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Custom Benchmark involves custom index logic which is dependent on certain component values stored on underlying (assigned) constituent entities. These values and assignments are stored in the CUSTOMthe RULESDBO.CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table in the RULES database. The table keeps track of any changes to each custom entity by the EFFECTIVE_DATE field. 


Benchmark TypeCorresponding Custom Index Type ValueResolution
EntityEntity DetailSecurity ConstrainedSecurity Exclusion
Floating AggregateWeight BlendedFLTB++

Floating Weight BlendedBLND++


Currency ConversionCONV++



Entity Resolution Logic

Entity Resolution is specific logic resolving Entity ID for custom index records:


customBenchmark/entityId = entity_id.
If a match as is found, the interface considers custom index record resolved and the logic will move to entity detail resolution.


Logic performs a lookup in the Perf_sec_rollup_relation table in the Perform database.

  1. If no match is found, the record (batch) fails with an error message: “Entity and Security Relation not found”
  2. If a match is found, the logic populates Security_alias in the Custom_index_attr_detail table with the security_alias value obtained above.


Lookup in the Perf_sec_rollup_relation table in the Perform database is performed.

  1. If there is no match, it fails the record (batch) with an error message: “Entity and Security Relation not found”
  2. If there is a match, it populates Security_alias in the Custom_index_attr_detail table with the security_alias value obtained above.

Batch and Next Instance Resolution

The batch is a unique combination of the following fields:

  • customBenchmark/effectiveDate = Effective_date in custom_index_attributes
  • customBenchmark/entityId = Entity_ID in custom_index_attributes
  • customBenchmark/entityDetail/entityId = Entity_Detail_Id in custom_index_attributes

As for example, a valid batch key would be:

Code Block

If a match, the interface looks to the value in PROCESS TYPE on the incoming record and:

  1. If PROCESS TYPE tag = ‘D’ or ‘DELETE’, the interface will delete all records in the database for the batch combination.
  2. If the PROCESS TYPE = 'IU' or ‘INSERT’ or ‘UPDATE’, and records exist for the same batch, the interface will remove records in the database and will re-process with the incoming records for the same batch combination
  3. If the PROCESS TYPE = 'IU' or ‘INSERT’ or ‘UPDATE’, and no records exist for the same batch, the interface will insert the records into the custom_index_attributes table.