Initially released to IWS Test on 20180724
sprint 4.5 - patched
Bug Fixes
Empty error message in MT - profile
Sometimes RunWith action produces empty error message.
This happens if a control parameter is added to the profile profile.
The issue has been fixed by adding code to handle duplicate parameters gracefully.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-595
Missing parameters in Demand List extract
Several filters were missing in Additional Filter Params table of Generic Extract parameters form.
The code was updated to resolve this issue, filters list was updated to the actual extract rule state.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-594
MT times out in 60 seconds
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-591
While retrieving the procesing results, monitoring Tool would time out in 60 seconds.
One minute timeout is defeinitely not enough for the environments which process significant data volumes.
The timeout was increased to 10 minutes.
New generic schedule workflows have no ability to be canceled on start.
With the enhancement to generate "waiting" _schd streams for workflow scheduling in Automation Center,
an issue was introduced that previously running instances of the workflow would not be canceled.
The issue was fixed in the latest EagleML release under Jira item ESP-403.
exec_wkfl stream now has the ability to cancel workflows by name excluding self.
By implementing this new flag, the new _schd workflow can cancel all instances with the same name excluding self.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-434
The issue with order of InboundDataStream parameter
In the past InboundDataStream and InboundDataFile RTR parameters were sorted as strings, causing usability issues for the user.
To make it more user-friendly, the sorting algorith has been changed to take into account the numeric portion of the parameter values.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-425
New Run Form
IWS had different controls for Running different types of solutions.
This was causing code management issues due to code duplication, and the forms were difficult to use.
To resolve the problem we re-designed the RunForm.
New universal Run dialog is now used for all types of solutions - PRF, WRF, Bundle, Schedule, RawService.
Additional features are
- New Run dialog checks if instances of the process are already running and will prompt you to cancel them before run.
- New files grid now supports multiple file mask declaration.
- Task parameters can be imported from a profile.
Old Run form is still used by default.
To switch to the new one, you have to "opt-in" by setting special flag - "Solution Properties" -> "Use new run form".
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-587
Raw Service - remove UTF-8 BOM
There is a known issue in Message Center versions 2017 r2.5 and below, that first column in foreach cycle is not recognized if data file starts with BOM (byte-order mask)
This directly affects streaming rules in IWS, as well as Raw Service loads.
Additional logic has been added to the unpacker stream to check Message Center version and remove BOM characters before processing if necessary
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-586
Raw Service - preserve customizations
In order to preserve customizations in Raw Service workflow, we added new tab "Workflow" right in the Raw Service template.
In this tab you can set any shape properties, set "Schedule" logic for "Feed's workflow" and publish all changes with "Feed's workflow".
Note: The customizations can be lost if you try to edit the RS workflow by opening it as regular workflow.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-585
Raw Service - MT - view loaded data
Until now the only way to view the data loaded via Raw Service interface was to directly query the database.
To make it more user-friendly, we added new tab "Dimensions" to the Monitoring tool.
You can query the injection results by specifying schema name and batch ID
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-442