Quarterly Schedule Descriptions

The NAIC Quarterly Schedules have the same information as their Annual Schedules counterparts, with information restricted to the specified quarter. Quarterly schedules involve the same types of schedules as generated on an annual basis:

  • BA Schedules

  • D Schedules

  • DA Schedules

  • DB Schedules

  • DL Schedules

  • E Schedules

There is an additional quarterly schedule available that has no annual equivalent:

  • D Schedule D – Part 1B

Schedule D – Part 1B is the Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Non-Trading Activity During the Current Quarter for all Bonds and Preferred Stock by Rating Class NAIC schedule. The schedule lists acquisitions, dispositions, and non-trading activity during the current quarter for long term and short-term bonds and preferred stock, by rating class. Non-trading activity includes amortization/accretion, unrealized gains/losses, and other accounting adjustments.

Schedule D Part 1B