Post Daily Fund Unrealized Gain Loss-Position Panel Options

Post Daily Fund Unrealized Gain Loss-Position Panel Options

The following are the options in the Post Daily Fund Unrealized Gain Loss-Position pane, which you can use to post unrealized gain/loss. Note options may vary according to your selections. 







Daily unrealized gain loss posting



Select Run Option


Specifies the query criteria.
Options include:

  • One Entity/One Security

  • One Entity/All Securities

  • All Entities/One Security

  • All Entities/All Securities

Entity ID


Specifies the unique entity identifier.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Portfolio Currency


Specifies the portfolio currency.

Accounting Basis


Specifies the accounting basis.

Cross Reference Type


Specifies the cross reference type.

Cross Reference ID


Specifies the cross reference identifier.

Replay URGL Through Current Date


Indicates whether to reprocess URGL for a date range. This field appears if you set the Select Run Option field to a value of One Entity/One Security.
Options include:

  • No. Default. Indicates you are processing URGL for the day specified in the Current Valuation Date field (tag 221).

  • Yes. Allows you to reprocess URGL for a date range. When you enter a backdated value for the Current Valuation Date field (tag 221), the Current Valuation Date provides the start date, and the hidden/locked Post Date field (tag 30) value provides the end date. The system assumes that if the Current Valuation Date field (tag 221) is backdated and the Replay URGL Through Current Date field is set to Yes, you want to run URGL through the current day (assuming the Post Date field value is today and locked). Use a calendar if you choose this option.

Current Valuation Date


Specifies the current valuation date.

Include Zero Holdings


Indicates whether to include positions with zero holdings during processing. Options include:

  • No. Default. Does not include positions with zero holdings.

  • Yes. Includes positions with zero holdings to recognize full sales and back out URGL for those positions.

NOTE: Selecting a value of Yes is recommended. Setting this field to Yes allows the system to process As Of zero positions.

Include Zero as of Date


Displays the date as of when to include zero holdings.