The Ledger Item Editor allows you to view, create, and edit ledger transfer profiles.
Understand the Year End Closeout Process
In the Ledger Item Editor workspace, you can maintain ledger transfer profiles. Eagle's accounting solution uses ledger transfer profiles during the year end closeout process. The year end close out process moves ledger balances from Income, Capital, and Expense accounts to an Accumulated Earnings account, setting these general ledger account balances to zero for the start of the next fiscal year. Ledger transfer profiles identify the accounts to close out for the year end process and identify the target accounts into which to roll the balances.
Understand the Core Ledger Transfer Profile
Eagle Accounting provides a ledger transfer profile by default when you install Eagle's accounting solution. However, the accounts designated for the year end closeout process are customizable. You can choose any accounts to close out for the year end process. Likewise, you also can choose the target account into which to roll the balances.