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 A floating weight blended benchmark calculates a blended index based on adjusting the blended weights of underlying segments or sectors to reflect index performance. You can define static weights by entering initial weights for the custom benchmark, or active weights by identifying a reference entity to use as the source of weights for the custom benchmark. The custom benchmark (target benchmark) return equals the weighted sum of the vendor index (source index) returns. The weights are calculated by PACE, in between reset dates, using weights that reflect the relative change in source index levels over the period.

For example, 50 percent LEHMAN + 50 percent S&P500, where the weights are reset to 50 percent quarterly and allowed to float with the market in between quarters. Reset dates are configured and set using a date rule and a business calendar.


Floating type custom benchmarks include all functionality available with Blended type benchmarks. Float type custom benchmarks additionally offer you the option to define a reset frequency for rebalancing weights and to apply weights from another entity. If you are creating a custom benchmark that requires current blended benchmark functionality, you can set up the custom benchmark as a Floating type benchmark to provide greater flexibility for the benchmark in the future.

Calculate Weights and Returns

You can configure a blended benchmark so that PACE determines the weights to use, where the weights are calculated based on the component index returns between reset dates. This type of benchmark is called floating weight blended benchmark. An example of how PACE calculates the weights and returns for these types of benchmarks follows.
Suppose blended benchmark weights for December month end are used to calculate the January return for the custom blended benchmark. See the following figure.

December Benchmark Weights to Calculate January Return
Assume that the weights for February month end are to float based on the market changes.
First, calculate the February month-end returns using the January month-end weights. The January month-end weights are calculated by referencing the December month-end weights and the January returns. See the following figure.

January Month-End Weights Used to Calculate February Return
The January month-end weights are calculated by growing the December weight by the January return, and then re ratioing the resulting weights to 100 percent.
The weights used in the calculation are those that are stored in the ABAL column on the PERF_SEC_RETURNS table. The returns used are those that are stored in the PSR_USER_FLOAT8 column (or the TOT_RETURN column, for clients who installed Eagle Performance prior to V11.0).
Each time the system builds the floating weight custom benchmark, it inserts a new custom index attributes definition record in the Custom Index Attributes table for that effective date.
The PACE Floating Weight Calculator uses the following methodology to populate the RULES…CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table:

  • It finds the constituent benchmarks of the Custom Benchmark and Date for Return from the most recent custom index attributes definition record in the Custom Index Attributes table.

The daily or monthly option is chosen during the submission of the entity build. The date for the return as mentioned here is the last date for the specific entity in the custom index attributes table. There is no daily or monthly functionality at this point in the process.

  • It finds the return for the benchmarks for the date from the previous step.

(This field is a default but you can alter it. It is set up using an internal field attribute 325 called i Blended BNCH Wght Col. This is created using the scripts — you do not need to create this field attribute. The floating return can be changed from the default of PSR_USER_FLOAT8 to another return field by running the following script:
Update rules..field_attributes set field_name = mod_dietz_return* where field_attribute_id = 325.
In this example, mod_dietz_return is the new return field to be used.)

  • It finds the current weights from the most recent previous custom index attributes definition (to the entity build date) in the Custom Index Attributes table.

Next, Eagle populates the Custom Index Attributes table for this effective date with the new weights that it calculated according to the math described below. When it creates a new record in the Custom Index Attributes table for the custom index attributes definition, it copies the previous record's data, and applies the newly calculated weights. It populates other fields in the record just as they appeared in the previous custom index attributes definition from the Custom Index Attributes table, with the exception of the update user, update time, and instance fields.
Finally, after the system populates the Custom Index Attributes table, the entity build procedure begins. These two steps cannot be separated.

Rebalance Floating Weights Using Reset Dates

Behind the scenes, the system uses the following two columns in the Custom Index Attributes table for resetting the dates:

  • RESET_DATE_ID holds the date rule ID that is associated with the floating benchmark.
  • RESET_FLAG is used by the Eagle system to indicate a reset value.

On user-designated reset dates (which you must identify using a Business Calendar) the system resets weights that are floating. On each reset date, the Eagle system looks for the most recently dated custom index attributes definition with a RESET_FLAG that is set to Y and takes the weights from this definition without floating them. A custom index attributes definition with a reset flag of Y indicates it is a reset value, and the system can apply its weights for reset purposes on the next reset date.
When does a custom index attributes definition have a RESET_FLAG set to Y? The system sets the custom index attributes definition's RESET_FLAG to Y when:

  • You add a new Custom Index Attributes Definition. When you first create a floating benchmark, you create a new custom index attributes definition. When you enter information in the Custom Index Attributes tab or dialog box in effect for a specific date, the system creates a new custom index attributes definition and sets the RESET_FLAG to Y. (For details, see Create a Floating Weight Blended Benchmark.
  • You change a Custom Index Attributes Definition. When you modify a floating benchmark and you edit a custom index attributes definition that already exists for a specified date, the system sets the custom index attributes definition's RESET_FLAG to Y if you change any of the following in the Custom Index Attributes tab or dialog box: the date rule, the weights, the source entity, or the source dictionary.

You cannot change the target dictionary and the type of custom benchmark in the Custom Index Attributes tab after you create the entity. These items are dimmed in the Custom Index Attributes tab.

Floating Weight Blended Benchmark Example

The following example shows how the floating weight blended benchmark is calculated:

  1. Calculate the drift numbers.

Index 1  (index rtn/100) * current weight = drift #1
15/100) * 50 = 7.5
Index 2  (index 2 rtn/100) * current weight = drift #2
-10/100) * 50 = -5

  1. Calculate the new weights.

Previous weight (current weight from previous step) + Drift #1 = New weight Index 1
50 + 7.5 = 57.5
Previous weight (current weight from previous step) + Drift #2 = New weight Index 2
50 + (-5) = 45
New weight Index 1 + New weight Index 2 = Total new weight
57.5 + 45 = 102.5

  1. Return the numbers back to a 100 percent ratio.

Weights must equal 100 for the custom index builder process.

  • New weight Index 1/Total New weight * 100

57.5/102.5 = x/100 x = 56.1

  • New weight Index 2/Total New weight * 100

45/102.5 = x/100 x= 43.9

3-Month Floating Weight Blended Benchmark Example

Index returns for this example are listed in the following table. Calculations for this data are described below.



Benchmark 1



Benchmark 2



Benchmark 3



Month 1 Floating Weight Calculation Nonreset (February) Example

In the example defined in the following table, weights for 2/28/2002 are calculated using weights and returns from 1/31/2002.

Effective Date

Entity Detail ID

Re-basing Calc


Original Weights

1/31/2002 0:00



1/31/2002 0:00



1/31/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00






Calculation details for this example are shown in the following table.



Step 1 – Drift numbers

Benchmark 1

(0.02) * 65 = (-1.3)

Benchmark 2

(0.06) * 25 = (-1.5)

Benchmark 3

0.01 * 10 = 0.10

Step 2 – New weights

Benchmark 1

(-1.3) + 65 = 63.7

Benchmark 2

(-1.5) + 25 = 23.5

Benchmark 3

0.10 + 10 = 10.1


63.7 + 23.5 + 10.1 = 97.3

Step 3 – Ratio back to 100%

Benchmark 1

63.7/ 97.3 * 100 = 65.467626

Benchmark 2

23.5/ 97.3 * 100 = 24.152107

Benchmark 3

10.1/ 97.3 * 100 = 10.380267

Month 2 Floating Weight Calculation Nonreset (March) Example

In the example defined in the following table, the date of 3/31/2002 is calculated using the weights and the return for 2/28/2002.

Effective Date

Entity Detail ID

Re-basing Calc


Original Weights

1/31/2002 0:00



1/31/2002 0:00



1/31/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00




2/28/2002 0:00






3/31/2002 0:00




3/31/2002 0:00




3/31/2002 0:00






Calculation details for this example are shown in the following table.



Step 1 – Drift numbers

Benchmark 1

0.09 * 65.467626 = 5.892086

Benchmark 2

0.04 * 24.152107 = 0.966084

Benchmark 3

0.03 * 10.380267 = 0.311408

Step 2 – New weights

Benchmark 1

65.467626 + 5.892086 = 71.359712

Benchmark 2

24.152107 + 0.966084 = 25.118191

Benchmark 3

10.380267 + 0.311408 = 10.691675


71.359712 + 25.118191 + 10.691675 = 107.169578

Step 3 – Ratio back to 100%

Benchmark 1

71.359712 / 107.169578 * 100 = 66.585792

Benchmark 2

25.118191 / 107.169578 * 100 = 23.437800

Benchmark 3

10.691675 / 107.169578 * 100 = 9.976409

Month 3 Floating Weight Calculation Reset (April) Example

Given that 4/30/2002 is a reset date as set up in the business calendar, then the weights for 4/30 are equal to the weights on the last reset date of 1/31/2002. The example is described in the following table.

Effective Date

Entity Detail ID

Re-basing Calc


Original Weights

4/30/2002 0:00



4/30/2002 0:00



4/30/2002 0:00




Configure a Floating Weight Blended Benchmark

To configure a floating weight blended benchmark:

  1. Set up the Business Calendar to identify reset dates for the benchmark.
  2. Set up the date rule.
  3. Create the new entity for the floating weight blended benchmark.

Set Up the Business Calendar

Weights float until you specify a reset date. A reset date is a date on which the system no longer floats from previous values but resets to the original or last updated weights for the benchmark in the Custom Index Attributes dialog box. That is, on the reset day, the weights reset to those weights associated with the most recent date for the custom benchmark definition where the RESET_FLAG = Y in the CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table for that specific entity. For more information about the RESET_FLAG, see Rebalance Floating Weights Using Reset Dates.
To specify a reset date, you use the business calendar. Eagle recommends that you keep the source and business calendar used for resets separate from other business calendars so that the reset functionality is not dependent on another calendar's dates.
To set up reset dates for a floating weight blended benchmark:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Sources in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Sources (Reporting Center) link to access the Sources workspace.

You see the Sources window.

  1. Click Add.

The Add Source Details dialog box appears.

  1. Add a new interface (source) with a meaningful name such as Source for Floating Weight Reset Dates. Under Available Feed Types, select Performance. See the following figure.

Editing Source Details Dialog Box

  1. Update the Business Calendar for the source as follows:
  • From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator. Enter Business Calendar in the Start Search text box. Click the Business Calendar (System Management Center) link to access the Business Calendar workspace.
  • Choose the source created for the floating weight blended benchmarks and select the check boxes, under the Daily column, for the reset dates. Make sure to use the Daily column — the program only uses this column. For example, if you reset on a quarterly basis, then only select four dates with a check mark.
  • Click Save before exiting.

Set Up the Date Rule

You can set up the date rule for a floating weight blended benchmark. is located in PACE Reporting under the General Reporting option.
To set up the date rule for a floating weight blended benchmark:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Date Rules in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Date Rules (Reporting Center) link to access the Date Rules workspace.
  4. Select New.

Edit Date Rule – Floating Weight Reset Dates

  1. Create a new date rule like the one shown in the previous figure as follows.
  • In step 1, the Name field, enter a meaningful name, such as Floating Reset Rule.
  • In steps 3 and 4, choose to calculate using the business calendar.
  • In step 6, use the business calendar source that you created in the previous procedure. Note that the business calendar appears under its long name.


    The business calendar is unavailable unless you select the Using Business Calendar check box.

    Create a Floating Weight Blended Benchmark

    You can create static weight or active weight floating custom benchmarks. The following describes how to create a floating static weight custom benchmark. In this example, the floating benchmark has three components, with the component weights reset quarterly to 25/50/25.
    For information about active weight custom benchmarks, see Configure an Active Weight Custom Benchmark.
    To create the floating weight blended benchmark entity:
  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Entities in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Entities (Performance Center) link. You see a list of entities.
  4. Click the Create link.

The Creating a new entity dialog box appears. See the following figure.

Creating a New Entity – Entity Info Tab

  1. In the Entity Info tab, set the entity Type to Custom Benchmark, and enter the specifics for entity ID and name.
  2. In the Entity Details tab, enter the Inception Date for the custom benchmark.

This field is not required, but as a best practice, Eagle recommends entering an inception date that matches the effective date of the earliest definition (that is, the earliest date associated with data entered in the Custom Index Attribute tab) for the custom benchmark.
You must specify a base currency value in order to perform currency conversion. If you are performing multicurrency conversion for the benchmark, Eagle's best practice is to specify a base currency value in the Base Currency field.
Also, be sure you defined the Base Currency for any underlying indexes associated with this Custom Benchmark.

Editing Entity – Custom Index Attributes Tab

  1. In the Custom Index Attributes tab, enter the following data to define the floating weight custom benchmark.

The previous figure shows how this tab appears after you set the Type to Floating, select a target dictionary and date rule, and complete the information in the target dictionary grid.
See Editing Entity Dialog Box Options for a description of the fields in this dialog box.
For more information about the currency conversion process, see Calculate Returns Using Currency Conversion.
The following figure shows the Target Dictionary Grid that appears when you click Maximize. Initially the source data in the white area is blank. The following figure shows how the grid looks after configuration is complete.

Target Dictionary Grid
Review the previous figure to see how it looks after you set up a 25/50/25 asset class blend of cash/equity/fixed income from three different underlying indexes. For the:

  • Cash component of the floating benchmark, you assign the 3-Month Treasury Bills index as your source entity.
  • Equity component of the floating benchmark, you assign the Domestic Equity index as your source entity.
  • Fixed Income component of the floating benchmark, you assign the Domestic Fixed Income IG index as your source entity.

In this example, you assign each source entity at the Total level and assign weights that total to 100%. However, you can assign a source entity below the Total level.

  1. In the target dictionary grid area, select each node of the target dictionary you want to assign, and doubleclick the ellipsis button. You can select the node directly from the grid in the Custom Index Attributes tab or can select the node from the maximized grid window.

The Custom Index Attributes dialog box for the selected node appears. See the following figure.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box

  1. In the Custom Index Attributes Dialog box, assign the source entity, source, source dictionary, source dictionary node, and weight data for the node, and click OK.

In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Cash component. You assign the 3-Month Treasury Bills index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level and assign it a weight of 25%. See Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box Options for a description of the fields in this dialog box.
The entity build process creates target dictionary nodes below the assigned level only if you clear the Do not build Target Dictionary below assigned level check box in the Custom Index Attributes tab. For more information, see Build the Target Dictionary at Assigned Level and Above.
If you clear the Do not build Target Dictionary below assigned level check box, each time you assign nodes to the target model or save the custom benchmark, the system validates that the source performance model(s) and target performance model have compatible structures. It counts the levels below the assigned source node and ensures that there are at least that many levels below the assigned target node. If the target has fewer nodes, the following warning message appears:
There is a problem with the definition of the target node [NAME] on the effective date [DATE}. A node within the source dictionary is not compatible with its assignment within the target dictionary. There are: (#) levels below the assigned source node and there are (#) levels below the assigned target node. To correct this problem make a different assignment or choose the option "Do not build the Target Dictionary below assigned level".

  1. Continue assigning target dictionary nodes, as needed.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box
In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Equity component. You assign the Domestic Equity index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level and assign it a weight of 50%.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box
In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Fixed Income component. You assign the Domestic Fixed Income IG index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level and assign it a weight of 25%.
After you assign values for each node, those values appear in the target dictionary grid. See the previous figure, Target Dictionary Grid.

  1. Click the Finish button.

Additional tabs are available in the entity setup, but those tabs are not required for the custom benchmark setup.
The custom index attribute definition is saved in the database in the RULESDBO.CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table.

Create an Active Weight Custom Benchmark

The active weight custom benchmark is included with the floating weight benchmark. When you define an active weight custom benchmark, you do not set the weight for each node of the dictionary. Instead, you specify a reference entity during setup. The weight of each of the nodes of the target dictionary is taken from the weight of the reference entity.
In this example, the active weight benchmark has three components, with the component weights reset quarterly to match the weights in the reference entity named Asset Class Blend.
To create an active weight custom benchmark:

  1. Define the first two tabs of the Create a new entity dialog box, as described in Configure a Floating Weight Blended Benchmark.

Creating a New Entity Dialog Box - Custom Index Attributes Tab

  1. Select the Custom Index Attributes tab, and enter the data to define the active weight custom benchmark.

The example shown in the previous figure shows how this tab appears after you set the Type to Floating, select a target dictionary, and assign Asset Class Blend as the reference entity. The system uses the Asset Class Blend entity for the weights to apply to the custom benchmark you are creating. The date rule in this example indicates that the weights reset every three months.
The following table describes the fields on this dialog box. Most selections are similar to those used when you set up a static weight floating custom benchmark. However, for an active weight benchmark, you select a reference entity.




The effective date of the custom index attributes definition when you save it in the database. In the Select Historical Date section, select one of the following options to identify the date for the attributes you are defining:

  • AsOf today
  • Use earliest holding date
  • Use this value <DATE>
    For additional information about the historical date options, see Set Up the Custom Index Attribute for Historical Date.When you edit the entity, additional options become available. For details, see Delete Custom Index Attributes.


The type of custom benchmark. Use a value of Floating for floating active weight custom benchmarks.


Not used for Floating type custom benchmarks. Source. The source under which the source entity data is stored in the PERFORM database. Allows the input of multiple sources for underlying benchmarks, located in the lower section of the tab.

Target Dictionary

The dictionary (performance model) for which the Reference entity had performance data committed. The custom benchmark you are creating has Performance data committed for this dictionary.
After you select a value, the system displays the target dictionary grid at the bottom of the tab.

Reference Entity

The entity whose weight the custom benchmark is tracking. Click the ellipsis button beside this field to open the Entity Selector and select an entity.
After you create the active weight custom benchmark, you cannot change the reference entity.

Exchange Rate Source Rule

This option allows you to specify the Exchange Rate Source Rule that determines the spot rate used to convert the component Base Currency to match the Target Base Currency.
Ensure that the Source Rule includes a Foreign Exchange Source. The Foreign Exchange Source within the Source Rule is used to determine the spot rate.

Target Base Currency

This field displays the custom benchmark's Base Currency used to convert to during multicurrency conversion.

Date Rule

The floating reset date rule. For more information, see Set Up the Date Rule.

Build Security Level

This check box allows you to build the security level by entity. For more information, see Build Custom Benchmarks at the Security Level.

Do not build Target Dictionary below assigned level

This option allows you to build custom benchmarks from source nodes with a different number of levels below them than their assigned target nodes to increase the compatibility between performance models. When you:

  • Select this check box, the default value, the entity build process builds the target performance model from the assignment node up to the total level for the model. It does not process levels below the assigned node.
  • Clear this check box, the entity build process builds the target performance model all the way down to its lowest level.
    For more information, see Build the Target Dictionary at Assigned Level and Above.


This link prints the target dictionary grid at the bottom of the tab.

Clear All

This link clears all source data information that appears in the white area of the target dictionary grid at the bottom of the tab


This link opens a new window that displays the target dictionary grid data. This allows you to more easily view a large target dictionary.

Target Dictionary Grid area

The grid at the bottom of the tab displays data for the target dictionary selected. You can use the scroll bar to view the entire grid or can click Maximize to work with the grid in a larger window.

For more information about the currency conversion process, see Calculate Returns Using Currency Conversion.
The following figure shows the Target Dictionary Grid that appears when you click Maximize. Initially the source data in the white area is blank. The following figure shows how the grid looks after configuration is complete.

Target Dictionary Grid
Review the previous figure to see how it looks after you set up an asset class blend of cash/equity/fixed income from three different underlying indexes. For the:

  • Cash component of the floating benchmark, you assign the 3-Month Treasury Bills index as your source entity.
  • Equity component of the floating benchmark, you assign the Domestic Equity index as your source entity.
  • Fixed Income component of the floating benchmark, you assign the Domestic Fixed Income IG index as your source entity.

In this example, you assign each source entity at the Total level. However, you can assign a source entity below the Total level. Notice that you assign no weights to the source entities, and the weights in the target dictionary grid initially display as 0.00 %. The weights used are sourced from the reference entity during the entity build process. If you edit the active weight custom benchmark at a later date, be aware that the target dictionary grid displays the weights associated with the reference entity in effect for the reset date prior to the benchmark effective date you select.

  1. In the target dictionary grid area, select each node of the target dictionary you want to assign, and doubleclick the ellipsis button that corresponds to that node. You can select the node directly from the grid in the Custom Index Attributes tab or can select the node from the maximized grid window

The Custom Index Attributes Dialog box for the selected node appears. See the following figure.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box

  1. Assign the details for the selected node, and click OK.

In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Cash component. You assign a 3-Month Treasury Bills index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level. The following table describes the fields on this dialog box.




The Entity Selector allows you to specify the source entity to assign to the selected target dictionary node. After you save your changes, this value appears in the Source Entity column of the target dictionary grid. In addition, the Base Currency for the Source Entity displays in the target dictionary grid.
You assign the source entity for each node of the target dictionary the same way as you do when you assign a static weight Floating custom benchmark. The only difference is that you are not able to input a weight. The weight is copied from the reference entity at run time. Then, for each node of the target dictionary, you select the benchmark. This benchmark's data is used to build the target node. The weight is based on node weight in the reference portfolio.


The source used to store the source entity in the PERFORM database for the node. After you save your changes, this value appears in the Source column of the target dictionary grid.

Source Dictionary Dictionary

The dictionary (performance model) to use for the selected source entity. After you save your changes, this value appears in the Source Dictionary column of the target dictionary grid.

Source Dictionary Dictionary Node

The dictionary level node to use for the selected source entity. After you save your changes, this value appears in the Source Dictionary Node column of the target dictionary grid.
By default the system uses the Total level. Otherwise, you can click the Select Level link to select a specific level in the Dictionary Node Selection Dialog box.


This field is unavailable, because the weight is determined from the reference entity. By default, all custom benchmark calculations use PERF_SEC_RETURNS.ABAL (System id 339) fields to determine the weight. This process also uses the same field to determine the weight.
For each node specified in the setup, the engine determines the weight of the node from the Reference entity. This weight is used to calculate the fields specified in the Field attributes (Advanced Field with type as Custom Index or Custom Index Weight).
On Reset/Rebalance day, the PACE Floating Weight Calculator copies the weight of each node in the reference portfolio and puts the copied weight into the corresponding node in the Custom Index Attributes table. The resulting Active Weight is adjusted (drifted) between reset dates based on the relative performance of the nodes in the performance model. The same drifting functionality exists in the Floating type custom benchmark.

  1. Continue assigning target dictionary nodes, as needed.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box
In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Equity component. You assign the Domestic Equity index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level.

Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box
In this example, the previous figure shows the source information entered for the target dictionary's Fixed Income component. You assign the Domestic Fixed Income IG index, which uses the Asset Class Model, at the Total level.
After you assign values for each node, those values appear in the target dictionary grid. See the previous figure, Target Dictionary Grid.

  1. Click the Finish button.

Additional tabs are available in the entity setup, but those tabs are not required for the custom benchmark setup.

Return Column

PACE system variable, i Blended BNCH Wght Col (PACE system id- 325), points to the column that PACE uses as the return column in the source entity.

Reference Entity: Eagle Balance Fund

Investment Type

Security Type

Industry Type

Weight in Ref Entity on 3/31/2007 (%)

Custom Index Attribute





Total --> Common S&P 500





Health Care




Total --> Preferred Russell 2000





Health Care


144 A


Health Care


Total --> 144A --> Health care ML HealthCare Index





Total -> Corp L AGG





Health Care






Total -> Gov L AGG







Total -> MBS L AGG





Total -> L MUNI Index








If you clear the Do not build Target Dictionary below assigned level check box, the node structure below the selected node has to match the target dictionary for the entity build to run successfully. See Build the Target Dictionary at Assigned Level and Above.

Partially Filled Dictionary

Optimally, you would assign a benchmark for each node of the reference entity. But this is not always the case. It is conceivable that benchmarks will not be assigned to some of the Reference entity nodes. Consider the example in the following table.

Investment Type

Security Type

Industry Type

Weight in Ref Entity on 3/31/2007(%)

Custom Index Attribute





Total --> Common S&P 500





Health Care








Health Care


144 A


Health Care


Total --> 144A --> Health Care ML Health Care Index





Total -> Corp L AGG





Health Care






Total -> Gov L AGG

















The custom benchmarks from the previous example only use the weights and nodes from the reference entity:

  • Total --> Common S&P 500 – 40%
  • Total --> 144A --> Health Care ML Health Care Index – 10%
  • Total -> Corp L AGG – 12%
  • Total -> Gov L AGG – 8%

Change Weights on an Ad Hoc Basis after Initial Setup

In most cases, you need to manually enter weights only when you first set up the floating weight benchmark. After that, the system calculates the floating weights for you, and the system resets weights automatically at the appropriate times. However, if you need to manually change a weight on an ad hoc basis at a later date, you can do so.
Because the system is designed to overwrite weights each time a day is calculated, enter any ad hoc weight change on a reset date (as specified in the business calendar).When the system rebalances weights on a reset date, it uses the most recently dated custom index attributes definition with a RESET_FLAG that is set to Y and takes the weights from this date.
To manually change a weight on an ad hoc basis:

  1. Edit the floating weight benchmark and enter the new weight.

You can modify an existing custom index attributes definition to change the weight in effect on a custom index attributes definition you already created or can add a new custom index attributes definition to enter a weight in effect on a new date not already associated with a custom index attributes definition.

  1. Ensure that the business calendar used for resets includes a reset date for the weight change.

If that business calendar does not already include the reset date for the date when the weight change goes into effect, add a reset date for the ad hoc weight change to the business calendar.

  1. Recalculate performance to reflect the weight change.

If the reset date associated with the weight change is backdated, you must recalculate performance for that backdated reset date and going forward through to the current day. The weights from the ad hoc date are marked with the RESET_FLAG = Y and the system can apply them for reset purposes on the next reset date.

  • No labels


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