Custom Fields Calculator
Use the calculator when defining calculations for creating custom fields.
Use the commands If, Then, Like, And, Or, and Null to compare two values. For example, an inference field could be: If Cost Basis is less than market value, then display Losing Money.
Supporting Nested IF Clauses
You can use ELSE and END IF statements to support nested IF clauses in Custom type fields. Using these statements in Custom fields allows you to create complex logic similar to that of standard programming practices. For example, you can create statements such as:
IF Investment Type =Fixed Income
IF Coupon <= 5
THEN Fixed Income Less Than 5
ELSE Fixed Income Over 5
No Security
The END IF statements are required for all IF statements, whether the IF statement is nested or not.
Data Mart
You may be able to obtain split-adjusted per-share data through a direct vendor load or exporter approach. If so, you can analyze that data using time series fields. However, if you want to build such fields in Data Mart, your data will reflect different share definitions every time a security has a capital change. To solve this issue, you must re-build all per-share fields, for all past dates, for every required date (perhaps only monthly depending upon reporting requirements) in order not to miss a split in any stock in the Mart. This may be facilitated by adding an extension to the Mart's Security Details table and dedicating it to your per-share fields, building only that extension since inception on a selective-fields basis.
Date and Date Part Commands
You can perform math functions on dates in reports. For example, you can calculate the number of days between the trade date and settlement date on a trades report. The detail calculation and inference fields allows you to compare two date fields using the subtraction ( - ) operator. The concentration engine calculates the difference in days.
The Date Part option lets you add days to a field and extract a month value from a field. You can also use Date Parts to display portions of the full date. For example, if a report is grouped by the month portion of the trade date value, you can create a detail calculation field that retrieves the month portion of the trade date field. You can then use the detail calculation field in the grouping rule. When you select Date Part, a window appears that allows you to decide which part to use. Options include Date, Month, and Year.
String Command
You can limit a calculation to part of a string of characters by using the string function in the detail calculation or inference fields. Eagle supports the following string manipulations:
Right Trim. Takes a parameter for how many characters to the right. For example, if (right trim,5(Entity Name)= “HEDGE”) then Account Type = “Hedge Fund” else “Private Account.”
Left Trim. Takes a parameter for how many characters to the left. For example, if (left trim,11(Entity Name)= “Institution”) then Account Type = “Institutional Account” else “Private Account.”
Upper. Evaluates a string of data in all upper case regardless of the actual case of the string. For example, if (upper(security description) = “Cisco”) then (Share Par Value * 2) else Share Par Value would return the result of (Share Par Value * 2) for the string "Cisco" or for "cisco".
Lower. Evaluates a string of data in all lower case regardless of the actual case of the string. For example, if (lower(security description) = “motorola”) then (Share Par Value * 2) else Share Par Value would return the result of (Share Par Value * 2) for the string "Motorola" or for "MOTOROLA".
Substring. Takes a parameter for start location and stop location. For example, if (substring(Security Name,1,3 = “ADR”) then Security Type = ‘ADR’ else Security Type.
Click String.
You see the String drop-down menu.Select the string type.
To evaluate the last letters in a value, use the right string. For use with substrings, you have to populate a start position and the number of letters to extract for the word part. For example, if you are looking for the value “Consumer Cyclicals,” you may evaluate for the word part “Cyc” by entering 10 as the start position and 3 for the number of letters to extract.
The space between “Consumer” and “Cyclicals” is counted in determining the start position.
Other Calculator Commands
Command | Function |
= | Equal to |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
C | Clear |
/ | Divide |
X | Multiply |
. | Decimal |
- | Negative |
!= | Not equal to |
< | Less than |
> | Greater than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
( | Open parenthesis |
) | Close parenthesis |
0-9 | Numbers |
Check | Verify formula |
AC | All clear |
, | Comma. Separates values in a calculation. |
In/Not In | Specifies the presence or absence of values. Allows multiple values using the comma. (Calculation and Inference fields only) |
Like/Not Like | Specifies that the data must be like the text entered. Allows multiple values using the comma button. (Calculation and Inference fields only) |