Option | Description |
Fair Value Comparison Report | |
Entity ID | Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity. |
Entity Name | Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity. |
Accounting Basis | Specifies the entity accounting basis. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS. |
Account Currency | Displays the account currency. |
Report Type | Specifies the type of date for controlling your report results. Options include:
Effective Date | Specifies the effective date for your report results. When you value this field, the Next Business Day field defaults to this date +1. |
Next Day Open Source Name | Allows you to specify the source name to use for next day opens. Default is EAGLE PACE. |
Next Business Day | Specifies the next business day following the Effective Date field entered. |
Next Day Open Price Type | Allows you to filter by the price type for the next day open price. |
Next Day Open Price Exchange | Specifies the price exchange for the next day price. Default is Primary. |
Price Status Source | Specifies the source for the price status data used in the report. Options include: