Understand Error Severity When Using a Fund Approval Hierarchy

If you are creating, editing, or copying an edit test, you can attach the error code and function id to the edit test after saving it. Depending on your business needs, the fund approval levels required for an edit test can reflect the severity of the raise edit test rules. 

You can set the severity of raised edit test results at the following levels.

  • Error Dictionary Level. The first level is on the Error Codes, in the Errors Dictionary, which are attached to every edit test. You can select either High (creates a red failure) or Low (creates a yellow warning) for every Error Code.

  • Error Test Rule Level. The second approach allows you to set the Error Severity at a more granular level within the Control Center edit test rule in the test rule's Error Severity column. For example, if you have an edit test where you want a warning on 98% of the funds and a failure on 2%, you can set the Error Code as a warning (used for the 98%) and can then create and attach a distinct edit test/test rule with the Error Severity set to high (attached to 2% of funds). The Error Severity assigned in the Edit Test Rule always supersedes the more global Error Code setting. If you do not specify an Error Severity value in the edit test rule's Error Severity column, the system uses the error severity from the Errors Dictionary. 

  • Error Tolerance Level. The third approach allows you to set the Error Severity at the individual error tolerance level. You can use this approach for tolerance related edit test rules when you use the fund approval hierarchy and you require multiple levels of business review. 

When you set the error severity at the test rule level, you can choose a value of High, High2, High3, High4, or Low. You can use the High or Low values with test rules whether they do or do not use a fund approval hierarchy. If you use a fund approval hierarchy with the test rule, the High or Low value applies that error severity to the tolerances for approval role levels 1 to 4. The High2, High3, and High4 options in the Error Severity column are only for use with fund approval hierarchy approval levels. High2 applies a High error severity to tolerances defined for approval role levels 2, 3, 4. High3 applies a High error severity to tolerances defined for approval role levels 3, 4. High4 applies a High error severity to tolerances defined for approval role level 4. 

The Set Error Severity box describes this behavior between the Error Severity option selected and the tolerance levels defined. You can click a value in the Error Severity column to select that value.

Set Error Severity box

For more information on choosing an Error Severity option when you are maintaining an edit test rule, see Edit FAH Test Rules for Approval Levels.