Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New version of Pace ReportService client

New version is available: pace-reportservice-1.0.5.jar
The jar must be installed separately; refer to this page for instructions to install the client jar file:
Installing Pace Report Service


SDP-39375 Allow user to define destination filter expression in RTR


As part of the item we made a change for the EDS query generation to extract float numbers without fractional part like example below:

  • 255 instead on 255.0

  • 0 instead of 0.0 But this change led an error for down streams which expect float number with point.To do this we change query generation and add logic to format all decimal numbers with point, like it was before.For now it is even simpler:CASE WHEN MASTERTABLE.RATING_FLOAT2 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE TO_CHAR(MASTERTABLE.RATING_FLOAT2, 'FM9999999999999990.099999999999') END RATING_FLOAT2


SDP-39132 Create EDS Object for Corporate Action Activity Report


Fixed the following issues in pyrules:

  • Added the main header: <header></header>

  • Fixed the root node attributes


SDP-39467 Convert boolean to string type in OLAP REST API Payloads
