SiteSee-EJM Configuration Steps

SiteSee-EJM Configuration Steps

This information applies to Eagle ACCESS clients only.  Any Eagle ACCESS client that wants to change their process to use this approach must first discuss this with their Eagle TOM.  The TOM will then work with the appropriate Eagle ACCESS personnel to gain approval and have the necessary configuration changes made on the SiteSee database side.


Eagle ACCESS has a process called SiteSee that performs a number of tasks.  As far as EJM is concerned, the key task is that SiteSee will move files to a desired destination folder. 

In addition, SiteSee resolves pooling issues like overloading FTP connection when an FTP plugin is used, since the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ea_ftp_reader stream gets information about a file only from the database. 

To Configure SiteSee-EJM Integration

To configure SiteSee-EJM integration on a particular region perform the following steps:

  1. Delete or disable the ftp stream which reads from the cmw/control folder.

  2. Add these lines to w_config_custom.inc file:

    <!-- Variables for schedule rules --> <CODE>   :W_MONITOR_ENABLED::='Y';   :W_CM_EA_FTP_READER_ENABLED::='N';   :SITESEE_DB_TNS::='test';   :SITESEE_DB_USER::='test';   :SITESEE_DB_PWD::='base64vig~aTeSt==';   :SITESEE_FTP_CHECK_TIME::='180';   :SITESEE_FTP_SUBFOLDER::='CONTROL'; </CODE>

    And this code to get alerts using own ip for a region:

    <!--E-mail,Alert Settings--> <COL TAG="W_SMTPSERVER" EXPRESSION="''" /> <COL TAG="W_SMTPPORT" EXPRESSION="'25'" /> <!-- ServiceNow Alert Settings--> <COL TAG="W_EAS_MAIL_LIST" EXPRESSION=":W_EAS_MAIL_LIST:+',example@eagleinvsys.com'"/>

    This step is optional and depends on the UsePaceScheduler value set in msgservice.ini of the environment:

    • If UsePaceScheduler=1 in msgservice.ini then it is necessary to create a schedule for eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring and eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ea_ftp_reader using the steps in this page.

    • If UsePaceScheduler=0 in msgservice.ini then check the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring stream, it should start every 30 seconds.

    If you decide to change the UsePaceScheduler value, it is necessary to restart Message Center for all instances.

  3. Send to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ea_ftp_reader a cleanup file with the following content:


    Check the result of cleanup in the status of eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ea_ftp_reader.

  4. Change


    in the w_config_custom.inc include.

  5. Restart Message Center for all instances.

Each time you decide to change the password for SiteSee you should restart the MC to apply the changes.