Manage Pricing for Performance NAV Processing

Manage Pricing for Performance NAV Processing

You can set up and use pricing information with Performance NAV Processing. You can use pricing either with Pricing Center or Reference Data Center (RDC) Pricing.

Set Up Vendor Price Load

Before you process Performance NAVs, you must set up Pricing Calculation Rules and Pricing Validation Rules to release the vendor original source prices and FX rates to the Perf NAV target sources. Depending on the way you implement pricing, you can do this either through Pricing Center or through RDC Pricing.

The STAR to PACE Direct process uses these prices and FX rates to calculate valuation on the holdings for the Performance PACE sourced data.

Set Up Forward Pricing

In order to price forwards using the Performance Valuation FX Target Source selected, when you use the Run Forward Pricing panel, you must set the Rate Source Type (tag 1256) field to a value of Performance.