Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

SDP-17628:  User was loaded with Disabled Status in EML User Stream


Files changed:

SDP-16300 MMF:  UserChar1 (tag 1887) is not passed to panel on  AccountingTrade Load


The issue was fixed by replacing substring '120::' from the request result before parsing. This change helps in avoiding the same issue in the following interfaces:

 GenericEntityGenericEntity, ExchangePrice, AnalyticEquity, AnalyticFI, IssueAnalytic, GenericIssueAnalytics, IssuerOrganization, IssuerAnalytics, IssuePCPrice, IssuerRelationship, GenericCA, GenericSMF, MultipleLegAccountingTrade, UnderlyingSMF.


Files changed:
eagle_default\in\xml\xml-accttrade_buy, xml-accttrade_cancel, xml-accttrade_capfundinvestments, xml-accttrade_conversion, xml-accttrade_deliver, xml-accttrade_fxfwd, xml-accttrade_fxspot, xml-accttrade_receive, xml-accttrade_sell, trd_sec_columns,
eagle_default\in\include\ csv-buy_columns, csv-capfundinvestments_columns, csv-conversion_columns, csv-deliver, csv-receive, csv-sell_columns.

SDP-10499: Redesign the ExchangePrice rule to include the logic from the RDC_PRICE_UPLOAD 

The Exchange Price loading rule has been updated to support the accountingValidationFlag with a value of Y and RDC loading process. The Issue PC Price load and Exchange Price load now use common logic for mapping and panel processing.

Files Changed:

New Files:


SDP-18497: Change the workflow_restart logic similar to EJM Monitoring Tool to redirect the workflow execution to the correct engine
The workflow_restart logic was enhanced to redirect the execution of a workflow to either MC or MC2  based on the parameter WORKFLOWENGINE .

If the workflow profile has a parameter WORKFLOWENGINE with a value of Y then the workflow execution will be launched on the MC2 engine.

Files Changed:

SDP-14021:  The xml-ref_issuepcprice.xml does not have mapping for the EXassetResolutionOption

A series of mapping for the following elements that were previously included were missing in the xml-ref_issuepcprice.xml: assetResolutionOption, battingOrder, securityAlias. The tagNochangecase was missing for the exchangePrice.

The issue was fixed in SDP-10499. The Issue PC Price load and Exchange Price load now use the common logic for mapping and the panel processing.  The missing elements have been restored. 

SDP-18942:  Improve performance of reference data extracts by applying a Bind Variable for the Max Effective Date query

Max Effective Date sub query didn't have bind variable. This affected the  query execution time.
Support for bind variables was added for the Max Effective Date sub-query for all extracts which supported this option.

Affected extract list:
- ENTITYEXTRACT – history mode
- ISSUERORGEXTRACT– history mode
- SMFEXTRACT– history mode

Changed file:

SDP-18684:  Issuer Ratings Extract issue: missing include file in EagleML
EagleML package didn't contain a link to the  file -, whic h caused an issue when only EaglML package was installed without EXTRACTSERVICE package.
The missing link was added to the include file.

SDP-18615:  Profiled Generic Load should distinguish interfaces with similar names correctly

When the names of interfaces were similar as in the case of USER and USERGROUP, the send_to_wrf step of eagle_wrf_generic_load_profile_executor workflow was not distinguishing it correctly.

The logic was changed to fix this issue.

Changed files: