updateTimestamp |
customElements | Not recommended | CustomElements | | reserved for customization | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/customElements/ |
sourceName | | string | 1102 | in_short_desc | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceName |
updateSource | | string | 944 | in_upd_src | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | UPDATE_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(255) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/updateSource |
effectiveDate | Required | date | 1109 | in_eff_dt | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | EFFECTIVE_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/effectiveDate |
languageId | | integer | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/languageId |
tagNochangecase | | string | 4637 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/tagNochangecase |
preserveNull | | string | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/preserveNull |
noLoadValidationFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/noLoadValidationFlag |
accountingValidationFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/accountingValidationFlag |
Asset Identifiers Model | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/ |
priceExchangeCode | | string | 9036 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceExchangeCode |
archiveFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/archiveFlag |
excludePriceDemandFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 1256 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/excludePriceDemandFlag |
exceptionProcessingSwitch | | YesNoOptionEnum | 989 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/exceptionProcessingSwitch |
valuePositionsAtCostSwitch | | YesNoOptionEnum | 990 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/valuePositionsAtCostSwitch |
closingPrice | | decimal | 481 | in_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/closingPrice |
oidYield | | decimal | 39 | in_yld | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | YIELD | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/oidYield |
yieldType | | string | 1113 | in_yld_type | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | YIELD_TYPE_CODE | CHAR(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/yieldType |
priceTypeCode | | string | 1843 | in_price_type_code | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_TYPE_CODE | VARCHAR2(15) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceTypeCode |
priceFlag | | string | 7042 (1844) | in_price_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICING_FLAG | CHAR(2) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceFlag |
lastTradedPrice | | decimal | 7724 (1845) | in_px_last | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_LAST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastTradedPrice |
bidPrice | | decimal | 7722 (1846) | in_px_bid | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_BID | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bidPrice |
askPrice | | decimal | 7721 (1847) | in_px_ask | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_ASK | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/askPrice |
highPrice | | decimal | 1848 | in_px_high | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_HIGH | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/highPrice |
lowPrice | | decimal | 1849 | in_px_low | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_LOW | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lowPrice |
midPrice | | decimal | 7725 (1850) | in_px_mid | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_MID | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/midPrice |
priceVolume | | decimal | 1851 | in_px_volume | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_VOLUME | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceVolume |
priceLevel | | integer | 12007 | in_price_level | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_LEVEL | NUMBER(38,0) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceLevel |
priceCondition | | string | 4849 | in_price_condition | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_CONDITION | VARCHAR2(20) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceCondition |
originalPrice | | decimal | 893 | in_original_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | ORIGINAL_PRICE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/originalPrice |
units | | decimal | 40 | in_units | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | UNITS | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/units |
referencePrice | | decimal | 1852 | in_px_reference | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_REFERENCE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/referencePrice |
priceSource | | string | 513 | in_src | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SOURCE | CHAR(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceSource |
priceTolerance | | decimal | 45 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceTolerance |
calculatedMean | | decimal | 11847 | in_calculated_mean | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | CALCULATED_MEAN | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/calculatedMean |
fairValueFactor | | decimal | 10813 | in_fair_value_factor | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | FAIR_VALUE_FACTOR | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValueFactor |
dirtyPrice | | decimal | 2895 | in_px_dirty | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_DIRTY | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyPrice |
cleanPriceInclOption | | decimal | | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanPriceInclOption |
nominalDirtyPrice | | decimal | 2896 | in_px_nominal_dirty | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_NOMINAL_DIRTY | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/nominalDirtyPrice |
cleanInclOptionPrice | | decimal | 2897 | in_px_clean_incl_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_CLEAN_INCL_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanInclOptionPrice |
dirtyInclOptionPrice | | decimal | 2898 | in_px_dirty_incl_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_DIRTY_INCL_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyInclOptionPrice |
cleanExclOptionPrice | | decimal | 2899 | in_px_clean_excl_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_CLEAN_EXCL_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanExclOptionPrice |
dirtyExclOptionPrice | | decimal | 2900 | in_px_dirty_excl_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_DIRTY_EXCL_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyExclOptionPrice |
callOptionPrice | | decimal | 2901 | in_px_call_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_CALL_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/callOptionPrice |
putOptionPrice | | decimal | 8548 | in_px_put_option | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_PUT_OPTION | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/putOptionPrice |
fairValuePrice | | decimal | 2902 | in_fair_value_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | FAIR_VALUE_PRICE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValuePrice |
fairValueInclAccrued | | decimal | 2903 | in_fair_value_incl_accrued | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | FAIR_VALUE_INCL_ACCRUED | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValueInclAccrued |
averagePrice | | decimal | 5595 | in_px_average | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_AVERAGE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/averagePrice |
fixingPrice | | decimal | 5596 | in_px_fixing | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_FIXING | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fixingPrice |
grossAskPrice | | decimal | 5597 | in_px_gross_ask | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_GROSS_ASK | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossAskPrice |
grossBidPrice | | decimal | 5598 | in_px_gross_bid | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_GROSS_BID | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossBidPrice |
grossMidPrice | | decimal | 5599 | in_px_gross_mid | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_GROSS_MID | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossMidPrice |
histClosePrice | | decimal | 5600 | in_px_hist_close | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_HIST_CLOSE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/histClosePrice |
midClosePrice | | decimal | 5602 | in_px_mid_close | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_MID_CLOSE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/midClosePrice |
meanPrice | | decimal | 10427 | in_px_mean | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_MEAN | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/meanPrice |
nominalPrice | | decimal | 5603 | in_px_nominal | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_NOMINAL | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/nominalPrice |
officialClosePrice | | decimal | 5604 | in_px_official_close | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_OFFICIAL_CLOSE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/officialClosePrice |
openPrice | | decimal | 7726 (5605) | in_px_open | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_OPEN | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/openPrice |
sarulePrice | | decimal | 5606 | in_px_sarule | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SARULE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sarulePrice |
vwapClosePrice | | decimal | 5607 | in_px_vwap_close | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_VWAP_CLOSE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/vwapClosePrice |
reinvestDate | | date | 5608 | in_reinvest_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | REINVEST_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/reinvestDate |
shsUsedForEarningsComp | | decimal | 5609 | in_shs_used_for_earnings_comp | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SHS_USED_FOR_EARNINGS_COMP | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/shsUsedForEarningsComp |
shsUsedForOwnershipComp | | decimal | 5610 | in_shs_used_for_ownership_comp | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SHS_USED_FOR_OWNERSHIP_COMP | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/shsUsedForOwnershipComp |
status | | string | 5614 | in_status | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | STATUS | VARCHAR2(25) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/status |
stcgDist | | decimal | 5615 | in_stcg_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | STCG_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/stcgDist |
subsidyRatio | | decimal | 5616 | in_subsidy_ratio | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SUBSIDY_RATIO | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/subsidyRatio |
totalDist | | decimal | 5617 | in_total_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | TOTAL_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/totalDist |
askAdrPrice | | decimal | 10424 | in_px_ask_adr | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_ASK_ADR | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/askAdrPrice |
bidAdrPrice | | decimal | 10425 | in_px_bid_adr | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_BID_ADR | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bidAdrPrice |
lastAdrPrice | | decimal | 10426 | in_px_last_adr | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_LAST_ADR | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastAdrPrice |
priceLastUpdateDate | | date | 5601 | in_px_last_update_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_LAST_UPDATE_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceLastUpdateDate |
basis | | decimal | 5581 | in_basis | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | BASIS | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/basis |
bestRuleName | | string | 5582 | in_best_rule_name | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | BEST_RULE_NAME | VARCHAR2(15) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bestRuleName |
expenseRatio | | decimal | 5583 | in_expense_ratio | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | EXPENSE_RATIO | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/expenseRatio |
incomeDist | | decimal | 5584 | in_income_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | INCOME_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/incomeDist |
lastUpdateDate | | date | 7652 (5585) | in_last_update_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | LAST_UPDATE_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastUpdateDate |
lastUpdatePrice | | decimal | 5586 | in_last_update_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | LAST_UPDATE_PRICE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastUpdatePrice |
lastUpdateSource | | string | 5587 | in_last_update_source | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | LAST_UPDATE_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(20) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastUpdateSource |
lastUpdateTime | | string | 5588 | in_last_update_time | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | LAST_UPDATE_TIME | CHAR(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastUpdateTime |
ltcgDist | | decimal | 5589 | in_ltcg_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | LTCG_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/ltcgDist |
mtcgDist | | decimal | 5590 | in_mtcg_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | MTCG_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/mtcgDist |
naicPrice | | decimal | 5591 | in_naic_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | NAIC_PRICE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/naicPrice |
navCurrent | | decimal | 5592 | in_nav_current | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | NAV_CURRENT | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/navCurrent |
navReinvest | | decimal | 5593 | in_nav_reinvest | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | NAV_REINVEST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/navReinvest |
otherDist | | decimal | 5594 | in_other_dist | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | OTHER_DIST | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/otherDist |
stkdivFlag | | string | 10428 | in_stkdiv_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | STKDIV_FLAG | VARCHAR2(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/stkdivFlag |
stkspltFlag | | string | 10429 | in_stksplt_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | STKSPLT_FLAG | VARCHAR2(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/stkspltFlag |
preFvPrice | | decimal | 2502 | in_pre_fv_price | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRE_FV_PRICE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/preFvPrice |
marketDate | | date | 2410 | in_market_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | MARKET_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/marketDate |
userDate1 | | date | 5618 | in_user_date1 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_DATE1 | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userDate1 |
userDate2 | | date | 5619 | in_user_date2 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_DATE2 | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userDate2 |
userDate3 | | date | 5620 | in_user_date3 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_DATE3 | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userDate3 |
userFee1 | | decimal | 5621 | in_user_fee1 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_FEE1 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee1 |
userFee2 | | decimal | 5622 | in_user_fee2 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_FEE2 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee2 |
userFee3 | | decimal | 5623 | in_user_fee3 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_FEE3 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee3 |
userNav1 | | decimal | 5624 | in_user_nav1 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_NAV1 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav1 |
userNav2 | | decimal | 5625 | in_user_nav2 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_NAV2 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav2 |
userNav3 | | decimal | 5626 | in_user_nav3 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_NAV3 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav3 |
userNav4 | | decimal | 5627 | in_user_nav4 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_NAV4 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav4 |
userNav5 | | decimal | 5628 | in_user_nav5 | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | USER_NAV5 | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav5 |
sourceDetail | | string | 5669 (2503) | in_source_detail | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SOURCE_DETAIL | VARCHAR2(255) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceDetail |
sourceFieldName | | string | 5611 | in_source_field_name | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SOURCE_FIELD_NAME | CHAR(30) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceFieldName |
sourceLevel | | decimal | 5612 | in_source_level | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SOURCE_LEVEL | NUMBER | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceLevel |
sourceSrcIntfcName | | string | 5613 | in_source_src_intfc_name | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SOURCE_SRC_INTFC_NAME | CHAR(15) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceSrcIntfcName |
sourceSrcIntfcInst | | integer | 4855 | in_source_src_intfc_inst | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SOURCE_SRC_INTFC_INST | NUMBER | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceSrcIntfcInst |
priceCurrency | | string | 1111 | in_price_currency | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_CURRENCY | CHAR(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceCurrency |
percentChange1m | | decimal | 18434 | in_percent_change_1m | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_1M | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChange1m |
percentChange3m | | decimal | 18435 | in_percent_change_3m | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_3M | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChange3m |
percentChange6m | | decimal | 18436 | in_percent_change_6m | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_6M | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChange6m |
percentChange1yr | | decimal | 18437 | in_percent_change_1yr | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_1YR | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChange1yr |
percentChangeWtd | | decimal | 18438 | in_percent_change_wtd | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_WTD | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChangeWtd |
percentChangeMtd | | decimal | 18439 | in_percent_change_mtd | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_MTD | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChangeMtd |
percentChangeQtd | | decimal | 18440 | in_percent_change_qtd | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_QTD | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChangeQtd |
percentChangeYtd | | decimal | 18441 | in_percent_change_ytd | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PERCENT_CHANGE_YTD | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/percentChangeYtd |
pxDirtyClean | | string | 18442 | in_px_dirty_clean | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_DIRTY_CLEAN | VARCHAR2(255) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxDirtyClean |
pxSettle | | decimal | 18443 | in_px_settle | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SETTLE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxSettle |
pxSettleLastDate | | date | 18444 | in_px_settle_last_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SETTLE_LAST_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxSettleLastDate |
quotedSpec | | string | 18445 | in_quoted_spec | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | QUOTED_SPEC | VARCHAR2(255) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/quotedSpec |
settlementType | | string | 18446 | in_settlement_type | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | SETTLEMENT_TYPE | VARCHAR2(255) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/settlementType |
actualSettlementPrice | | decimal | 18582 | in_px_settle_actual | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SETTLE_ACTUAL | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/actualSettlementPrice |
actualSettlementPriceDate | | date | 18583 | in_px_settle_actual_date | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_SETTLE_ACTUAL_DATE | DATE | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/actualSettlementPriceDate |
marketStatus | | MarketStatusEnum | 18584 | in_market_status | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | MARKET_STATUS | VARCHAR2(15) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/marketStatus |
foreignInstitutionalInvestorLimit | | decimal | 18585 | in_fii_limit | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | FII_LIMIT | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/foreignInstitutionalInvestorLimit |
cleanDirtyFlag | | CleanDirtyFlagEnum | 18586 | in_clean_dirty_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | CLEAN_DIRTY_FLAG | VARCHAR2(1) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanDirtyFlag |
exchangeListedFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 18587 | in_exchange_listed_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | EXCHANGE_LISTED_FLAG | VARCHAR2(1) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/exchangeListedFlag |
holidayFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 18588 | in_holiday_flag | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | HOLIDAY_FLAG | VARCHAR2(1) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/holidayFlag |
allowPastRate | | YesNoOptionEnum | 7001 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/allowPastRate |
bloombergError | | string | 7740 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bloombergError |
sourceDescription | | string | 1103 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceDescription |
sourceComments | | string | 5669 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/sourceComments |
currencyLastCharacter | | string | 7060 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/currencyLastCharacter |
askPriceFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 7040 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/askPriceFlag |
bidPriceFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 7041 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bidPriceFlag |
lastPriceFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 7044 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastPriceFlag |
midPriceFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 7045 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/midPriceFlag |
pXQuoteLotSize | | decimal | 7960 | | not stored in DB, used for resolution logic | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pXQuoteLotSize |
lastPriceCondition | | string | 7015 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastPriceCondition |
askPriceCondition | | string | 7016 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/askPriceCondition |
bidPriceCondition | | string | 7017 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bidPriceCondition |
price | | decimal | 7723 | in_current_value | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE | NUMBER(28,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/price |
pricePriceCondition | | string | 7018 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pricePriceCondition |
midPriceCondition | | string | 7019 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/midPriceCondition |
originalPriceCondition | | string | 7021 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/originalPriceCondition |
priceTypeCodeCondition | | string | 7022 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceTypeCodeCondition |
unitsCondition | | string | 7023 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/unitsCondition |
fairValueFactorCondition | | string | 7025 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValueFactorCondition |
useVendorReloadProcess | | integer | 9916 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/useVendorReloadProcess |
confidenceInterval | | decimal | 10957 | in_confidence_interval | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/confidenceInterval |
bloombergAskPriceScore | | decimal | 18348 | in_ask_score | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | ASK_SCORE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bloombergAskPriceScore |
bloombergBidPriceScore | | decimal | 18349 | in_bid_score | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | BID_SCORE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bloombergBidPriceScore |
bloombergMidPriceScore | | decimal | 18350 | in_mid_score | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | MID_SCORE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bloombergMidPriceScore |
bloombergQuoteCode | | decimal | 10381 | in_quote_type | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | QUOTE_TYPE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bloombergQuoteCode |
finalValidationNumber | | integer | 4891 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/finalValidationNumber |
dirtyPriceCondition | | string | 7050 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyPriceCondition |
openPriceCondition | | string | 7046 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/openPriceCondition |
originalVendorSource | | string | 16859 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/originalVendorSource |
commentsOverrideFlag | | YesNoOptionEnum | 1257 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/commentsOverrideFlag |
useRdcPricing | | YesNoOptionEnum | | | Toggles RDC load mode if set to Y | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/useRdcPricing |
payRecIndicator | | string | 4590 | | SECURITYDBO | SWAPS | PAY_RECEIVE_IND | VARCHAR2(10) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/payRecIndicator |
closingPriceCondition | | string | 7018 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/closingPriceCondition |
oidYieldPriceCondition | | string | 7224 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/oidYieldPriceCondition |
highPriceCondition | | string | 7112 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/highPriceCondition |
lowPriceCondition | | string | 7096 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lowPriceCondition |
referencePriceCondition | | string | 7120 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/referencePriceCondition |
nominalDirtyPriceCondition | | string | 7100 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/nominalDirtyPriceCondition |
cleanInclOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7204 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanInclOptionPriceCondition |
dirtyInclOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7208 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyInclOptionPriceCondition |
cleanExclOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7212 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/cleanExclOptionPriceCondition |
dirtyExclOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7216 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/dirtyExclOptionPriceCondition |
callOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7156 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/callOptionPriceCondition |
putOptionPriceCondition | | string | 7124 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/putOptionPriceCondition |
fairValuePriceCondition | | string | 7244 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValuePriceCondition |
fairValueInclAccruedCondition | | string | 7248 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fairValueInclAccruedCondition |
averagePriceCondition | | string | 7128 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/averagePriceCondition |
fixingPriceCondition | | string | 7092 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/fixingPriceCondition |
grossAskPriceCondition | | string | 7140 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossAskPriceCondition |
grossBidPriceCondition | | string | 7144 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossBidPriceCondition |
grossMidPriceCondition | | string | 7148 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/grossMidPriceCondition |
midClosePriceCondition | | string | 7132 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/midClosePriceCondition |
meanPriceCondition | | string | 7136 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/meanPriceCondition |
nominalPriceCondition | | string | 7152 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/nominalPriceCondition |
officialClosePriceCondition | | string | 7029 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/officialClosePriceCondition |
vwapClosePriceCondition | | string | 7240 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/vwapClosePriceCondition |
askAdrPriceCondition | | string | 7228 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/askAdrPriceCondition |
bidAdrPriceCondition | | string | 7232 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/bidAdrPriceCondition |
lastAdrPriceCondition | | string | 7236 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastAdrPriceCondition |
lastUpdatePriceCondition | | string | 7196 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/lastUpdatePriceCondition |
naicPriceCondition | | string | 7116 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/naicPriceCondition |
navCurrentPriceCondition | | string | 7200 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/navCurrentPriceCondition |
userFee1PriceCondition | | string | 7168 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee1PriceCondition |
userFee2PriceCondition | | string | 7160 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee2PriceCondition |
userFee3PriceCondition | | string | 7164 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userFee3PriceCondition |
userNav1PriceCondition | | string | 7172 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav1PriceCondition |
userNav2PriceCondition | | string | 7176 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav2PriceCondition |
userNav3PriceCondition | | string | 7180 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav3PriceCondition |
userNav4PriceCondition | | string | 7184 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav4PriceCondition |
userNav5PriceCondition | | string | 7188 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/userNav5PriceCondition |
pxSettleCondition | | string | 7088 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxSettleCondition |
actualSettlementPriceCondition | | string | 7192 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/actualSettlementPriceCondition |
pxYestPriceCondition | | string | 7054 | | not stored in DB | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxYestPriceCondition |
extendedUpdate | | string | 7105 | | When the price is the same as the current value in the system and the extendedUpdate is set to Y, the price load will update the record for the following elements: Market Date, Current Price, Price Level, Volume, Source Detail Original Vendor Source, Confidence Interval, Price Condition | | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/extendedUpdate |
pricingEntityId | | string | 7107 | in_entity_id | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | ENTITY_ID | CHAR(8) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pricingEntityId |
priceConversionFxRate | | decimal | 7682 | in_price_conversion_fx_rate | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_CONVERSION_FX_RATE | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceConversionFxRate |
priceConversionFxSource | | string | 7108 | in_price_conv_fx_source | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PRICE_CONV_FX_SOURCE | VARCHAR2(15) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/priceConversionFxSource |
pxYest | | decimal | 7728 | in_px_yest | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_YEST | NUMBER(38,12) | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/pxYest |
payPriceLeg | Pay Price Leg Model | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/payPriceLeg |
receivePriceLeg | Receive Price Leg Model | EagleML/referenceTransaction/exchangePrice/receivePriceLeg |
Pay Price Leg Model |
notionalAmount | | decimal | 7683 | in_pay_leg_notional | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PAY_LEG_NOTIONAL | NUMBER(38,12) | ../notionalAmount |
price | | decimal | 7680 | in_pay_leg_price_or_mv | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PAY_LEG_PRICE_OR_MV | NUMBER(38,12) | ../price |
marketValue | | decimal | 7680 | in_pay_leg_price_or_mv | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PAY_LEG_PRICE_OR_MV | NUMBER(38,12) | ../marketValue |
Receive Price Leg Model |
notionalAmount | | decimal | 7684 | in_rec_leg_notional | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | REC_LEG_NOTIONAL | NUMBER(38,12) | ../notionalAmount |
price | | decimal | 7681 | in_rec_leg_price_or_mv | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | REC_LEG_PRICE_OR_MV | NUMBER(38,12) | ../price |
marketValue | | decimal | 7681 | in_rec_leg_price_or_mv | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | REC_LEG_PRICE_OR_MV | NUMBER(38,12) | ../marketValue |