Define EXTRACT Options
There are several conventional task parameter setups used with the EXTRACT action type, depending on the type of interface and outgoing file. You can also specify SQL filters to limit the records obtained from the Eagle data warehouse to specific effective dates, entities, and securities. Or, limit the maximum number of rows to retrieve from the database.
You can do the following:
The EXTRACT action type allows you to output data of key data categories within the Eagle product suite and to leverage Message Center capabilities to transport over various protocols and using various formats. The extract process uses a foundational technology within the Eagle product suite called EJM; this stands for Eagle’s external job management and is used to manage and control the extract workflow.
Setup for EagleML Tag Value/XML Extracts
You can create tag value extract files or XML extract files containing information retrieved from the Eagle data warehouse by using the default EagleML message streams with the following <taskParameter> paired options:
<name> = ActionType and <value> = EXTRACT
<name> = StreamName and <value> = eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q
<name> = OutputFormat and <value> = TagValue (or NULL for XML)
<name> = Compress and <value> = Y (use this option if you want to compress data after extraction)
<name> = FeedType and <value> = Options listed below
The table below lists the feed type options and descriptions used to create the tag value or XML extract file with filtered results.
Object Group | Object Name | Feed Type | Q-rule Filename | T-rule Filename | T-rule streaming Filename |
Entity | Composite Entity List | ENTITYCOMPOSITELISTEXTRACT | extract_entity_composite_list.xml | t_entity_composite_list.xml |
Entity Manager Relationship | ENTITYMANAGERRELEXTRACT | extract_entity_manager_relationship.xml | t_entity_manager_relationship.xml |
| |
Entity Share Class | ENTITYSHARECLASSEXTRACT | extract_entity_share_class.xml | t_entity_share_class.xml | t_entity_share_class_streaming.xml | |
Entity Accounting Basis | ENTITYACCBASISEXTRACT | extract_entity_accounting_basis.xml | t_entity_accounting_basis.xml |
| |
Entity Bank Relationship | ENTITYBANKRELEXTRACT | extract_entity_bank_relationship.xml | t_entity_bank_relationship.xml |
| |
Entity Manager | ENTITYMANAGEREXTRACT | extract_entity_manager.xml | t_entity_manager.xml |
| |
Entity XREF | ENTITYXREFEXTRACT | extract_entity_xref.xml | t_entity_xref.xml |
| |
Entity List* | ENTITYLISTEXTRACT | extract_entity_list.xml | t_entity_list.xml |
| |
Entities In List* | ENTITYLISTLISTEXTRACT | extract_entity_list_list.xml | t_entity_list_list.xml |
| |
Generic Entity | ENTITYEXTRACT | extract_entity.xml | t_entity.xml | t_entity_streaming.xml | |
Entity Accounting Periods | ENTITYACCPERIODSEXTRACT | extract_entity_accounting_periods.xml | t_entity_accounting_periods.xml |
| |
Rule | Primary Mixed Cost Basis Rule | RULEPRIMCOSTBASISEXTRACT | extract_rule_primary_mixed_cost_basis.xml | t_rule_primary_mixed_cost_basis.xml |
Contract Cash Rule | RULECONTRACTCASHEXTRACT | extract_rule_contract_cash.xml | t_rule_contract_cash.xml |
| |
Contractual Cash Settlement Rule | RULECCSETTLEMENTEXTRACT | extract_rule_contractual_cash_settlement.xml | t_rule_contractual_cash_settlement.xml |
| |
Earn Thru Rule | RULEEARNTHRUEXTRACT | extract_rule_earn_thru.xml | t_rule_earn_thru.xml |
| |
Basis Processing Rule | RULEBASISPROCEXTRACT | extract_rule_basis_processing.xml | t_rule_basis_processing.xml |
| |
Backup Withholding Rule | RULEBUWITHHOLDINGEXTRACT | extract_rule_backup_withholding.xml | t_rule_backup_withholding.xml |
| |
Month End Date Rule | RULEMONTHENDDATEEXTRACT | extract_rule_month_end_date.xml | t_rule_month_end_date.xml |
| |
Amortization Schedule Rule | RULEAMORTSCHDLEXTRACT | extract_rule_amort_schedule.xml | t_rule_accounting.xml |
| |
Accounting Rule | RULEACCOUNTINGEXTRACT | extract_rule_accounting.xml | t_rule_amort_schedule.xml |
| |
SMF | Generic SMF | SMFEXTRACT | extract_smf.xml | t_smf.xml | t_smf_streaming.xml |
Reference | Code Translation | CODETRANEXTRACT | extract_codetran.xml | t_codes.xml |
Code Value | CODEVALEXTRACT | extract_codeval.xml | t_codeval.xml |
| |
Code Category | CODEEXTRACT | extract_codes.xml | t_codetran.xml |
| |
Cash Projections | CASHPROJECTIONSEXTRACT | extract_cash_projections.xml | t_cash_projections.xml |
| |
Error Definition | EXCEPTIONDEFEXTRACT | extract_exception_definition.xml | t_exception_definition.xml |
| |
Demand List | DEMANDLIST | extract_demandlist.xml | t_demandlist.xml |
| |
Calendar Business Dates | CALBUSINESSDATESEXTRACT | extract_calendar_business_dates.xml | t_calendar_business_dates.xml |
| |
Calendar | REFCALENDAREXTRACT | extract_ref_calendar.xml | t_ref_calendar.xml |
| |
Calendar Holiday | REFCALENDARHOLIDAYEXTRACT | extract_ref_calendar_holiday.xml | t_ref_calendar_holiday.xml |
| |
Run Time Stamps | RPTTIMESTAMPS | extract_time_stamps.xml | t_time_stamps.xml |
| |
Rating | RATINGSEXTRACT | extract_rating.xml | t_rating.xml |
| |
Entity Entitlement List | ENTITYENTITLEMENTLISTEXTRACT | extract_ref_entity_entitlement_list.xml |
| t_ref_entity_entitlement_list_streaming.xml | |
Ledger Notes | LEDGERNOTESEXTRACT | extract_ref_ledger_notes.xml | t_ref_ledger_notes.xml | t_ref_ledger_notes_streaming.xml | |
Security related | SMF Identifiers | XREFEXTRACT | extract_xref.xml | t_xref.xml |
Exchange Price | ISSUEEXCHANGEPRICEEXTRACT | extract_issueprice_exchange.xml | t_issueprice_exchange.xml |
| |
Issue Variable Rate | ISSUEVARRATEEXTRACT | extract_issue_variable_rate.xml | t_issue_variable_rate.xml | t_issue_variable_rate_streaming.xml | |
Issue Fx Rate | ISSUEFXRATEEXTRACT | extract_issue_fx_rate.xml | t_issue_fx_rate.xml | t_issue_fx_rate_streaming.xml | |
Issue Price | ISSUEPRICEEXTRACT | extract_issueprice.xml | t_issueprice.xml | t_issueprice_streaming.xml | |
Issue Fx Pc Rate | ISSUEFXPCRATEEXTRACT | extract_issue_fx_pc_rate.xml | t_issue_fx_pc_rate.xml | t_issue_fx_pc_rate_streaming.xml | |
Generic Issue Analytic | GENISSUEANALYTICEXTRACT | extract_generic_issue_analytic.xml | t_generic_issue_analytic.xml |
| |
Schedule | SCHEDULEEXTRACT | extract_schedule.xml | t_schedule.xml | t_schedule_streaming.xml | |
GIPS Composite | REFGIPSCOMPOSITEEXTRACT | extract_ref_gips_composite.xml | t_ref_gips_composite.xml |
| |
GIPS Disclosure | REFGIPSDISCLOSUREEXTRACT | extract_ref_gips_disclosure.xml | t_ref_gips_disclosure.xml |
| |
Time Series | REFTIMESERIESEXTRACT | extract_ref_time_series.xml | t_ref_time_series.xml |
| |
Trade Quote | REFTRADEQUOTESEXTRACT | extract_ref_trade_quotes.xml | t_ref_trade_quotes.xml |
| |
Yield Curve | YIELDCURVEEXTRACT | extract_ref_yield_curve.xml | t_ref_yield_curve.xml |
| |
Forward Points | FORWARDPOINTSEXTRACT | extract_forwardpoints.xml | t_forward_points.xml | t_forward_points_streaming.xml | |
Factor | FACTOREXTRACT | extract_ref_factor.xml | t_ref_factor.xml | t_ref_factor_streaming.xml | |
Issuer | Issuer | GENISSUEREXTRACT | extract_generic_issuer.xml | t_generic_issuer.xml |
Issuer Rating | ISSUERRATINGEXTRACT | extract_issuer_rating.xml | t_issuer_rating.xml |
| |
Issuer Organization | ISSUERORGEXTRACT | extract_issuer_org.xml | t_issuer_org.xml |
| |
Issuer Relationship | ISSUERRELEXTRACT | extract_issuer_relationship.xml | t_issuer_rel.xml |
| |
Issuer Role | ISSUERROLEEXTRACT | extract_issuer_role.xml | t_issuer_role.xml |
| |
Warehouse | Warehouse Pending Trade | WRHSPENDINGTRADESEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_pending_trades.xml | t_warehouse_pending_trades.xml | t_warehouse_pending_trades_streaming.xml |
Warehouse Custody Activity | WRHSCSTDACTIVITYEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_custody_activity.xml | t_warehouse_custody_activity.xml | t_warehouse_custody_activity_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Custody Balance | WRHSCSTDBALANCEEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_custody_balance.xml | t_warehouse_custody_balance.xml | t_warehouse_custody_balance_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Cash Activity | WRHSCASHACTIVITYEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_cash_activity.xml | t_warehouse_cash_activity.xml | t_warehouse_cash_activity_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Performance | WRHSPERFORMANCEEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_performance.xml | t_warehouse_performance.xml | t_warehouse_performance_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Close Lot | WRHSCLOSELOTEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_closelot.xml | t_warehouse_close_lot.xml | t_warehouse_close_lot_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Position | WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_position.xml | t_warehouse_position.xml | t_warehouse_position_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Open Lot | WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_openlot.xml | t_warehouse_openlot.xml | t_warehouse_openlot_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Trade | WRHSTRADEEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_trade.xml | t_warehouse_trade.xml | t_warehouse_trade_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse NAV Multi | WRHSNAVMULTIEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_nav_multi.xml | t_warehouse_nav_multi.xml | t_warehouse_nav_multi_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse NAV | WRHSNAVEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_nav.xml | t_warehouse_nav.xml | t_warehouse_nav_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse General Ledger Balances | WRHSGLDETAILPOSTINGEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_gl_detail_posting.xml | t_warehouse_gl_detail_posting.xml | t_warehouse_gl_detail_posting_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Broker Trade Quote | WRHSBROKTRDQUOTEEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_brokertradequote.xml | t_warehouse_brokertradequote.xml | t_warehouse_brokertradequote_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse Cash Flow Projection | WRHSCASHFLOWPROJEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_cash_flow_proj.xml | t_warehouse_cash_flow_proj.xml | t_warehouse_cash_flow_proj_streaming.xml | |
Warehouse SPD Delta Log | WRHSSPDDELTALOGEXTRACT | extract_warehouse_spd_delta_log.xml | t_warehouse_spd_delta_log.xml | t_warehouse_spd_delta_log_streaming.xm | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Corporate Action | Generic Corporate Actions | GENCORPACTIONSEXTRACT | extract_generic_corporate_actions.xml | t_generic_corporate_actions.xml | t_generic_corporate_actions_streaming |
Voluntary CA Election | VOLCAELECTIONEXTRACT | extract_voluntary_ca_election.xml | t_voluntary_ca_election.xml | t_voluntary_ca_election_streaming.xml | |
Client | Client | CLIENTEXTRACT | extract_client.xml | t_client.xml |
Client Communication | CLIENTCOMMEXTRACT | extract_clientcommunication.xml | t_clientcommunication.xml |
| |
Accounting | Accounting Trade | ACCOUNTINGTRADEEXTRACT | extract_financial_event.xml | t_accounting_trade.xml |
Financial Event | FINANCIALEVENTEXTRACT | extract_financial_event.xml | t_financial_event.xml |
| |
Traded Cash Activity | TRADEDCAEXTRACT | extract_acct_traded_cash_activity.xml | t_acct_traded_cash_activity.xml | t_acct_traded_cash_activity_streaming.xml | |
Settled Cash Activity | SETTLEDCAEXTRACT | extract_acct_settled_cash_activity.xml | t_acct_settled_cash_activity.xml | t_acct_settled_cash_activity_streaming.xml | |
Accounting GL Activity | GLACTIVITYEXTRACT | extract_acct_gl_activity.xml | t_acct_gl_activity.xml | t_acct_gl_activity_streaming.xml | |
Accrued Income | ACCRUEDINCOMEEXTRACT | extract_accrued_income.xml | t_accrued_income.xml | t_accrued_income_streaming.xml | |
Subscribe Redeem | SUBSCRIBEREEDEMEXTRACT | extract_acct_subscribe_reedem.xml | t_acct_subscribe_reedem.xml | t_acct_subscribe_reedem_streaming.xml | |
Daily Yield Mill Rate | DAILYYIELDMILLRATEEXTRACT | extract_acct_daily_yield_mill_rate.xml | t_acct_daily_yield_mill_rate.xml | t_acct_daily_yield_mill_rate_streaming.xml | |
Cash Journal | CASHJOURNALEXTRACT | extract_acct_cash_journal.xml | t_acct_cash_journal.xml | t_acct_cash_journal_streaming.xml | |
Unsettled Transactions | UNSETTLEDTRANSACTIONSEXTRACT | extract_acct_unsettled_transactions.xml | t_acct_unsettled_transactions.xml | t_acct_unsettled_transactions_streaming.xml | |
Realized Gain Loss | REALIZEDGAINLOSSEXTRACT | extract_acct_realized_gain_loss.xml | t_acct_realized_gain_loss.xml | t_acct_realized_gain_loss_streaming.xml | |
Consearned Income | CONSEARNEDINCOMEEXTRACT | extract_acct_cons_earned_inc.xml | t_acct_cons_earned_inc.xml | t_acct_cons_earned_inc_streaming.xml | |
Distribution Activity | DISTRIBUTIONACTEXTRACT | extract_acct_distribution_activity.xml | t_acct_distribution_activity.xml | t_acct_distribution_activity_streaming.xml | |
Custom Ledger Account | CUSTLEDGERACCTEXTRACT | extract_acct_custom_ledger_account.xml | t_acct_custom_ledger_account.xml | t_acct_custom_ledger_account_streaming.xml | |
Unapproved Variation Margin | UNAPPROVEDVARMARGINEXTRACT | extract_acct_unapproved_var_margin.xml | t_acct_unapproved_var_margin.xml | t_acct_unapproved_var_margin_streaming.xml | |
Trial Balance | TRIALBALANCEEXTRACT | extract_acct_trial_balance.xml | t_acct_trial_balance.xml | t_acct_trial_balance_streaming.xml | |
Open Rec Pay Multi | OPENRECPAYMULTIEXTRACT | extract_acct_open_rec_pay_multi.xml | t_acct_open_rec_pay_multi.xml | t_acct_open_rec_pay_multi_streaming.xml | |
Accounting Intraday NAV | INTRADAYNAVEXTRACT | extract_acct_intraday_nav.xml | t_acct_intraday_nav.xml | t_acct_intraday_nav_streaming.xml | |
Accounting NAV for NASDAQ | NAVFORNASDAQEXTRACT | extract_acct_nav_for_nasdaq.xml | t_acct_nav_for_nasdaq.xml | t_acct_nav_for_nasdaq_streaming.xml | |
Accounting Rejection | REJECTIONEXTRACT | extract_acct_rejection.xml | t_acct_event_rejection.xml | |
Please note the difference between ENTITYLISTLISTEXTRACT and ENTITYLISTEXTRACT.
For example, you have an entity called TESTLIST of 'LIST' type and there are 4 portfolios on it:
- VOL01
- VOL02
- VOL03
- VOL04
If you perform an ENTITYLISTLISTEXTRACT, all 5 records will be extracted, including the entity of LIST type (TESTLIST, VOL01, VOL02, VOL03, VOL04)
If you perform an ENTITYLISTEXTRACT, 4 records will be extracted, the entity of LIST type will be ignored (VOL01, VOL02, VOL03, VOL04).
Setup for STAR Tag Value Extracts
You can create STAR tag value extract files with information retrieved from the EAGLE data warehouse using the Eagle default STAR extract message stream with the following <taskParameter> paired options:
<name> = ActionType and <value> = EXTRACT
<name> = StreamName and <value> = eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_star_extracts
<name> = FeedType and <value> = Options listed below
The table below lists the feed type options, descriptions, and Eagle report panels used by the STAR extract message stream to create the STAR tag value extract file with filtered results.
Feed Type Option | Description | Message Stream Panel |
DIST_ACTIVITY | Distribution Activity | Panel: reports/pan-ec_distribution_activity.htm |
EXPENSE | Expense Activity | Panel: reports/pan-ec_expenseactivity.htm |
INCOME | Income Activity | Panel: reports/pan-ec_income_detail_extract.htm |
MGR_ALLOCATION | Manager Allocation | Panel: account/pan-listmanagerallocation.htm |
RPT_MAN_LEDGER_ADJ | Ledger Adjustments | Panel: reports/pan-ec_ledger_adj_rpt.htm |
SETTLED_CASH | Settled Cash | Panel: reports/pan-ec_settledcash.htm |
SHAREHOLDER_ACTIVITY | Shareholder Activity | Panel: reports/pan-ec_shareholderactivity.htm |
TRADED_CASH | Traded Cash | Panel: reports/pan-ec_tradedcash.htm |
TRD_ACTIVITY | Trade Activity | Panel: reports/pan-ec_tradeactivity.htm |