Export Wiki Pages to PDF

Export Wiki Pages to PDF

When viewing a page, you can create a PDF file of the current page or multiple pages, which you can then view online and print.

To export a PDF:

  1. Click the ellipsis () at the top of the page and select Export with Scroll PDF Exporter from the menu.
    You see the Exporting PDF box.

    Exporting PDF box
  2. In the Template drop-down list, select one of the following BNY Data & Analytics templates. After you select a template, it appears as the default for future PDF exports.

    • D&A_Guide_Cover. Generates a PDF with a cover page, table of contents, and selected wiki page. Use with one wiki page or with a page and its children.

    • D&A_SinglePage_NoCover. Generates a PDF with no cover page, no table of contents, and selected wiki page. Use only with one wiki page.

  3. In the Export Scope drop-down list, you can select:
    This page and its children. Creates a PDF of the current page and any children pages for that page.
    - Only this page. Creates a PDF for just the current page.

  4. Click Export.
    You see a message showing the status of the export.

    Exporting PDF box
  5. Click Close. If you are using Google Chrome, you see the name of the PDF file at the top of the screen. Click the file name to open the PDF or click Downloads. Otherwise, you can use your browser to render the downloaded PDF in a new window.