Initially released to IWS Test on 20180213
sprint 2.6
Bug Fixes
Error when using EagleML extensions in Python translators
When you try to save Python translator that uses extension EagleML model in Destination,
IWS would generate "Index out of bounds" error message, and translator content could be lost.
The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-356.
Issues with else section of XSLT translator
Two problems related to else element for XSLT have been reported.
If variable was used, then resulting XSLT would not have <value-of> element around it.
In case of constant, an extra space symbol would be added in the beginning of the string.
The code was changed to address both issues, and generate expected XSLT elements.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-307
Issue with schedule properties for use pace scheduler = 0
Schedule properties are not working when use pace scheduler = 0
When UsePaceScheduler parameter is set to 0 in msgservice.ini, then IWS allows you to set Schedule type and interval properties on the Scheduled Begin shape.
However, generic workflow restart rules, recently introduced, do not support this option.
In order to resolve the issue, IWS returned to generating workflow-specific rules in case of usePaceScheduler=0
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-314.
If XMLROOTTAG and XMLMESSAGETAG were not specified for the BATCHIMPORT groups, IWS would not include these attributes into the rule.
Subsequent editing of the rule with MC Editor would add default values, which is undesired.
To fix the issue, IWS was changed to always add XMLROOTTAG and XMLMESSAGETAG attributes, even if they have empty values.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-311.
Unnecessary warning for missing files on import
Due to recent changes in EagleML and IWS, some files were excluded from the package as not required.
However, IWS would still check for their existence and produce unnecessary error message.
The problem was fixed by adding such files into the "ignore" list
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-338.
Raw Service - migrate vendors and feeds
Added ability to export and import Raw Service feeds via IWS. It's the same features as an export and import the IWS solutions.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-309
Filter expression for Python translators
Python translators now have Filter object in the Tool Box.
It allows you to set an expression that omits row from output when evaluated to 0.
This issue was tracked as Item IWS-320
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