List Transactions Panel Options

The following are the options in the List Transactions panel:

  • Query Options
  • Entity Information
  • Security Information

Query Options

The following are the options for queries:

  • Select Query Option (tag 2283). Allows you to show/hide additional query filters. The system displays additional fields depending on your selection. Options include:
    –  One Entity/One Security
    –  One Entity/All Securities
    –  All Entities/One Security
    –  All Entities/All Securities
  • Message Type (tag 3822). Specifies the message type associated with the transaction. Options include:
    –  MTOPEN
    –  MTCLOSE
  • Event Type (tag 7001). Specifies the event type for an MTOPEN event. See the About Event Types section for more information. This field appears if you specify a value for the Message Type field of MTOPEN. Options include:
    –  BUY
    –  REC
    –  BUYFUT
    –  SELLFUT
    –  TBAOPEN
    –  WRITE
  • Event Type (tag 7002). Specifies the event type for an MTCLOSE event. See the About Event Types section for more information. This field appears if you specify a value for the Message Type field of MTCLOSE. Options include:
    –  SELL
    –  DEL
    –  BUYCVR
    –  BUYFUT
    –  SELLFUT
  • Trade Status (tag 3720). Specifies the transaction status of the pended transaction. You can select a value of Pending, Hold, or a custom status. Otherwise, you can leave the field blank to view pending transactions with all statuses, including Released and Failed.
  • Trade Ticket Number (tag 761). Specifies the trade ticket identification number.
  • Query Data From (tag 1256). Specifies the table in the TRADES database associated with the transactions you want to view. If you modify any field in a transaction in the PENDING_TRADES table, the system adds a row to the PENDING_TRADES_HIST table. The PENDING_TRADES_HIST table stores the full transaction rather than just the changed fields. Options include:
    –  Pending Trade Table
    –  Pending Trade History Table

Entity Information

The following are the options for entity information:

  • Entity ID (tag 1163). Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.
  • Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity.
  • Process Center (tag 4896). Specifies the entity's process center.
  • Conversion Status (tag 3914). Indicates the current status of the entity.

Security Information

The following are the options for security information:

  • Issue Name (tag 961). Specifies the name of the security.
  • Ticker (tag 13). Specifies the system of letters used to uniquely identify a security.
  • Xref Type (tag 1234). Specifies the cross reference security type, such as SEDOL, CUSIP, and so on.
  • Xref ID (tag 1233). Specifies the cross reference security identifier.
  • Partition ID (tag 95). Specifies the entity partition code.