About the Performance NAV Processing Workflow

About the Performance NAV Processing Workflow

You can use Performance NAV processing when you need the system to calculate an additional NAV on a monthly basis at an alternative pricing point to the normal NAV. For example, you can calculate the Performance NAV on the last business day of the month at a close of business (COB) valuation point. You can use this Performance NAV internally but this does not replace the existing daily process and information released to the market.

Performance NAV processing is available as part of the Eagle mutual fund accounting solution. It is not part of the Eagle performance measurement solution.

When you calculate the Performance NAV, you use special entity pricing target sources to allow for the additional valuation point and market value calculations. You must load pricing data released from the vendors into these target sources. The STAR to PACE Batch process pushes holdings data to the Eagle PACE data warehouse using these prices to carry out those market value calculations, storing them under a new Pace source instance. 

The system uses the Alternate NAV microservice to perform the Performance NAV calculation. It can execute this service after completing the daily books at the end of the month, but the system has the flexibility to run this service on any given day. The process takes the difference between the summed-up market value from the Daily PACE source holdings (STARDIRECT) and the summed-up value from the Performance PACE source holdings (PERFNAV) and applies that difference to the end of day Total Net Assets. Using the adjusted Performance Total Net Assets (TNA), the end of day Shares Outstanding, and current day exchange rates, the system calculates the share class level NAVs and any associated multicurrency NAV.

You can use the Holdings report to view the Performance NAV sourced data to review the portfolio valuation which you maintain for auditing purposes. You can also use the Performance NAV history report to review NAV data for business operations.