MC2 exposes a set of REST Endpoints. The REST endpoints are exposed directly on the Application Server on base port + 207
. Please check Calculating MC2 Endpoints Port Numbers on how to calculate the REST endpoint port number. The
The basePort
will be 20000 + 220 = 20220 and the REST API port will be 20427.
The page with the list of available Swagger definitions can be accessed at
The above link will return a JSON document with the list of all available APIs grouped by resources.
To retrieve the full extract SWAGGER definition you can use:
Also, for example to retrieve the SWAGGER for Warehouse group only you can use:
After 2017R2 you can execute the above requests directly on the web server using either a Web Browser or a command line tool, like curl:
When accessing the REST endpoints thru Eagle Web Server proper Eagle supported authentication credentials should be provided.
Executing Extract Service REST Requests
To execute an extract you can use the SWAGGER definition to see all resource endpoints and parameters supported to build the URL. You can use either a Web Browser or a command line tool, like curl, to execute REST requests.
For example to retrieve an extract with one entity in JSON you can use HTTP GET or POST request either.
In case of GET request filter parameters should be passed as a query parameters:
The same with a POST request, filter parameters are passed within a JSON body (multiple parameters should be divided by a comma):
"maxrows": "1"
or in 2017R2
To retrieve the result in EagleML the output format can be specified as:
To retrieve the extract compressed the output format can have +gzip appended:
Please refer to REST API Extracts for a list of supported endpoints for EagleML extracts and their parameters/swagger files.