Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule
In the Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule panel, you can delete a net investment income (NII) expense reimbursement tier rule. You can use this panel to delete the entire tier rule or to delete individual tier levels within a tier rule.
To delete an NII expense reimbursement rule:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Net Investment Income Distributions > Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule.
You see the Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule panel.In the NII Tier Rule field, select the name of the net investment income (NII) expense reimbursement tier rule you want to delete.
In the Chart of Account Name field, specify the name of the chart of account for the rules you want to delete.
In the Accounting Basis field, specify the accounting basis of the rules you want to delete.
Click Submit.
You see a list of NII expense reimbursement rules that met your criteria in the Show All tab.Select the check box for each row of the rule that you want to delete, and click Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule.
You see a row for each NII expense reimbursement rule you selected in the Delete NII Expense Reimbursement Rule action entry panel. A row represents a tier in the hierarchy. You cannot change any field values.Click Submit.
The system deletes the selected rules.