Report Dictionary Outbound Interface Details

Report Dictionary Outbound Interface Details

Counting Records Logic

For example: 
Dictionary A contains:
 - Dictionary Detail #1
 - Security Link #2
 - Security Link #3
Dictionary B contains:
- Dictionary Detail #4
- Security Link #5
Dictionary C doesn’t contain Security Links or Dictionary Details.

Default Scenario

By default the logic counts "Security Links" records in all extracted dictionaries. 
In this case total count = 3 (security links #2, #3, #5) and the extract file will be named: [corrID]_DICTIONARYEXTRACT_3_[date].xml. Final TSR will have SUCCESS status and include extract file name value.

excludesecuritylinksflag set to Y in the RTR

Security links are ignored and only "Dictionary Detail" records are counted in all extracted dictionaries.
Based on example above:
Total count = 2 (dictionary details #1, #4 and extract file will be named: [corrID]_DICTIONARYEXTRACT_2_[date].xml. Final TSR will have SUCCESS status and include extract file name value. 

Other cases

  1. excludesecuritylinksflag is set to N or empty and there are no "Security Links" records in extract, but there are some "Dictionary Detail" records
    Total count = 0 and extract file will be named: [corrID]_DICTIONARYEXTRACT_0_[date].xml. Final TSR will have NO_DATA status and will not include extract file name value.

  2. excludesecuritylinksflag is set to Y and there are no "Dictionary Detail" records in extract, but there are some "Security Links" records
    Total count = 0 and extract file will be named: [corrID]_DICTIONARYEXTRACT_0_[date].xml. Final TSR will have NO_DATA status and will not include extract file name value.

  3. There are neither "Dictionary Detail" nor "Security Links" records in the extract, but there are other data records (for example, <level> , <format>) 
    Total count = 0 and extract file will be named: [corrID]_DICTIONARYEXTRACT_0_[date].xml. Final TSR will have NO_DATA status and will not include extract file name value.

  4. After executing the SQL request to extract there are no extracted records (for example, if you populated dictionaryname filter with inexistent name)
    Total count doesn't make sense; extract file will not be created. Final TSR will have NO_DATA status and will not include extract file name value.

If you are using maxrows filter, current logic "restrict dictionary records in DICTIONARY table" remains.