Process a Change to an Existing SMF Record
To process a change to an existing SMF record, follow these steps:
- Add an additional tag/value to the records that you wish to change.
- Add the Update Indicator field (tag 1076) to the record with a value of Y or B.
Review the setting of the Conversion Status field (tag 1085):
- If tag 1085 is set to VENDOR_MODE, include all fields that you wish to capture in the SECURITY database.
- If tag 1085 is not set to VENDOR_MODE, include Processing Security Type (tag 3931), Primary Asset ID (tag 14), and Primary Asset ID Type (tag 1432) with the change record. You can then include all previous fields to captures the changes, or include just the fields that you wish to change.
Review the setting of the Validation Level field (tag 1081):
- If the Validation Level field (tag 1081) is set to NONE, include Vendor Cash Flows Source Name (tag 1102), Effective Date (tag 1109), Processing Security Type (tag 3931), Primary Asset ID (tag 14), Primary Asset ID Type (tag 1432), and Issue Name (tag 961).
- If tag 1081 is NULL, Eagle Accounting validations are applied via the core security panels as described in the data maps.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) to ADDSECMASTER.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add SMF files.
Process a Change to an Existing Entity or Entity History Record
To process a change to an existing entity or entity history record, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the tag 1109, the EFFECTIVE_DATE field. If Effective Date (tag 1109) is NULL and matches a record in the ENTITY table, then the database entity record is updated for all fields in the input record. If tag 1109 is populated and matches a record in the ENTITY_HIST table, then the database entity history is updated for all fields in the input record. Fields not supplied in the input record are not updated.
Review the setting of the Validation Level field (tag 1081):
- If tag 1081 is set to NONE, include tag 1109, tag 1163, and tag 1105.
- If tag 1081 is NULL, Eagle Accounting validations are applied via the core security panels as described in the data maps.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) to ADDENTITY.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message.
Process a Change to an Existing FX Record
To process a change to an existing FX record, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the Update Indicator (tag 1076) set to Y. The FX Rates being sent must be the new FX Rates.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) to ADDFXRATES.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message
Process a Change to an Existing Price Record
To process a change to an existing Price record, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the Update Indicator (tag 1076) set to Y, except for price, you must send the new price.
- Set Event Type field (tag 55) to ADDPRICE.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message.
Process a Change to an Existing Sink Schedule
To process a change to an existing Sink schedule, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the Update Indicator (tag 1076) set to Y.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) ADDSINK.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message.
Process a Change to an Existing Variable Rate
To process a change to an existing Variable Rate, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the Update Indicator (tag 1076) set to Y.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) to ADDVARRATE.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message.
Process Trades
To process Trades, follow these steps:
- Process a Cancel Trade event.
- Submit a new trade.
Process a Change to an Existing Corporate Action
To process a change to an existing Corporate Action, follow these steps:
- Include all the fields required for the Add message and include the Update Indicator (tag 1076) set to Y.
- Set the Event Type field (tag 55) to the same value required for the Add message.
- Deliver the file to the same location as the Add message.
Process a Change to an Existing Cash Activity Record
To process a change to an existing Cash Activity record, follow these steps:
- Set the Update Indicator (tag 1076) to a value of U (update), I (insert), or D (delete). If the field is NULL, the default is U (update).
- For CANCEL transactions, add the Cancel Flag (tag 10045) with a value of Y to mark as cancels. The transaction type is the original transaction type suffixed with CANCEL, that is, a BUYCANCEL is the cancel for an original BUY record and a BUY$CANCEL is the cancel for the reflexive row. Reflexive rows should be created for any transaction that impacts the cash balance of the portfolio.
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