'eagle_wrf_pending_trades' is a workflow designed to select transactions from the TRADESDBO.PENDING_TRADES table and send them to STAR.
Processing is carried out in three steps:
1. The first step pulls data using the TRADESDBO.PENDING_TRADE_TRIGGER stored procedure.
Input parameters (filters), available for the process include:
- ConversionStatus
- EntityID
- ProcessCenter
- SecurityAlias
- TradeStatus
'eagle_wrf_pending_trades_extract' contains the stored procedure call with the mapping of inbound parameters and the declaration of 'Extract Status' task status workflow parameter:
2. Extracted data is sent to 'eagle_wrf_pendting_trades_t' transformation stream. The translator contains direct STAR tag mapping:
3. The third step takes the result of transformation and loads it through the core 'eagle_default_in_star_enginemessage' MC stream.
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