Adjust Waiver Postings

Adjust Waiver Postings

In the Create Expense or Waiver Adjustment panel, you can adjust basic waiver postings after processing expense accruals for the fund. You can adjust waivers on any open accounting date for any dollar amount.

To adjust waiver postings:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Expenses > Expense Adjustments > Create Expense or Waiver Adjustment.
    You see the Create Expense or Waiver Adjustment panel.

  2. Specify the entity, accounting basis, and share class for the waiver you want to adjust. 

  3. In the Adjustment Fee Type list, select Waiver. 

  4. In the Waiver Account box, select the account you want to adjust. 

  5. Complete the remaining options in the Create Expense or Waiver Adjustment panel.
    All fields, with the exception of the Ledger Notes field, are required.

  6. Click Submit.