Create Inbound JMS Streams

To create an inbound JMS message stream:

  1. Open Message Center Editor and go to Message Center Streams.

  2. Go to the Streams tab and click on Add stream.
  3. Configure the parameters for your inbound message stream in the pop-up window:

    For example:

    Stream name: JMS_EAGLETIP_TEST_GET

    Delivery method: JMSPTP

    Stream Direction: Inbound

    Delivery Format: STAR

    Ruleset File: eagle_ml-2-0_cm\in\star\receive_csv_data_files.rsf

    Queue Connection Factory Name: ConnectionFactory

    Queue Name: dynamicQueues/JMS_eagletip_test

    JMS Connection User: mcadmin

    JMS Connection Password: ******

    Eagle JMS Client ID: QAJMS

Important Note

Queue Name should exist on your JMS server!

JMSPTP Parameters for Inbound Message Streams

The following table lists JMSPTP parameters for inbound message streams.

Queue Connection Factory NameThe connection factory used to send messages.
This parameter is optional.
If it is not defined, the value is taken from the jmsmessage.ini file (the configuration file of the Eagle JMS Broker Client) by the JMSConnectionFactoryQueue option.
Value type: string
Queue NameThis is a required parameter that specifies the queue name to which the resulting messages will be posted.
For ActiveMQ, prefix the destination with dynamicQueues/.
Value type: string
Reliable Processing This parameter specifies if we have to use transactions or not while processing the messages. 
This parameter is optional with values of Yes or No. 
Default value: No. 
Reply Queue Name Defines the name of the queue which is used for sending replies. 
This parameter is optional
Value type: string
Override Reply Queue NameIf this parameter is set to Yes, the REPLYQUEUENAME parameter will override the JMSReplyTo parameter of the input JMS message. 
This parameter is optional with values of Yes or No. 
Default value: No. 
Message Processing LimitThe limit of the number of messages processed at one time from the queue. 
This parameter is optional, its value is a positive number. 
If the parameter is not specified or is set to 0, the number of messages processed at one time from the queue is unlimited. 
Sequential Reading Process incoming messages in the same order as they were received from the JMS provider. 
This parameter is optional, with values of Yes or No. 
Default value: No. 
JMS Connection User User ID for authenticating with the JMS Provider.
JMS Connection PasswordUser Password for authenticating with the JMS Provider.
Eagle JMS Client ID Client ID specified in the file.
JNDI Provider URL Provider URL for JNDI classes. By default, Eagle expects JNDI parameters to be stored in the file on disk. Corresponds to the java.naming.provider.url setting.
JNDI Security Authentication JNDI Security Authentication parameter. Corresponds to the setting.
Possible values: None, Simple and Strong.
JNDI Security Protocol JNDI Security Protocol parameter. Corresponds to the setting.
JNDI Security PrincipalJNDI Security Principal parameter. Corresponds to the setting.
JNDI Security Credentials JNDI Security Credentials parameter. Corresponds to the setting.
JNDI Security Realm JNDI Security Realm parameter. Corresponds to the setting.
MC events logLevel of detail logging. Possible values include:
  • Errors only. Successful messages will not appear in the console. Failed records contain all details.
  • Status only. For successful messages only a “shell” empty record is stored, without underlying details. Failed records contain all details.
  • Full information. The records contain all details regardless of their status.
Failure Tolerance (%) Not applicable for JMS-based streams.