You can use class Allocation Adjustment Rules only with an Allocation Rule that specifies a class Allocation Method that uses total net assets such as Relative Net Assets, Prior Night Net Asset, Relative Net Asset At Market Value, Current Day Adjusted Net Asset, and Common Assets.
WRITERS NOTE: The R&D “guide” does not say it works with the new Common Asset allocation method.The requirements document say it uses the Common Asset allocation method. The GUI indicates it works with Common Assets. Please confirm.
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Class Allocation Adjustment Example
In the following example, you create an allocation rule where you set the Class Method to Relative Net Asset and the class allocation adjustment rule excludes class-level expense payable balances. The relative net assets for class A and O are 4,000,000.00 and 2,850,000.00 respectively. The system then subtracts the excluded class-level balances from the relative net asset (RNA) amount in order to receive the correct weight balance for each share class. At this point it calculates the allocation ratios. You can view the ratios either through the View Calculated Rate panel before class allocations are posted or through the List Posted Class Rate & Activity panel after class allocations are posted.
Class | Prior Date TNA | Current Day Net Shareholder Activity | Class Level Balances to Exclude | Total Weight | RNA with Exclusion Allocation Ratio |
A | 3,500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | (815.45) | 3,999,184.5 | 0.583944269670 |
O | 2,500,000.00 | 350,000.00 | (612.25) | 2,849,387.755 | 0.416055730330 |
6,000,000.00 | 850,000.00 | 6,848,572.30 | 1.00 |
Create or Update Class Allocation Adjustment Rules
You can create or update a class allocation adjustment rule.
To create or update a class allocation adjustment rule:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Allocation Rules > Create/Update Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the Create/Update Allocation Adjustment Rule panel.In the Add or Update Class Allocation Adjustment Rule Name Rule field, specify whether you are adding or updating a class allocation adjustment rule.
Options include:
– Add. Default. Used to create a new class allocation adjustment rule and enter related rule criteria.
– Update. Used to enter additional rule criteria for an existing class allocation adjustment rule.In the Class Allocation Adjustment Rule Name field, specify the name of the class allocation adjustment rule you are adding or updating.
In the Chart of Account Name field, specify the name of the Chart of Accounts associated with the class allocation adjustment rule.
In the From General Ledger Account and To General Ledger Account fields, select the beginning and ending general ledger account numbers to use for the class allocation adjustment rule.
NOTE: When you specify a range of ledger accounts in the rule, you cannot choose a range of accounts from both balance sheet and income statement for a single row, or rule detail. That is, the From/To range can apply to accounts on the balance sheet or it can apply to accounts on the income statement.If you want to define multiple rule criteria, use the pane at the bottom of the panel, as follows:
– Right-click the grid at the bottom of the panel and select Add Rows.
– Enter the number of rows you want to add on the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional rule criteria you want to add.
– Complete the options on each row you added.Click Submit.
After you create a class allocation adjustment rule, you can assign that rule to one or more allocation rules. For details, see Manage Allocation Rules.
Edit Class Allocation Adjustment Rules
In the Edit Class Allocation Adjustment Rule, you can edit an existing class allocation adjustment rule.
To edit an allocation adjustment rule:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Allocation Rules > Edit Class Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the Edit Class Allocation Adjustment Rule panel.In the Class Allocation Adjustment Rule Name field, specify the class allocation adjustment rule that you want to edit.
In the Show All tab, select the check box for the rule you want to change, and click Change Class Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the each rule you selected in the Change Class Allocation Adjustment Rule tab.Modify the class allocation adjustment rule.
You can edit the Chart of Account Name, From General Ledger Account, and To General Ledger Account values. You cannot change the rule name.Click Submit.
List Class Allocation Adjustment Rules
In the List Class Allocation Adjustment Rule panel, you can view a list of class allocation adjustment rules.
To list class allocation adjustment rules:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Allocation Rules > List Class Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the List Class Allocation Adjustment Rule panel.In the Query History field, you can indicate whether you want to view history information for class allocation adjustment rules.
Options include:
- Yes. Displays historical information for rules.
- No. Default. Does not display historical information for rules.In the Class Allocation Adjustment Rule Name field, specify the name of the class allocation adjustment rule you want to view. Or leave this field blank to view all class allocation adjustment rules that meet your criteria.
Click Submit.
You see information about the class allocation adjustment rules that met your criteria in the Class Allocation Adjustment Rules tab in a report format and the Show All tab in a grid format.
Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rules
In the Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rule, you can delete a class allocation adjustment rule.
To delete an allocation adjustment rule:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Fund Accounting > Allocation Rules > Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rule panel.In the Class Allocation Adjustment Name field, specify the name of the class allocation adjustment rule that you want to delete.
Click Submit.
In the Show All tab, select the check box for the rule you want to delete, and click Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rule.
You see the each rule you selected in the Delete Class Allocation Adjustment Rule tab.Review the class allocation adjustment rule.
You can view the Class Allocation Adjustment Rule, Ledger Account, and To Account values, but cannot change them.Click Submit.