Changes in Permissions when Upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle Classic UI
If you are upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle Classic UI, you will notice that many role names have changed in the Eagle UI, as well as the module that holds the permissions. User Manager, an Eagle Classic component, has been replaced by User Administration in V2017. User Groups and Product Groups have both been removed and are now replaced by Center Roles. Center Roles are a combination of legacy User Groups and Product Groups.
In V2017, the panels and modules that were previously displayed across the entire Eagle application are now grouped into Eagle Centers that reflect the specific function of the panel or module. Users must have permissions for each center to access that center and the panels/modules that are housed within it. This access to each center is defined within a center role. Each center has its own set of center roles. A user may have multiple center roles to access the functions of the Eagle application in different centers.
For example, the Book Trade module is located within Accounting Center. A user looking to access the Book Trade module must have an Accounting Center role that allows usage of the Book Trade module. As another example, System Parameters are located within System Management Center. A user will need a center role that allows access to System Management Center. For a user looking to access both of these centers, the appropriate Accounting Center role and System Management Center role are required.
Conversion to Center Roles when Upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle Classic UI
During the V2017 upgrade process, a region is upgraded from the current version all the way up to the target version, while applying an upgrade of every version in between along the way. In User Administration, the old User Groups and Product Groups are leveraged to create Center Roles. As previously mentioned, User Groups are comprised of both the Product Groups and Module Access.
Linkage between Eagle Classic and Eagle UI
Each Eagle Center is organized into its own individual tree structure. In Accounting Center, for example, you may see an Account Setup and Maintenance folder in the left navigation. In that folder, you can find Entities, and then the List Entities panel. However, each center location is linked back to a core panel located in the eagle directory that was used in Eagle Classic. For the above example, the path in Eagle Classic would be Eagle/Star in the top two boxes, followed by Account in the tabs, and then the List Entities panel in the Entity section. This linkage between these two locations from Eagle Classic to Eagle UI allows for the conversion to take place.
Product Groups Conversion
The conversion is built into the V2017 upgrade scripts and will recognize that, for example, a legacy Product Group has access to the eagle/star/account – List Entities panel. It will then look for any Eagle center that houses this panel location. In our example above, the List Entities panel is housed in both Accounting Center and Portfolio Data Center. When the conversion locates the link, it will build out a center role for each center, give access to that panel, and bring over all linked users from the legacy Product Group. The conversion performs these steps for all panels, all by Product Group.
Module Access Conversion
For module access, the conversion performs a similar function. Each User Group has a list of modules that it allows access to and that access is determined by the group that the User Group is part of for each module.
For example, suppose a user is part of the Upgrades User Group and that User Group has Message Center access set up against the Eagle Default Admin Group. During the conversion, this user will have center roles created in all centers that house Message Center. The type of Message Center access given in those centers will mirror the type of permission defined in the legacy Eagle Default Admin Group.
Center Role Names when Upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle Classic UI
The center role names will retain the name of the Eagle Classic User Group along with the suffix "migrated" appended to the name. This provides an easy way to pinpoint groups that were created via the conversion. There are also out-of-the box center roles that are new in V2017. These out-of-the-box roles are not editable
but can be duplicated to use as templates. Users can be added and removed from these center roles.
Changes in Permissions when Upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle UI
If you are upgrading to V2017 from an earlier Eagle version that already uses the Eagle UI, there were also some entitlement changes.
Application Roles in the pre-v2017 Eagle UI determined what a user could use, while the Center Roles determined what the user could see. For example, if a user had an Application Role that allowed usage of the eagle/star/accounts – List Entities panel, they would still need a Center Role in a center where that panel was housed to see the panel. In this example, the user would need an Accounting Center role that allows access to nxgaccounting/account setup and maintenance/entities – List Entities.
In v2017, Application Roles were retired. Center Roles now control access to how a user may use and see modules and panels in a center. The conversion is built into the V2017 upgrade scripts and takes cares of creating the additional center roles. There is no manual steps required assuming you are upgrading to V2017 R2.1 or higher.
Center Role Names when Upgrading to V2017 from the Eagle UI
Center Roles that are converted during the V2017 upgrade process will have the suffix "migrated" appended to the name. There are also out-of-the-box roles for each center. These out-of-the-box roles are not editable
but can be duplicated to use as templates. Users can use the out-of-the-box roles as their center roles.
Note on Conversion of Automation Center and Performance Center Roles when Upgrading to V2017
Currently, the conversion does not apply to Automation Center or Performance Center roles. These roles will need to be created when upgrading to V2017 from a prior Eagle version.
However, if you are upgrading from an Eagle UI region that already has roles in Automation Center or Performance Center, those roles will be migrated over to V2017.