The Retail Fund Performance component of Eagle’s Performance Measurement solution supports performance calculations and reporting for mutual funds, offshore funds, and unit trusts. With Retail Fund Performance you can:
- Conduct detailed audits of NAV, distribution, and related data.
- Establish return tolerance checking relative to benchmarks.
- Calculate returns based on NAVs per share and other unitized data.
- Support a variety of calculations, including:
- Before tax and SEC post-tax and post-liquidation returns.
- Net and gross of fee with optional adjustments for expense waivers.
- Load, no-load, and redemption fee adjusted returns.
- Convertible B share.
- Various price types, such as open or close bid, ask or offer.
- Alternate prices for additional fund pricing scenarios, including closed end funds at NAV or at market price.
- Calculate a variety of risk and risk-adjusted return statistics.
- Compare fund results to benchmarks, peer groups, and universes.
- Analyze performance based on different tax rate assumptions.