In the Impairments panel, you can process an impairment for one or more entities to write up or write down investments based on foreign exchange rate. You can impair a holding based on specific lot or by position. You must enter a separate impairment transaction for each accounting basis where you want to impair the lot or position.
To process an impairment by price:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Impairments in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Impairments (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
You see the Impairments panel.
- In the Impairment Type section, click the Impairment Processing Flag field and select a value of Position or Lot.
- In the Entity Information section, specify one or more entities and a single accounting basis.
When you impair at the position level, you can choose one, all, or a set of entities in an entity partition, entity group, or entity list. When you impair at the lot level, you can choose a single entity/basis.
- In the Security Information section, click the Impair by Option field and select a value of FX.
- If you impair at the position level and select multiple entities, click the Base Currency field in the Entity Information section and select the base currency to use for the impairment.
You cannot choose the base currency until you indicate that you are impairing by FX. Otherwise, if you select a single entity, you see the Base Currency field value for the selected entity.
- Complete the remaining options on the Impairments panel.
You must identify the direction of the write-off, indicate if the position/lot is long/short, and identify the security and open lot, as appropriate. You can identify the impairment reason, the impairment rate in the Local to Base FX Rate field, Credit Price field, and Noncredit Price field, as appropriate, and can specify the cost offset account. For more information about specific options, see the "Impairments Panel Options" section.
- Click Submit.
The system calculates the impairment amount for the selected lot or for each open lot held within the selected position, and posts the related accounting entries. The system adjusts the book value/current amortized cost of all relevant open lots held for the selected positions by the calculated impairment.