Book Close Trades for Credit Index Swaps

The system handles both full and partial terminations for credit default index swaps. Early termination occurs when you end the swap agreement prior to the status maturity date. Either party in the swap can terminate early. By default, the legs continue to accrue through the settlement date - 1.

To manually book a close trade for a credit default index swap:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Book Trade in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Book Trade (Accounting Center) link to access the Book Trade tool.
    You see the Query window as the default.
  4. Complete the options in the Query window and click Start Search.
  5. Select the row with the security you want to trade.
  6. Click Close, and click Long Index (Sell Protection) or Short Index (Buy Protection).
    You see the Close Credit Default Index Swap panel.
  7. Complete the options on the Close Credit Default Index Swap panel.
  8. Click Submit.