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EagleML and EJM require a series of infrastructure message streams. This page describes how to verify

EagleML and EJM require a series of infrastructure message streams. This page describes how to verify in the Message Center Console that all of the required streams are installed and enabled and which message streams are required.


The first time you install the monthly EagleML package In an environment, this check should be performed. It is not required for subsequent installs. This is applicable to both the automated and the manual install processes.

While this step is optional on subsequent installs, it may be conducted after each install as an additional verification point for manual installs

In this page:


  1. Open the Message Center Console in your Eagle environment.
  2. Click the Message Streams tab in the Message Center Console main window.
    The Streams Query dialog box will be displayed.
  3. In the Title text box, enter eagle_ml and click SEARCH.
    All of the message streams with the name eagle_ml will be displayed.
  4. Check that the required streams are listed.
  5. Check that the Stream Statuses for all of the required streams are shown as Enabled.

If you are installing the EagleML package for the first time on an environment that has Eagle versions 12.x, 13.x or V15R2.x, the streams will all be disabled and you will need to enable them. 


 While reviewing the streams, you may also verify want to verify the instance id on the Message Stream properties.





Required Message Streams

The following table lists the stream ID, stream name, and description of the infrastructure streams installed with the EagleML/EJM Monthly Install.


This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation step from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)[SINGLE mode] and send a result message to the load step to the streameagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse  or eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc.

Stream Count

Stream CategoryCount


Stream TitleStream CategoryMC2 RelatedDescriptioneagle_default_bbca_helperEGL_GenericThis stream performs transformation of the Bloomberg Corporate Actions to TagValue formateagle_default_csv_raw_data_loadEGL_GenericThis stream is used to load Global Values (Columns)eagle_default_deploy_demandMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to deploy the rules and services manuallyeagle_default_deploy_restart_mcMC_INSTALLThis stream is designed to restart MC services while deploying a snapshot or a release packageeagle_default_deploy_serviceMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to deploy serviceseagle_default_deploy_supportMC_INSTALLThis stream is intended for back up operations during installation. For example: stopping MCCOMMANDEXECUTOR, checking the installed version of the component, checking free disk spaceeagle_default_extractor_demandEGL_EJMThis stream is used to run the data extraction manuallyeagle_default_file_distributionEGL_EJMThis stream is used to deliver files using external connection. Only FTP delivery type supported. (Note: it is part of eagle_ml_file_distribution package).eagle_default_file_indexerEGL_IWSThis stream identifies all references between different rules and creates a dependency tree for internal use in EBS/IWS/MTeagle_default_file_move_or_copyEGL_IWSThis stream is used to copy or move the file to a specified destination directory. It is primarily used by the "task move" shape in IWS. eagle_default_in_csv_warehouseEGL_GenericThis stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)[BATCH mode] and send a result message for load to the stream
EGL_PROD_PAR (Uncategorized)2


warehouse or eaglewarehouse_preproceaglecsvwarehousesmGeneric uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation from CSV to EagleML (XMLDBAPI) [SINGLE mode] and send a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse or warehouse_preproceagle_default_in_csv_warehouse_tGeneric performs transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)csvwarehouseupsertGeneric uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)[UPSERT mode] and send a result message for load to the stream _warehouse or warehouse_preproceagle_default_in_pipe_performanceCLPGeneric uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation step from PIPE Performance to EagleML and sends a result message for load to the stream warehouse_preprocpipeperformanceCLP_tGeneric performs PIPE Performance to EagleML transformationpipeposGeneric uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation step from PIPE Position to EagleML and sends a result message for load to the stream eagle_default_in_pipe_pos_tGenericThis stream performs PIPE Position to transformationEGL_EJM restart the Eagle Nuggetizer. The Eagle Nuggetizer is a schedule-based workflow and is run by a defined schedule. The Eagle Nuggetizer Workflow runs the _default_cm_nuggetizer’ stream, which collects EagleML files, concatenates them into nuggets and sends it for further processingeaglerawcommonvalues_loadGenericThese streams are Global Values (Columns)rawcreate_tableGenericeaglerawcreateviewGenericraw_dataheaderloadGenericeagle_default_secmaster_resolution is used to translate the non-standard identifiers in the requestor file into vendor accepted identifiers, so that the vendor may identify the securityruleserviceExtractServiceMC2 are execute requests in pyruleservice. It executes the Python script that uses the RTR sent to the stream and creates a TSR. It also saves the RTR and TSR information in the orchestration tables to show it as an EJM task.This stream is used to install streams from zip archive. It is the old version of stream installer.acquiredataThe stream receives the information provided to the control message, adds the end of workflow trigger file and delivers all details of the Load Flow Control stream to orchestrate data loadsconcat concatenates several incoming files into one outgoing with a set nameconstruct_request generates the requester file from the EagleML Generic SMF identifiers to load the details from Bloomberg. It is used in the generic_load_enrichment workflowcontrolmessage receives and parses control messages. The control message is an XML-formatted input message that EJM recognizes and processes as a command to execute a specific message stream, STAR event, or PACE eventcontrolprocess is used to stop / kill workflows or MC streamsdata_file_splitterThe main purpose of the this stream is to increase the performance of the incoming GICSV (Generic Interface CSV) formatted files loading by splitting the incoming file into several smaller and distributing files into Message Center processes in order to run parallel processing.data_load_cmw_in a helper stream used by the Message Center Console and Automation Center to deliver data files to the incoming folder (/cmw/in)datafile_control reads the trigger file from the datafile_task and makes a specified copy in the staging folder and then moves it to the specified stream for processing.datafiletask stream creates a trigger file with necessary information(stream name, file name, source stream name etc.) and sends it to the stream datafile_controldfaMC2 receives data files for the MC2 workflow execution.dishub2spokeclientThese streams are the EagleAccessFTP streams used to execute i2i deliverycmdishubclientdisribute_to_nuggetizer sends the incoming file into the nuggetizer folder, configured by the W_NGTZR_DIST_FOLDER settingeaftp_reader performs the following tasks: Sends a request to the database SITESEE about the files received on the FTP; Gets files from the FTP; Updates the status in SITESEE database about the files; and Sends the files for processing to the control_message stream.easdistribution gets EAS alerts as a TSR message, converts the TSR to format in accordance with the list of defined templates and send alerts via mailejmMC2 MC2 found also the one ; this )_email_distribution distribute the results of the workflow to email.eofw last in the execution sequence (Load Flow Control Rule), reporting the processing status of the completed workflow as a success or a failure; this stream also triggers final reporting to an external system by dropping a trigger file into the /REP folderexecebsExtractServiceThis stream is used to execute EBS requests_executepaceevent to invoke a specific PACE event by nameexecutestar_event invoke a specific STAR Accounting event by nameexecwkfl the main stream in workflow executionfiledistribution deliver files. For example, for i2i workflowloadflow_control uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute a set of data loads in logical database order, launching the appropriate supported message stream interface for each available input filemc2healthcheck Message Center stream is used to validate MC2 is up and running, checks the health of MC2.monitoring monitors ALERTS and sends a notification to the _email_distribution stream if an alert occursndfaThis stream is used to initiate EJM workflows based on the file names being dropped in this stream.ndfaexecThis stream determines for which workflow the incoming data file is intended and generates an event for this workflownotifemailThis stream transforms the TSR to plain text format and sends it via emaildefault_cm_nuggetizer collects EagleML files, concatenates them into nuggets and sends them for further processing. It is used in the eagle_nuggetizer_workflow._cm_nuggetizer_recover in troubleshooting for the eagle_nuggetizer_workflow.  It also purges the generic_load_enrichment.cm_pacepollThis stream is used to poll and check the status of Pace reports_cm_packer compress files to a ZIP archivecmparallelexeceagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_validate_by_xsd perform the XSD validation of data filesml-2-0_default_cm_w_setupeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_wrkfl_executorThis stream executes the workflow rulesml-2-0_default_cm_wrkfl_listenerMC2eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_splitter_isr_mi split the Generic Issuer file into several Issuer files and route them to ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_objects streamml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_splitter_smf_mi split the Generic SMF file into several Reference and SMF files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_objects streamEGL_EagleML load the Entity objects sequentiallyml-2-0_default_in_xml_entityEagleML load the Entity objectsml-2-0_default_in_xml_impairmentsEagleML load the Impairments objectml-2-0_default_in_xml_issuer_miEagleML split the Generic Issuer file into several Issuer files and route them to ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference streamml-2-0_default_in_xml_ref_extEagleMLml-2-0_default_in_xml_ref_no_splitEagleML load the Reference objects. The incoming messages are processed sequentially in the order in which they are in the data fileEGL_EagleML load the Reference objectsml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_genericEagleML load Generic SMF objectEGL_EagleML load the Warehouse objects (XMLDBAPI format)ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preprocEagleML load the Warehouse objects (EagleML format)ml-2-0_default_in_xml_washsaleEagleML load the Accounting washSale objectml-2-0_default_out_extract_serviceExtractServiceEGL_EagleML extract data in STAR formatoutstreamingtEagleML similar to the eagle_ml-2-0out_t, as this stream is the second stage of the data export and manages the transformation process within the EJM framework. It uses the latest Eagle technology which enables tasks to be executed faster improving throughput.outtEagleML the second stage of the data export and manages the transformation process within the EJM frameworkvalidatepackageEagleML stream validates package integrityservice_emptyIWS is used to group the rules and include files that do not require an execution streamEGL_Generic
Stream NameStream CategoryCommentsStream Description
This stream is used to translate the non-standard identifiers in the requestor file into vendor accepted identifiers, so that the vendor may identify the security
This stream is used to send email alerts by MsgDetailId
This stream is used to execute any types of EDS processes.
This stream validates profiled generic load results.
This stream is used to automate engine cache clearing during runtime
This stream is used to load the Accounting Cash objects
This stream is used to load accounting cash objects.The incoming messages are processed sequentially in the order in which they are in the data file
This stream is used to load the Accounting Trade objects
This stream is used to load Accounting Cash objects sequentially
This stream is used to load the Cost Basis Adjustment object
This stream is used to load the Entity objects sequentially
This stream is used to load the Entity objects
This stream is used to load the Impairments object
This stream is used to split the Generic Issuer file into several Issuer files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference stream
This stream is used to load the extended schedule objects
This stream is used to load the Reference objects. The incoming messages are processed sequentially in the order in which they are in the data file
This stream is used to load the Reference objects
eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_customEGL_EagleMLObsoleteThis stream was used to load the customSMF object. It is obsolete, but documented for backwards compatibility.
This stream is used to load the Generic SMF object
This stream is used to split the Generic SMF file into several Reference and SMF files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_generic and eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference streams
This stream is used to load the User objects
This stream is used to load the Warehouse objects (XMLDBAPI format)
This stream is used to load the Warehouse objects (EagleML format)
This stream is used to load the Accounting washSale object
This stream is the first stage of the data export and manages the query process within the EJM framework
This stream is used to extract data in STAR format
This stream is similar to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_rollbackMC_INSTALLThis stream is designed to roll back to a later version after installing an earlier version. For the case when the previous version of EagleML is installed, the files in the package are compared by the manifest. If there are no such files in the installed package, they are deleted from the backend.out_t, as this stream is the second stage of the data export and manages the transformation process within the EJM framework. It uses the latest Eagle technology which enables tasks to be executed faster improving throughput
This stream is the second stage of the data export and manages the transformation process within the EJM framework
This stream validates package integrity
This stream is used to manage SINK Schedules
This stream is used to
eagle_iws_cacheEGL_IWSThis stream is used to cache IWS resourceseagle_iws_delete_fileEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to remove local fileseagle_iws_eagleml_panelEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to interact and execute the Xpanelseagle_iws_export_solutionEGL_IWSThis stream compiles IWS solutions with the Java tool on the back-endeagle_iws_export_solution_mcpkgEGL_IWSThis stream compiles IWS solutions and sends the pkg files for the processed IWS solutioneagle_iws_find_and_get_fileEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to locate fileseagle_iws_get_fileEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to download fileseagle_iws_import_streamEGL_IWSThis stream installs streams while migrating MC packageseagle_iws_import_stream_requestEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to start the import process requestseagle_iws_import_stream_wEGL_IWSThis stream uses files processed by the eagle_iws_import_stream_request and starts the process of the stream installationeagle_iws_infoEGL_IWSThis stream is the IWS authorization streameagle_iws_list_filesEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to download the list of files for a specific directoryeagle_iws_monitoring_apiEGL_IWSThis stream is used by the EJM Monitoring Tool to download task statisticseagle_iws_rename_fileEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to rename solution fileseagle_iws_save_fileEGL_IWSThis stream is used by IWS to upload files to the boxeagle_iws_server_installerMC_INSTALLThis stream uses the eagle_iws_import_stream_w to the install processed streamseagle_iws_server_supportMC_INSTALLThis stream uses the eagle_iws_import_stream_w to copy source files for installing streamseagle_iws_service_data_emptyEGL_EJMThis stream is used to group rule and include files that do not require an execution streameagle_iws_shellEGL_IWSThis is the IWS utils streameagle_mc_alertsEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to send email alerts by MsgDetailIdeagle_mc_import_stream_requestMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to send a combined zip with a .files.b64 and a .pkg.b64 files to the mc_import_stream_w streameagle_mc_import_stream_wMC_INSTALL

This stream is used to import streams. The incoming file is a ZIP which has two types of files: *.files.b64 - base64 encoded ZIPs with files to be installed, starting from estar/  ; *.pkg.b64 - base64 encoded ZIPs with *.pkg files to create the streams. The process first copies the files then runs the installation scripts for .pkg

eagle_mc_import_support_dataMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to load sources/code categories/code values/code transaction objecteagle_mc_server_installerMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to deploy a snapshot or a releaseeagle_mc_server_installer_ftpMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to deploy a snapshot or a release from FTPeagle_mc_server_installer_mqMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to read JMS/MQ  and send files to the appropriate streameagle_mc_server_installer_mq_decoderMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to decode base64 file to zip archive and send the zip to eagle_mc_server_installereagle_mc_server_supportMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to perform basic commands during deployment. For example CHMOD, MKDIR, REINIT etc.eagle_mc_server_support_amq_monitorMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to send email notifications about actual stream information. The stream is out of date. It is maintained for backward compatibility.eagle_mc_server_support_import_dataflowMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to install the Data Vendor Console dataflowseagle_mc_server_support_import_streamMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to import a stream package in Message Centereagle_mc_server_support_jmsMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to perform  basic commands for JMS using broadcast. This stream also performs eagle_mc_server_support_jms_exec in all instances.eagle_mc_server_support_jms_execMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to perform  basic commands for JMS. For example: JMSSTATUS, JMSLIST, JMSSTOP, JMSSTART, JMSPROCINFO etc.eagle_mc_server_support_reporterMC_INSTALLThis stream is used to send Outbound Topic of Build Installation LOG fileseagle_mc_stream_installerMC_INSTALLrepresent errors in MC from Warehouse object load via pyruleservice correctly and to support reprocessing of failed records.
This stream is used to run the data extraction manually
This stream is used to deliver files using external connection. Only FTP delivery type supported. (Note: it is part of eagle_ml_file_distribution package).
This stream is used to restart the Eagle Nuggetizer. The Eagle Nuggetizer is a schedule-based workflow and is run by a defined schedule. The Eagle Nuggetizer Workflow runs the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_nuggetizer’ stream, which collects EagleML files, concatenates them into nuggets and sends it for further processing
This stream is used to group rule and include files that do not require an execution stream
The stream receives the information provided to the control message, adds the end of workflow trigger file and delivers all details of the Load Flow Control stream to orchestrate data loads
This stream concatenates several incoming files into one outgoing with a set name
This stream generates the requester file from the EagleML Generic SMF identifiers to load the details from Bloomberg. It is used in the generic_load_enrichment workflow
This stream receives and parses control messages. The control message is an XML-formatted input message that EJM recognizes and processes as a command to execute a specific message stream, STAR event, or PACE event
This stream is used to stop / kill workflows or MC streams
The main purpose of the this stream is to increase the performance of the incoming GICSV (Generic Interface CSV) formatted files loading by splitting the incoming file into several smaller and distributing files into Message Center processes in order to run parallel processing
This stream is a helper stream used by the Message Center Console and Automation Center to deliver data files to the incoming folder (/cmw/in)
This stream reads the trigger file from the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_datafile_task and makes a specified copy in the staging folder and then moves it to the specified stream for processing
This stream creates a trigger file with necessary information(stream name, file name, source stream name etc.) and sends it to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_datafile_control
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_dfaEGL_EJMMC2This stream receives data files for the MC2 workflow execution
These streams are the EagleAccessFTP streams used to execute i2i delivery
This stream sends the incoming file into the nuggetizer folder, configured by the W_NGTZR_DIST_FOLDER setting
This stream performs the following tasks: Sends a request to the database SITESEE about the files received on the FTP; Gets files from the FTP; Updates the status in SITESEE database about the files; and Sends the files for processing to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream
This stream gets EAS alerts as a TSR message, converts the TSR to format in accordance with the list of defined templates and send alerts via mail
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_ejm_reporterEGL_EJMMC2This MC2 stream generates acknowledgement and task status reply messages. Task statuses are SUCCESS, FAILED, and NO_DATA (for a data extract that found no database records). This stream is also the last one in the execution sequence (Load Flow Control Rule), posting the processing status of the completed workflow as a success or a failure; this stream also triggers final reporting to the external system by dropping a trigger file to the /REP folder)
This stream is used to distribute the results of the workflow to email
This stream is last in the execution sequence (Load Flow Control Rule), reporting the processing status of the completed workflow as a success or a failure; this stream also triggers final reporting to an external system by dropping a trigger file into the /REP folder
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execextractEGL_EJMMC2This stream is used to evaluate group condition and fill list of filter values, fill group prefix, build RTR for generic extract based on incoming task parameters, execute asynchronously generic extract workflow as a sub-process using the built RTR.
This stream is used to invoke a specific PACE event by name
This stream is used to invoke a specific STAR Accounting event by name
This is the main stream in workflow execution
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_extract_validationEGL_EJMMC2This stream validates result of extraction – according to validation definition that should be defined for this task (task if more like framework that will execute validation logic).
It is designed to allow clients to validate extract and abort extract delivery in case if extract is invalid – if it lack viable information, if extract differ too much from baseline (or previous day) extract.
This stream is used to deliver files. For example, for i2i workflow
This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute a set of data loads in logical database order, launching the appropriate supported message stream interface for each available input file
This Message Center stream is used to validate MC2 is up and running, checks the health of MC2
This stream monitors ALERTS and sends a notification to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_email_distribution stream if an alert occurs
This stream is used to initiate EJM workflows based on the file names being dropped in this stream
This stream determines for which workflow the incoming data file is intended and generates an event for this workflow
This stream transforms the TSR to plain text format and sends it via email
This stream collects EagleML files, concatenates them into nuggets and sends them for further processing. It is used in the eagle_nuggetizer_workflow
This stream is used in troubleshooting for the eagle_nuggetizer_workflow. It also purges generic_load_enrichment stream
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_pacepollEGL_EJMMC2This stream is used to poll and check the status of Pace reports
This stream is used to compress files to a ZIP archive
This stream is part of workflow of loading files in parallel
This stream is used to purge or archive files from the local and FTP folders
This stream is used to add information to the queue
This stream is used to display information in the EJM task tab correctly and check if the data was processed for the received RTR
This stream is used to send data files to the workflow loader when the profiled generic load is used
This stream is used to check whether to process the message in queue
This stream is used to clean up all the message in the queue for a workflow and to remove the current workflow from the queue
This stream is used to check messages in the queue and send messages for processing
This stream receives the dataflow state from the database and stops processing if the workflow status is a negative acknowledgement (NACK). This stream derives the stream name to execute, using the task type and feed type, and triggers the execution using an ACQUIRE style message stream
This stream generates acknowledgement (ACK / NACK) and task status reply messages. Task statuses are SUCCESS, FAILED, and NO_DATA (for a data extract that retrieved no database records). This stream is last in the execution sequence (Load Flow Control Rule), posting the processing status of the completed workflow as a success or a failure.  This stream also triggers final reporting to the external system by dropping a trigger file to the /REP folder
This stream is used to transform the TSR
This stream is used to create and manage dependencies between multiple EJM tasks and oversees the fork and join functionality within the stream flow
This stream is used to decompress files from any archive type (ZIP,GZIP,TARGZIP,TAR)
This stream collects information about the extracted files from the archive and the update workflow state
This stream is used to send data files to the PACE Uploader for processing
This stream is used to synchronize the userID information defined on Eagle with the credentials required for the MicroStrategy application
This stream is used to perform the XSD validation of data files
This stream is used to configure the environment after the first EagleML installation. It creates cmw folders and sets the EagleVersion variable in the
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_wrkfl_executorEGL_EJMMC2This stream executes the workflow rules
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_wrkfl_listenerEGL_EJMMC2This stream receives and parses MC2 control messages. The control message is an XML-formatted input message that EJM recognizes and processes as a command to execute a specific message stream, STAR event, or PACE event
This stream creates a consolidated TSR for ALL workflows
The XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for Accounting Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errors
The XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for Entity Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errors
The XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for the Reference Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by the XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errors
The XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for the Warehouse Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by  the XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errors
This stream is used to delete records from the database. Supported object type groups include: SMF, Entity, Warehouse, Reference
This stream is used to split the Generic Issuer file into several Issuer files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_EGL_EJMMC2in_xml_delete_objects stream
This stream is used to split the Generic SMF file into several Reference and SMF files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_EGL_EJMThis stream is part of workflow of loading files in paralleleagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_purge_archiveEGL_EJMThis stream is used to purge or archive files from the local and FTP folderseagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_queue_posterEGL_EJMThis stream is used to add information to the queueeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_realtime_ejm_statEGL_EJMThis stream is used to display information in the EJM task tab correctly and check if the data was processed for the received RTReagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_refresh_engine_cacheEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to automate engine cache clearing during runtimeeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_self_system_checkEGL_SSCThis stream is used to self-check the configurationeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_send_to_wrfEGL_EJMThis stream is used to send data files to the workflow loader when the profiled generic load is usedeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_sequencerEGL_EJMThis stream is used to check whether to process the message in queueeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_sequencer_cleanupEGL_EJMThis stream is used to clean up all the message in the queue for a workflow and to remove the current workflow from the queueeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_sequencer_schEGL_EJMThis stream is used to check messages in the queue and send messages for processingeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_executorEGL_EJMThis stream receives the dataflow state from the database and stops processing if the workflow status is a negative acknowledgement (NACK). This stream derives the stream name to execute, using the task type and feed type, and triggers the execution using an ACQUIRE style message streameagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_reporterEGL_EJMThis stream generates acknowledgement (ACK / NACK) and task status reply messages. Task statuses are SUCCESS, FAILED, and NO_DATA (for a data extract that retrieved no database records). This stream is last in the execution sequence (Load Flow Control Rule), posting the processing status of the completed workflow as a success or a failure.  This stream also triggers final reporting to the external system by dropping a trigger file to the /REP foldereagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_transform_reportEGL_EJMThis stream is used to transform the TSReagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_tsrEGL_EJMThis stream is used to create and manage dependencies between multiple EJM tasks and oversees the fork and join functionality within the stream floweagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_unpackerEGL_EJMThis stream is used to decompress files from any archive type (ZIP,GZIP,TARGZIP,TAR)eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_unpacker_execEGL_EJMThis stream collects information about the extracted files from the archive and the update workflow stateeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_uploader_dlvrEGL_EJMThis stream is used to send data files to the PACE Uploader for processingeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_user_syncEGL_EJMThis stream is used to synchronize the userID information defined on Eagle with the credentials required for the MicroStrategy applicationdelete_objects stream
These streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_tba workflow. eagle_wrf_tba is a set of five independent workflows that may be run consecutively in straight-through mode or selectively in user/manual execution. The final step of each workflow allows the execution of the next logical series of events to be automated. The eagle_wrf_tba_approve workflow is broadly responsible for matching the records that have been placed in the TRADE_CONSOLIDATION table. The eagle_wrf_tba_process workflow is responsible for processing of each record that that matches others by the means of the consolidationFlag. The eagle_wrf_tba_mgr_alloc workflow allocates consolidated records amongst qualified managers to track the payoffs for each manager
These streams are used to maintain the TRR SWAPS CXL RESET workflow. Multiple swaps may be targeted to be cancelled based on the swap underlying asset. This workflow updates the current reset process where multiple swaps may be targeted to reset based on the swap underlying asset id.  This process may be triggered thru panels or automated using IWS via the control message
These streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_trs_upsize workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_cloud_extract workflow
eagle_wrf_csv_benchmark_returns_tskEGL_EJMThis stream is used to configure the environment after the first EagleML installation. It creates cmw folders and sets the EagleVersion variable in the
These streams transform CSV format to EagleML format using the rule service
eagle_wrf_csv_entity_generic_tskEGL_EJMThis stream receives and parses MC2 control messages. The control message is an XML-formatted input message that EJM recognizes and processes as a command to execute a specific message stream, STAR event, or PACE eventeagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_wrkfl_reporterEGL_EJMThis stream creates a consolidated TSR for ALL workflowseagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_xslt_exceptions_accEGL_EJMThe XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for Accounting Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errorseagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_xslt_exceptions_entEGL_EJMThe XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for Entity Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errorseagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_xslt_exceptions_refEGL_EJMThe XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for the Reference Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by the XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errorseagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_xslt_exceptions_wrhEGL_EJM
The XSLT Exceptions stream may be used in workflows after the XSLT transformation for the Warehouse Transaction object.  Its main purpose is to catch exceptions generated by  the XSLT EditChecks from the transformed message and exclude records with exceptions, which are specified as errorseagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_cashEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load the Accounting Cash objectseagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_cash_no_splitEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load accounting cash objects.The incoming messages are processed sequentially in the order in which they are in the data fileeagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_tradesEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load the Accounting Trade objectseagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_acct_trades_no_splitEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load Accounting Cash objects sequentiallyeagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_costbasis_adjEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load the Cost Basis Adjustment objecteagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_objectsEGL_EJMThis stream is used to delete records from the database. Supported object type groups include: SMF, Entity, Warehouse, Referenceeagle_wrf_csv_entity_to_composite_tskEGL_EJM
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_delta_extract workflow
This stream is used to eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_ent_no_splitrestart the eagle_wrf_ebs_reload_datacache workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_full_extract workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_extract_mc2 workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_purge_archive workflow
This stream is used to load restart the extended schedule objects eagle_wrf_generic_purge workflow
This stream is used to eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_referencedeliver RTR/TSR/Data files (base64) 
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_i2i workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_miEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to split the Generic SMF file into several Reference and SMF files and route them to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_generic and eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_reference streamseagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_userEGL_EagleMLThis stream is used to load the User objectseagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouseeagle_wrf_i2i_sec_alias_sync workflow
These streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_pending_trades workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_consolidation workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_mgr_alloc workflow
This stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_process workflow
eagle_wrf_trr_reset_demandEGL_MC2This MC2 stream is used to extract data eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_qEGL_EagleMLThis stream is the first stage of the data export and manages the query process within the EJM frameworkeagle_ml-2-0_default_out_star_extractsEJM
These streams are used to restart the eagle_wrf_trr_reset workflow
This stream is used to reload EBS cache
This stream is used to route EagleML data to EDS for load
eagle_default_ruleserviceEGL_ExtractServiceMC2These streams are used to execute requests in pyruleservice. It executes the Python script that uses the RTR sent to the stream and creates a TSR. It also saves the RTR and TSR information in the orchestration tables to show it as an EJM task
eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execebsEGL_ExtractServiceMC2This stream is used to execute EBS requests
eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_extract_serviceEGL_ExtractServiceMC2This MC2 stream is used to extract data 
This stream receives and parses control messages. The control message is an XML-formatted input message that EJM recognizes and processes as a command to execute specific MC2 events
This stream performs transformation of the Bloomberg Corporate Actions to TagValue format
This stream is used to load Global Values (Columns)
This stream eagle_tba_extract_cons_recordsEGL_EJMThese streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_tba workflow. eagle_wrf_tba is a set of five independent workflows that may be run consecutively in straight-through mode or selectively in user/manual execution. The final step of each workflow allows the execution of the next logical series of events to be automated. The eagle_wrf_tba_approve workflow is broadly responsible for matching the records that have been placed in the TRADE_CONSOLIDATION table. The eagle_wrf_tba_process workflow is responsible for processing of each record that that matches others by the means of the consolidationFlag. The eagle_wrf_tba_mgr_alloc workflow allocates consolidated records amongst qualified managers to track the payoffs for each manager.eagle_tba_extract_mgr_alloc_recordsEGL_EJMeagle_tba_extract_records_1EGL_EJMeagle_tba_extract_t_mgr_allocEGL_EJMeagle_tba_group_by_positionEGL_EJMeagle_tba_run_consEGL_EJMeagle_tba_run_earningsEGL_EJMeagle_tba_t_consolidatedEGL_EJMeagle_tba_t_mgr_allocEGL_EJMeagle_tba_t_records_1EGL_EJMeagle_tba_update_status_1EGL_EJMeagle_trr_extract_cxlEGL_EJMThese streams are used to maintain the TRR SWAPS CXL RESET workflow. Multiple swaps may be targeted to be cancelled based on the swap underlying asset. This workflow updates the current reset process where multiple swaps may be targeted to reset based on the swap underlying asset id.  This process may be triggered thru panels or automated using IWS via the control message.eagle_trr_extract_qtrrEGL_EJMeagle_trr_t_cxlEGL_EJMeagle_trr_t_qtrrEGL_EJMeagle_trs_common_preprocEGL_EJMThese streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_trs_upsize workfloweagle_trs_filter_errorEGL_EJMeagle_trs_reply_tEGL_EJMeagle_trs_t_csv_trades_emlEGL_EJMeagle_trs_upsize_preprocEGL_EJMeagle_trs_xslt_cost_basis_adjEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_cloud_extract_schdEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_cloud_extract workfloweagle_wrf_csv_benchmark_returns_tskEGL_EJMThese streams transform CSV format to EagleML format using the rule serviceeagle_wrf_csv_calendar_holiday_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_calendar_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_entity_generic_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_entity_to_composite_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_issue_fx_pc_rate_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_issue_fx_rate_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_issue_pc_price_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_issue_price_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_issuer_role_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_position_generic_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_smf_generic_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_warehouse_nav_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_warehouse_openlot_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_cash_activity_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_cash_flow_projection_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_close_lot_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_gl_balances_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_nav_month_end_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_csv_wh_trade_tskEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_ebs_reload_datacache_schdEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_delta_extract_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_delta_extract workfloweagle_wrf_full_extract_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_full_extract workfloweagle_wrf_generic_extract_mc2_schdEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_extract_mc2 workfloweagle_wrf_generic_extract_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workfloweagle_wrf_generic_purge_archive_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_purge_archive workfloweagle_wrf_generic_purge_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_generic_purge workfloweagle_wrf_i2i_message_distributionEGL_EJMThis stream is used to deliver RTR/TSR/Data files (base64) eagle_wrf_i2i_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_i2i workfloweagle_wrf_i2i_sec_alias_sync_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_i2i_sec_alias_sync workfloweagle_wrf_pending_trades_extractEGL_EJMThese streams are used to maintain the eagle_wrf_pending_trades workfloweagle_wrf_pending_trades_tEGL_EJMeagle_wrf_pending_trades_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_pending_trades workfloweagle_wrf_tba_approve_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_approve workfloweagle_wrf_tba_consolidation_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_consolidation workfloweagle_wrf_tba_mgr_alloc_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_mgr_alloc workfloweagle_wrf_tba_process_restartEGL_EJMThis stream is used to restart the eagle_wrf_tba_process workfloweagle_wrf_trr_reset_restartEGL_EJMThese streams are used to restart the eagle_wrf_trr_reset workfloweagle_wrf_trr_reset_demandEGL_EJMreload_datacache_tskEGL_EJMThis stream is used to reload EBS cacheeagle_default_deployMC_INSTALLThis stream was used to install EagleML services.  It is obsolete now, but documented for backwards compatibility.eagle_default_deploy_monitoringMC_INSTALLThis stream was used to install the monitoring.  It is obsolete now, but documented for backwards compatibility.eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_smf_customEGL_EagleMLThis stream was used to load the customSMF object. It is obsolete, but documented for backwards compatibility.eagle_sv_key_inst_distribEGL_Generic

These streams are Distribution streams utilizing the entity and instance folder. Were used to group and deliver data to pre-created MC instances. They are obsolete now, but documented for backwards compatibility.

eagle_sv_key_inst_procuses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)[BATCH mode] and send a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse or eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc
This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation from CSV to EagleML (XMLDBAPI) [SINGLE mode] and send a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse or eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc
This stream performs transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)
This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute transformation from CSV to EagleML(XMLDBAPI)[UPSERT mode] and send a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse or eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc
This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation step from PIPE Performance to EagleML and sends a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc
This stream performs PIPE Performance to EagleML transformation
This stream uses a preprocessor rule file (*.prf), to sequentially execute the transformation step from PIPE Position to EagleML and sends a result message for load to the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_warehouse_preproc
This stream performs PIPE Position to EagleML transformation
These streams are used to load Global Values (Columns)
eagle_sv_key_inst_distribEGL_GenericObsoleteThese streams are Distribution streams utilizing the entity and instance folder. Were used to group and deliver data to pre-created MC instances. They are obsolete now, but documented for backwards compatibility
This stream identifies all references between different rules and creates a dependency tree for internal use in EBS/IWS/MT
This stream is used to copy or move the file to a specified destination directory. It is primarily used by the "task move" shape in IWS
This stream is used to cache IWS resources
Allows some Integration and Workflow Studio requests to be converted into safe bind-based alternatives.
This stream is used by IWS to remove local files
This stream is used by IWS to interact and execute the Xpanels
This stream compiles IWS solutions with the Java tool on the back-end
This stream compiles IWS solutions and sends the pkg files for the processed IWS solution
This stream is used by IWS to locate files
This stream is used by IWS to download files
This stream installs streams while migrating MC packages
This stream is used by IWS to start the import process requests
This stream uses files processed by the eagle_iws_import_stream_request and starts the process of the stream installation
This stream is the IWS authorization stream
This stream is used by IWS to download the list of files for a specific directory
This stream is used by the EJM Monitoring Tool to download task statistics
This stream is used by IWS to rename solution files
This stream is used by IWS to upload files to the box
This is the IWS utils stream
This stream is used to group the rules and include files that do not require an execution stream
This stream is used to self-check the configuration
eagle_default_deployMC_INSTALLObsoleteThis stream was used to install EagleML services.  It is obsolete now, but documented for backwards compatibility
This stream is used to deploy the rules and services manually
This stream is designed to restart MC services while deploying a snapshot or a release package
This stream is used to deploy services
This stream is intended for back up operations during installation. For example: stopping MCCOMMANDEXECUTOR, checking the installed version of the component, checking free disk space
This stream is designed to roll back to a later version after installing an earlier version. For the case when the previous version of EagleML is installed, the files in the package are compared by the manifest. If there are no such files in the installed package, they are deleted from the backend
This stream uses the eagle_iws_import_stream_w to the install processed streams
This stream uses the eagle_iws_import_stream_w to copy source files for installing streams
This stream is used to send a combined zip with a .files.b64 and a .pkg.b64 files to the mc_import_stream_w stream
This stream is used to import streams. The incoming file is a ZIP which has two types of files: *.files.b64 - base64 encoded ZIPs with files to be installed, starting from estar/  ; *.pkg.b64 - base64 encoded ZIPs with *.pkg files to create the streams. The process first copies the files then runs the installation scripts for .pkg
This stream is used to load sources/code categories/code values/code transaction object
This stream is used to deploy a snapshot or a release
This stream is used to deploy a snapshot or a release from FTP
This stream is used to read JMS/MQ  and send files to the appropriate stream
This stream is used to decode base64 file to zip archive and send the zip to eagle_mc_server_installer
This stream is used to perform basic commands during deployment. For example CHMOD, MKDIR, REINIT etc.
eagle_mc_server_support_amq_monitorMC_INSTALLObsoleteThis stream is used to send email notifications about actual stream information. The stream is out of date. It is maintained for backward compatibility
This stream is used to install the Data Vendor Console dataflows
This stream is used to import a stream package in Message Center
This stream is used to perform  basic commands for JMS using broadcast. This stream also performs eagle_mc_server_support_jms_exec in all instances
This stream is used to perform  basic commands for JMS. For example: JMSSTATUS, JMSLIST, JMSSTOP, JMSSTART, JMSPROCINFO etc.
This stream is used to send Outbound Topic of Build Installation LOG files
This stream is used to install streams from zip archive. It is the old version of stream installer
This stream is used to receive Production Parallel endpoint requests to execute the installation and manage the Production Parallel service
This stream is used to broadcast Production Parallel endpoint requests