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SDP-67177 GenericSMF resolution logic was enhanced to enable Primary Asset resolution by Security Alias

Primary Asset Id is required field for GenericSMF load. The client may not have a Primary Asset Id and Type but may have an Security Alias in incoming file.
The new asset resolution option RESOLVE_PRIMARY was introduced to enable Primary Asset Id and Type resolution by provided Security Alias.
It is supported for Regular, Forward and Swap securities.

Example of usage:

Files changed:

SDP-61939 The Cost Basis Adjustment inbound interface was expanded with new panel support

The new eagle/star/account/pan-insertadjcostbasis.htm panel support was added to the Cost Basis Adjustment interface to process Tax Lot Service Cost Basis Adjustment.
The new rule is triggered by the costAdjustmentType element with a value of 'UPDATE_TAXSERVICE_LOT'.
Example of usage:


Data Base fields and Xpath:
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.OPEN_EVENT_ID - Tag 151 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/openEventId
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.QUANTITY_WASHSALE_ELIGIBLE - Tag 405 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/qtyWashSaleEligible
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.TAX_UNIT_COST_B - Tag 163 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/quantityunitCostBase
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.TAX_UNIT_COST_L - Tag 4643 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/unitCostBaseunitCostLocal
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.QUANTITY - Tag 4642 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/unitCostLocalquantity
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.AMORTIZED_COST_B - Tag 2690 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/amortizedCostBase
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.AMORTIZED_COST_L - Tag 2689 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/amortizedCostLocal
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.WASH_SALE_DEFERRAL_B - Tag 402 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/lossDeferralBase
ESTAR.ESTAR_TAXSVC_ADJ_LOT_DETAIL.WASH_SALE_DEFERRAL_L - Tag 403 - EagleML/accountingTransaction/costBasisAdjustment/lossDeferralLocal


File changed:

SDP-67272 Enable Cloud Workflow to execute with all generic extract parameters

The Cloud workflow can be executed with any parameters supported by the generic extract. SQL queries and extracted data is similar both in the generic extract and the Cloud extract. All filters supported by the generic extract can be passed in the Cloud workflow and work the same way.

Files changed:

SDP-66795 Issue Price and Issue PC Price inbound interfaces were enhanced to support price conversion process for Bond Forwards

The routing for the Price Conversion panels was updated to support a new Price Type Code - Tag 1843 value of 6.
Example of usage:


Files changed:

SDP-66389 Corrected the mapping for the gainSecurityLocal, lossSecurityLocal. Added gainSecurityBase and lossSecurityBase,

Mappings for the gainSecurityLocal and lossSecurityLocal were changed to TOTAL_GAIN_LOCAL and TOTAL_LOSS_LOCAL. New tags gainSecurityBase and lossSecurityBase were added and mapped to the SECURITY_GAIN and SECURITY_LOSS. Changes were applied both for the extract and the load.

Files changed:

SDP-65723 Process Centers Partitions Resolution Logic For RTR Processing

New logic has been introduced for RTR processing in the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream. It is activated by two task parameters: ResolveProcessCtrPartitions and 4896.
4896 is a tag that represents Process Center. The ResolveProcessCtrPartitions flag defaults to N, but can be set to Y or B.


The logic works for every RTR with these task parameters. It does not depend on what will be executed by this RTR. If these parameters are not presented in the RTR, then the logic will not be triggered.

SDP-65382 LedgerPostingDualEntry enhancement - USE_PRIOR_FX_RATE option to use prior FX Rate

The LedgerPostingDualEntry EagleML load interface has been enhanced to support the new processing option "USE_PRIOR_FX_RATE.". This indicates to use the prior FX Rate before the accounting date (accountingDate). The message will retrieve the most recent FX Rate and use the returned value in the posting.


Files changed:

SDP-65297 Changed Forward ContraSecAlias Resolution To Select The Opposing Leg

Changed the Forward security resolution to use the opposing leg instead of its own security alias. The resolution will trigger when both legs are loaded and the ContraSecAlias is 0 or is not provided.

Files changed:

SDP-61599 EDS WarehouseTrade resource was updated

The EDS WarehouseTrade resource was updated. The mapping was adjusted and additional elements were added to the Canonical model
between the element unrealizedUndistributedInvestmentIncomeLocal and warehousetrade:TradeChargesModel


Files changed:

SDP-59616 Conversion Workflow

The main goal of the Conversion Workflow to provide a framework for migrating years of historical Eagle Data from the Oracle database to Snowflake.


<EagleML eaglemlVersion="2-0" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest">

SDP-67376 Filename Parser for Conversion upload mode

The Filename parser was implemented to support the Conversion Workflow and historical data load as part of the Eagle-Vault pipeline.
File names with a predefined pattern for load CONVERSION_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.*  are generated automatically by the conversion workflow.
It will set conversion upload mode and fromEffective/toEffective date parameters for load.
Parameters will be parsed from the filename and they will override the same incoming parameter if they were passed in the incoming RTR.


Files changed:

SDP-56039 EDS codetranslation resource

codetransalation resource support has been added to EDS.


Files changed:

Production Bugs

SDP-67873 Default Logic for Warehouse Position and Warehouse Openlot was corrected for Batch load

Regression issues was introduced by the prior change. Default logic was corrected:


Files changed:

SDP-66869 Revised logic when skipping the Rating record update to still update the Reason Code of the Rating

The logic for the Issue Rating inserts a new record when both the effective date and the Rating are different than the existing values in the database. This logic is triggered by using the processingOptions SKIP_UNCHANGED_RATING in the incoming file. The logic checks if the latest rating record (highest effective date) for the same key (Security + Issue Name + Source) has a different alpha rating or the same rating. If the new record matches the existing alpha rating, the record is skipped, otherwise a new record is created.


Files changed:

SDP-66032 EDS issuerrating Resource was updated

The metadata for issuerrating was updated to add support for the following fields: SOURCE_NAME, RELEASE_DATE and RELEASE_STATUS. The logic for the field SOURCE_NAME was updated to populate the same value as for the UPDATE_SOURCE.

Files changed:

SDP-67953 Delta-Based Extract Regression in the October EagleML Release

The Delta-Based extract workflow had a different correlationId passing different from the process without a workflow. As a result, there was an error in the logic when the start /end time and status should be updated. The code was changed to not execute this logic when the Delta-based extract is called the in workflow process.
Files changed: