Commitment Adjustment/Capital Call Panel Options

Commitment Adjustment/Capital Call Panel Options

You can use the Commitment Adjustment/Capital Call panel to adjust the commitment or to process a capital call for private equity. The following are the key options in the Commitment Adjustment/Capital Call panel. Note options may vary according to your selections.







Entity Information



Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Base Currency


Displays the base currency of the entity.

Issue Information



Effective Date


Specifies the effective date of the trade. The trade date cannot be greater than the post date, accounting date, settlement date, or the Investment Period End Date. If the trade date is greater than the Investment Period End Date, the system only provides a warning. The trade can still be processed.

Accounting Date


Specifies the date the trade is reported and has an effect on the entity's holdings and cash balances. The accounting date must be greater than the trade date.

Monthly Accounting Date


Displays the month end accounting date.

Settlement Date


Specifies the date the trade is settled.

Event Type


Displays the business intent of the transaction. For example, LPCOMMIT for a Commitment Adjustment transaction or LPCALL for a Call transaction for a private equity fund.

Long/Short Indicator


Displays an L (long) or S (short) to indicate whether the position is long or short.

Cross Reference Type


Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.



Specifies the trade ticker of the security.

Cross Reference ID


Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security.

Instrument Type


Displays the instrument type. For example, EQ.

Security Type


Displays the security type of the asset.

Issue Currency


Displays the local currency of the security.

Investment Period End Date


Displays the expected end date for the security’s investment period.

Call/ Commitment Information



Transaction Name


Identifies the name of the transaction. Options include:

  • Commitment Adjustment. Allows you to adjust the commitment by a specified amount.

  • Call. Allows you to process a capital call.

Select Lot


Identifies the lot you want to update. The lookup displays the holding established for the entity/security during the initial funding. The lookup displays the Target Event ID (Trade Date). A private equity position has a single lot.



Displays the traded quantity of the security. For example, 1.0.

Commitment Adjustment Amount


For Commitment Adjustment transactions, specifies the adjustment local amount of the commitment. You can enter a positive number to increase the total commitment, or enter a negative number to decrease the total commitment.

Cash Amount Local


For Commitment Adjustment transactions, you specify the local cash amount that funds the commitment. You must specify a value of zero or greater.

For Call transactions, specifies the local cash amount that funds the commitment. You must specify a value greater than zero. The system uses the cash to calculate the position Capital Calls field value rather than cost.

Settlement Currency


Specifies the currency in which the trade is settled. The issue currency appears by default but you can select any valid currency.

Settlement Net Amount


Displays the actual settled cash amount of the trade. If you enter a Settlement Currency that differs from the Asset Currency, the field unlocks and you can specify a value greater than zero.

Expense Amount Local


For Call transactions, you can specify a local expense amount of the trade. The system calculates the Cost Local as Local Cash Amount minus Expense Amount Local.

Expense Account Number


Specifies the ledger account number where the system posts the expense for the Expense Amount Local value. This field uses the PEEXPENSE code category. Options include;

  • 5004000450 (LP Expense). Default value for Call transaction.

Cost Local


For Commitment Adjustment transactions, specifies the local cost amount that adjusts the position cost and generates cash for the same amount. The amount you enter creates a cash disbursement for this amount, increases the Funded Capital (tag 18386) value, and decreases the Unfunded Commitment (tag 18388) value. You can only enter a positive value in this field.

For Call transactions, displays the local cost amount of the capital call. The event cost is equal to the Cash Amount minus the Expense.

Recallable Capital Local


For Call transactions, you can specify the local recallable amount of the cash distribution associated with the initial funding. You can input a positive or negative value. Leave this value as zero for non-recallable cash distributions. This amount decreases the Funded Capital (tag 18386) and increases the Unfunded Commitment (tag 18388) values.

Local to Base FX Rate


Specifies the foreign exchange rate used to calculate the net base amount. The value must be greater than zero.

Cash Base Amount


Displays the base cash amount of the trade. This amount is calculated based on the following formula: Local Net Amount / Local to Base FX Rate.

Expense Base Amount


For Call transactions, displays the base actual expense amount of the trade.

Cost Base


Displays the base cost amount of the trade. This amount is calculated based on the following formula: Local Net Amount / Local to Base FX Rate.

Recallable Capital Base


For Call transactions, displays the base recallable amount of the cash distribution associated with the initial funding. This amount decreases the Funded Capital (tag 18386) and increases the Unfunded Commitment (tag 18388) values. Leave this value as zero for non-recallable cash distributions.

Other Information



Auto Settle Trade Indicator


Indicates whether the system settles the trade automatically. If the entity's Auto Settle Indicator field is set to Yes, as specified on the Create/Edit Entity or Create Master Fund panels, the system creates a settlement when the trade is processed. There is no trade to settle date gain/loss. This applies even if the settlement date is in the future. Eagle recommends that you set the Auto Settle Indicator field to No for the entity and trade panels. Options include:

  • Yes. The system automatically settles the trade. The system retrieves the settle date FX rate if the local currency does not equal base and generates a trade to settle date gain/loss.

  • No. Default. The system does not automatically settle the trade. You must schedule the settlement for these transactions using the Run Contract Cash global panel. Or, manually settle the transactions using the Run Multiple Settlements panel. If you use cash segregation based on actual cash settlements, you can schedule settlements using the Run Cash Auto Match panel and create settlements manually using Cash Matching. 

Settle Instructions 1


Allows you to add settlement notes.

Settle Instructions 2


 Allows you to add settlement notes.

Settle Instructions 3 


Allows you to add settlement notes.

Settle Instructions 4


Allows you to add settlement notes.

Settle Location


Specifies the location in which the trade is settled.

Transaction Notes


Contains user defined information about the trade. This field uses the PECALLTYPE Code Category. Options include:

  • CAPITAL CALL. Capital Call. Default value for Call transaction.

  • CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION. Capital Contribution.

  • COMMITMENT ADJUST. Commitment Adjustment. Default value for Commitment Adjustment transaction.

  • IN COMMITMENT FEES. In Commitment Fees.

  • OUT COMMITMENT FEES. Outside Commitment Fees.

Original Trade Ticket Number


Specifies the trade ticket identification number. The system uses it during processing. For example, IDLOT close or cancel events use this number to locate an open lot.

Batch Identifier


Specifies the batch identifier. The system uses the Trade Ticket Number to set this value for the purpose of batch cancelling trades.

Pending Trade Flag


Specifies whether the trade is eligible for pending trade processing prior to processing by the STAR accounting engine. If you use pending trade processing, the system can assign this value to incoming transactions that meet pending trade rule detail criteria. Or an incoming transaction can include this value. This field is hidden. Options include Y and N.

Pending Trade Status


Specifies the trade's transaction status for pending trade processing prior to processing by the STAR accounting engine. If you use pending trade processing, the system can assign a value of Pending to incoming transactions that meet pending trade rule detail criteria. Or an incoming transaction can include a value of Pending or a custom pending transaction status value defined in the PEND_TRD_STATUS code category. The default status is Pending if no status is provided. This field is hidden.