Select Job Options

Select Job Options

In Automation Desk, when you create or edit jobs, you can select job options based on the job type. You can select from the Basic, Dynamic, or Static job options.

Basic Job Options

The following options are available in the basic job Define dialog box:

  • Name. Name of the job.

  • Type. Allows you to select Basic, Dynamic, and Static. The default job type is Basic.

  • Description. Brief description of the job (optional).

Define Job Wizard - Basic Job Options

The following options are available in the basic job Run Groups dialog box:

  • Event Type. Allows you to select the process type that will run in the job. You can also add a custom stored procedure to any step of the job or a Manual Check The Manual Check will halt the job execution until you manually approve and confirm that the job can continue to the next step. When the job reaches the Manual Check step, it will remain in the Waiting For Approval status and the Approve option will be enabled on the ribbon.

  • Event Name. Allows you to select the process name.

  • Add. Allows you to add a run group with the selected process.

  • Group. Allows you to move processes from one group to another and to create new run groups by clicking the New Group link in the Group drop down.
    NOTE:  Manual Check and Custom Procedure should always be in a separate group and cannot be combined with any other process. 

  • On Success. Allows you to select the action upon successful completion of the job.

  • On Failure. Allows you to select the action upon unsuccessful completion of the job.

  • Delete. Allows you to delete run groups.

Define Job Wizard - Run Groups Tab Options

Dynamic Job Options

Dynamic job options are displayed in the Define, Details, Run Groups, Entities, and Sources dialog boxes.

Define Options for Dynamic Jobs

The following options are available in the dynamic job Define dialog box:

  • Name. Name of the job.

  • Type. Allows you to select Basic, Dynamic, and Static. The default job type is Basic.

  • Data Type. Allows you to select Entity or Security. The default is Entity.

  • Initiator. Allows you to select which entities, dates, and sources will be processed by the dynamic job.

  • Description. Brief description of the job (optional).

Define Job Wizard -Dynamic Options

Details Options for Dynamic Jobs

The following options are available in the dynamic job Details dialog box:

  • Date Rules. Allows you to specify the date rules for the job. Available options include:

    • Effective Date. Allows you to specify the beginning and ending effective dates to be used as a range.

    • Adjust Effective date. Allows you to refine the beginning and ending effective dates via the optional second date rule. The second date rule may be used to further limit the selected effective dates. The default is not to Adjust Effective date (unchecked).

  • Use a Custom Field and Value. Allows you to specify an optional custom field and value. The default is not to Use a Custom Field and Value (unchecked). Available options include:

    • Custom Field. Allows you to refine the initiator query based on the value in any other column in the selected table.

    • Value. Specifies a string or a numeric value.

  • Options. Allows you to specify options for the job. Available options include:

    • Limit processing of found changes to scheduled window. Specifies if the intraday cycle should avoid processing of records already processed by the nightly cycle. The default is not to Limit processing of found changes to scheduled window (unchecked).

    • Process effective dates in order from oldest to news. Specifies how to process effective date changes. The default is effective dates are processed in order from the oldest to the newest (checked).

Define Job Wizard- Details

Run Groups Options for Dynamic Jobs

The following options are available in the dynamic job Run Groups dialog box:

  • Type. Allows you to specify the type of event and then select the event itself in the Values field. Or, you can select a Custom Procedure or a Manual Check.

  • Values. Allows you to specify the event name, depending on the event Type selected.

  • Add. Allows you to add a run group with the selected process.

  • Group. Allows you to move processes from one group to another and to create new run groups by clicking the New Group link in the Group drop down.

  • On Success. Allows you to select the action upon successful completion of the job.

  • On Failure. Allows you to select the action upon unsuccessful completion of the job.

  • Batch Size. Allows you to specify the batch size for the job.

  • Delete. Allows you to delete run groups.

Define Job Wizard - Run Group Options

Entities Options for Dynamic Jobs

The following options are available in the dynamic job Entities dialog box:

  • Add/Remove. Allows you to add entities or remove entities from the job.

  • Find text box. Allows you to search for specific text displayed in the window.

  • Check Type. Allows you to change the check type of the ACOM, AGG, CIDX, COMP, and SUB entity types. The default is No Enumeration. Available options include:

  • Lowest Level. Enumerates the entity down to the lowest level.

  • No Enumeration. Does not enumerate the entity.

  • Submit Type. Allows you to change the submit type of an individual entity. The default is No Enumeration.

Define Job Wizard - Entities

Sources Options for Dynamic Jobs

The following options are available in the dynamic job Sources dialog box:

  • Available Sources. Allows you to select one or more specific sources.

  • All Sources. Allows you to select all sources at once.

  • Selected Sources. Allows you remove the sources by clicking the X next to the source name.

Define Job Wizard - Sources

Static Job Options

Static job options are displayed in the Define, Run Groups, Entities dialog boxes.

Define Options for Static Jobs

The following options are available in the static job Define dialog box:

  • Name. Name of the job.

  • Type. Allows you to select Basic, Dynamic, and Static. The default job type is Basic.

  • Data Type. Allows you to select Entity or Security. The default is Entity.

  • Description. Brief description of the job (optional).

Define Job Wizard - Define Name and Description

Details Options for Static Jobs

The following options are available in the static job Details dialog box:

  • Date Rules. Allows you to specify the date rules for the job. Available options include:

    • Effective Date. Specifies the beginning and ending effective dates to be used as a range.

    • Adjust Effective date. Allows you to refine the beginning and ending effective dates via the optional second date rule. The second date rule may be used to further limit the selected effective dates. The default is not to Adjust Effective date (unchecked).

  • Options. Allows you to specify options for the job. Available options include:

    • Limit processing of found changes to scheduled window. Specifies if the intraday cycle should avoid processing of records already processed by the nightly cycle. The default is not to Limit processing of found changes to scheduled window (unchecked).

    • Process effective dates in order from oldest to news. Specifies how to process effective date changes. The default is effective dates are processed in order from the oldest to the newest (checked).

Define Job Wizard - Date Rules and Options

Run Groups Options for Static Jobs

The following options are available in the static job Run Groups dialog box:

  • Type. Allows you to specify the type of event and then select the event itself in the Values field. Or, you can select a Custom Procedure or a Manual Check.

  • Values. Allows you to specify the event name, depending on the event Type selected.

  • Add. Allows you to add a run group with the selected process.

  • Group. Allows you to move processes from one group to another and to create new run groups by clicking the New Group link in the Group drop down.

  • On Success. Allows you to select the action upon successful completion of the job.

  • On Failure. Allows you to select the action upon unsuccessful completion of the job.

  • Batch Size. Specifies the batch size for the job.

  • Delete. Allows you to delete run groups.

Define Job Wizard - Run Groups options

Entities Options for Static Jobs

The following options are available in the static job Entities dialog box:

  • Add/Remove. Allows you to add entities or remove entities from the event.

  • Find text box. Allows you to search for specific text displayed in the window.

  • Submit Type. Allows you to change the submit type of an individual entity. The default is No Enumeration. Available options include:

    • Lowest Level. Enumerates the ACOM, AGG, CIDX, COMP, and SUB entity types down to the lowest level.

    • No Enumeration. Does not enumerate the entity.

Define Job Wizard - Entities Options