The Potential Dividend Deduction report displays potential tax deductions associated with cash dividends generated at the lot level on U.S. domiciled common securities held in long positions meeting specific holding period criteria. Cash dividends processed by Eagle Accounting at the position level are not reported. The report excludes non-US domiciled securities, preferred stock dividends, and cash dividends generated on short positions.
To create the Potential Dividend Deduction report:
1. From the Accounting Center window, click Reporting in the left navigation.
2. Double click Investment Accounting, Compliance Reports, and Potential Dividend Deduction.
You see the Potential Dividend Deduction panel.
3. Complete the fields on the Potential Dividend Deduction panel.
4. Click Submit.
5. Click Advanced Report or Classic Grid Report for the report view you want.
The report results appear on your desktop for the view selected. Grid and advanced report views include the cash dividends and potential deduction percentages and amounts by security, for a given entity and accounting date range.