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Creating the query report profile is a one-time action. The administrator can edit the report parameters after the query report profile is created, but changes made by an individual user only affect that user’s query and results. The following procedure summarizes the steps involved in creating a new query report profile. A detailed description of each step of the wizard follows the procedure.

To Create a New Query Report Profile:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click Performance Desk.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Data Quality Monitor.
    You see the Performance Query Tool workspace.
  3. Click the Create link on the toolbar
    You see the Step 1 dialog box of the Query Tool wizard.
  4. Define Report Definition by naming the query report profile and selecting the query report view for the query result set. Click Next.
  5. Define Default Profile Parameters such as fields, source rule, frequency, and performance model for the data to be retrieved by the query. Click Next.
  6. Define Profile Access to grant specific Eagle users and/or business groups access to the query report profile. Click Next.
  7. Define Profile Parameters to further define who, among specific Eagle users or business groups with access to the query report profile, has permission to view and edit particular report parameters (for example, fields, source rule, and performance model). These changes do not affect everyone with access to the query report profile. Click Next.
  8. Define Operation Access to define the statistical operations in the query report profile that each user can execute with the data once it is returned.
  9. Click Finish.

Step 1 in the Query Tool wizard,  allows the administrator to name the query report profile, select a report definition, and enter comments.

To create a query report profile:

  1. In the Profile Name box, enter a name for the query.
  2. In the Select Report Definition area, select the underlying Report Name.
    The Report Name defines the view or format of the query result set. 
  3. Click Next. You are ready to define the default report parameters for the query report profile.

Query Report Views

There are four possible views for the query results. The following table displays the view parameters. 

ViewEntitiesFieldsDatesDrill DownOperations
3MultipleMultipleSingleYesRolling Limits
4MultipleMultiple SingleYesYes

View 1: Single Entity and No Security Level

View 1 allows a single entity only with the results displayed with the time series dates on the vertical axis and the data fields on the horizontal.

Note that you can include benchmarks for an entity by adding a Performance Analysis field set for the desired benchmark, such as Primary Comparison and Secondary Comparison.

View 2: Multiple Dates, Single Field

View 2 allows you to choose multiple entities, multiple dates, and performance model levels down to security for one data field. The results are displayed with the dates on the horizontal axis and the data field grouped by performance model level. No operations are allowed in this view.

View 3: Multiple Entities Single Date

View 3 allows you to choose multiple entities, multiple performance model levels down to security, and multiple fields for a single date. Results of operations are displayed on the horizontal axis. This view is most similar to the Performance Analysis report. Due to the nature of the result set, rolling period operations are limited to one repetition, which is well suited to “to-date” operations like inception-to-date or year-to-date as of the report date.

View 4: Multiple Entities, Dates and Fields

View 4 allows you to choose multiple entities, performance model levels down to security, dates, and fields.

By default, the results are grouped by Entity, each Performance Model level, and the time series of dates. For example, the fund total for each date in the date range, then the Equity Total for each date, then each Equity security for each date. Data and operation fields are displayed on the horizontal axis.

Define the Default Report Parameters

Step 2 in the Query Tool wizard, Define Default Report Parameters, allows the administrator to define the default report parameters for the query report profile. Report parameters specify the performance data that is returned by the query when it is submitted (for example, fields, source rule, performance model, frequency, and so on).

The report parameters are not always known by the analyst or downstream users, so they are set by the administrator as default values. A value is required for all of the default report parameters.

The Define Default Profile Parameters dialog box includes a series of report parameters which you can define. The following sections describe each report parameter.

Currency Conversion

Select a target currency from the list to convert Query Tool values from the entity’s base currency to the specified target currency.

Performance Status Flag

Select a value to show only the performance data that has the status or statuses specified in this field. Options include:

  • All Records, the default value
  • Preliminary Only
  • Final Only
  • Preliminary Or Final
  • Not Preliminary Or Final


Click the ellipsis to the right of Fields to select the fields you want to display on the report. The first field to select, for all report views except view 2, is a field attribute that is pointed to the column Performance end date on the PERF_SUMMARY table in the PERFORM database, as shown in the following figure. In the following figure, the field attribute is named Perf End Date. This field attribute has different names in different environments, but should be found in the Performance folder.

As a general rule, aside from the Performance end date, do not add PERFORM database fields to the report. Instead, add Performance Analysis fields that point to the underlying PERFORM database fields. If you do not see any Performance Analysis fields in the field selector, go to the Map Fields function in the General Reporting area and make these fields available to the performance report. If you do this and still do not see any Performance Analysis fields, select the Show me all Fields option at the top of the field selector.

Next, select the Performance Analysis fields that point to the data you want returned in the query report, as shown in the following figure. Performance Analysis fields are found under the Custom category and are designed to retrieve the single-period data that is stored in the PERFORM database. It is not necessary to select Performance Link Analysis fields because Operations such as linking are done on the fly in the Query Tool. See “Performance Analysis Fields Supported in the Query Tool” for more details on functionality.

Source Rule

The source rules are created in the General Reporting area of PACE, as shown in the following figure. The source rule determines the hierarchy of sources to use when selecting performance data from the database. This means the source used to commit or load the performance data needs to be listed in the Performance category of the Source Rule.

Performance Model

Select a performance model, also known as the performance dictionary. See the following figure. Performance models are created either when you calculate returns in Eagle Performance or via an uploader. The performance model represents the grouping structure of the performance data, such as Fund/Country/Sector or Fund/Coupon Range. If fund and benchmark returns are stored in different models, the default dictionary functionality can retrieve the benchmark returns from a different model.


Select the frequency of the single-period returns being queried by select a value from the Frequency list. Options include:

  • Annual
  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Weekly
  • Subperiod (for subperiod returns generated by Significant Cash Flow processing)

Performance Model Level

The Performance Model Levels Selection dialog box displays all the nodes of the Performance model chosen and allows you to choose any combination of nodes that you wish for the query to extract.  To include other nodes, for example, Investment Type, select the corresponding Selection check box. The Performance Model Detail button allows you to choose specific levels within the chosen nodes. For example, you can select the Equity returns only within this Entity/Investment Type model. 


Select the default entities for the report. The analyst can be given the ability to override and select their own entities.

Query Date Range

Specify the dates you want used to retrieve the overall time series data from the database. 

By default, the query returns the fields requested from the fund inception date to the current date. You can accept or override this default. You can override the default dates in several ways. The following table describes the options in the Date Range Selection dialog box.

Option Description
Begin Date Options
Offset from End Date

Determines the begin date based on a specified number of periods calculated back from the end date. You can enter a number value and select one of the following options:

  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source, if available. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, along with the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting. It then goes back the number of days or months depending on the report's frequency based on the business calendar business days or month ends. It uses the earliest effective date of that set of observations as the report’s begin date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source, if available. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested business days in each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested month ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested quarter ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested year ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
Begin DateDetermines the begin date based on the specified date.
Predefined Date

Determines the begin date based on a predefined date that uses a Range Type and a specified entity date field. Range Type options include:

  • Inception to Date. If the report includes only Performance Analysis fields for the fund, the Query Tool uses the earliest fund inception date.

However, if the report includes benchmark Performance Analysis fields, the Query Tool determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, and identifies the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting to determine the inception date, as follows. If the:

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is selected, the report uses the earliest fund inception date as the report’s begin date.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report identifies the earliest fund inception date and the report end date benchmark’s inception date. It uses the earliest date as the report’s begin date.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report identifies the earliest fund inception date and the current date benchmark’s inception date. It uses the earliest date as the report’s begin date.
  • Fiscal Year to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous fiscal year end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Year to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous year end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Quarter to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous quarter end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Month to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous month end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
End Date Options
Date RuleDetermines the end date based on the specified Date Rule.
End DateDetermines the end date based on the specified date.
Entity Termination DateDetermines the end date based on the specified entity termination date field.

Remember that this range defines the outer limits of the query and provides all the raw data required for subsequent operations, such as linking. For example, if you are always going to want the last 12, 6, and 3 months of returns linked, the Query Date Range needs to encompass the 12-month period and the individual operations define each of the linking subperiods. Note the Query Tool is designed for quick analysis. It is not designed to handle large volumes.

If you are defining the query date range for View 3, a single date view, ensure that the begin date and end date are the same. You can use a time range or a single date.

Show Business Days Only

The Show Business Days Only check box determines whether the query only displays returns for dates marked as business days in the Business Calendar applied or if the query shows all committed performance within the query’s date range, including both business and non business days. This option is selected by default, but you can clear it. If the check box is:

  • The query shows results for all business days, even when no performance is committed for those days. This option is selected by default, and provides backwards compatibility. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for the profile portfolio or benchmark, if available, to identify business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar.

If the report identifies business days for benchmarks, the Query Tool determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, and identifies the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting, as follows. If the:

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is selected, the report uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. In addition, it chooses the historical benchmarks for each time frame within the report period and then chooses the correct business days for each benchmark, using the appropriate entity level business calendar, if available. Otherwise, if no entity level business calendar is available for the benchmark, the Query Tool uses the Eagle PACE business calendar to provide business days for that assignment’s time period. It then combines these historical benchmarks’ business days with the portfolios’ business days for the total range of business days.

Note that for View 3, a single date report; the date shown is the closest business day prior to the report end date, if the report end date is not a business day.

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report’s benchmarks are the assignments as of the end date of the report time range. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. The results reflect all the days.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report uses the current day assignments for the entity and benchmarks. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It displays the combination of these days on the view's results.
  • The query returns results for all days with performance data committed in the selected date range within the given parameters of the report. This process does not use business calendars. It includes business days for both profile entities and benchmarks. You can use this option to help identify scenarios whether returns were committed in error to a particular day.
  • No labels


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