Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • Added support of the Entity Regulatory load into the history table
  • Added support of the Entity Regulatory deletion
  • Added the Effective Date mapping for the inbound and outbound rules.

Files changed:

Files added:


Also, the effectiveDate node was added into the extract and the XSD schema.

Files changed:


The field SECURITY_MASTER_DETAIL.ALT_INVESTMENT_TYPE (alias SMD_ALT_INVESTMENT_TYPE) was added to the Warehouse Trade Extract - WRHSTRADEEXTRACT, Warehouse Position Extract - WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT and Warehouse Open Lot Extract - WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT.  

This field is part of the tagvalue extract of eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q stream only and is not a part of the EagleML Extract.


New elements bookCostBase (tag 17038) and bookCostLocal (tag 17039) were added in both the Inbound and Outbound interfaces of the Warehouse Open Lot - WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT object type.  The elements bookPriceLocal and bookPriceBase were also added to the outbound interface.


New elements bookCostBase (tag 17038) and bookCostLocal (tag 17039) were added in both the inbound and outbound interfaces of the Warehouse Position - WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT object type.  The elements bookPriceLocal and bookPriceBase were also added to the outbound interface.


Files changed:




An issue was found when the RecordCountPerNugget was set to Y as the resulting extract had incorrect data with one record containing data from another record.  The nuggetizer logic was improved to fix this issue as this was related to Message Center initialization after cache clean up.

SDP-22015:  Fixed schedule wrapper workflow handling for WAITEVENTS DB mode

Schedule based workflows were enhanced to receive data if they were launched in the schedule wrapper workflow with the parameter W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE  set to Y.


15208:  Added support for SecurityNotes, Issuer Relationship, and Schedule Module Extracts 

Added extract support for SecurityNotes for Oracle and MSSQL.

Supported filters: common, security, date. Added SecurityNotes extract in eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow.

Added new fields to load: noteCharKey, shareProperty, privateNote.

Fils changed:


SDP-21840:  Resolved regression issue introduced by the ExchangePrice rule redesign

The source resolution logic has been updated to resolve the source instance based on the exact source name instead of a wild card search. This will prevent incorrect instance resolution when there are similar source names like 'TEST' and 'TEST RESOLUTION.'

Files changed:

SDP-21828: Changed :tag55: options on the xml-acct_cash_xml.xml rule file to add CASHDIV for Conversion Dividends

The Accounting Asset Cash object was modified to support the cash type of CASHDIV for the assetCashType parameter. This allows a user to pass a conversion dividend via EagleML. By using the assetCashType of CASHDIV, the transaction will map as a dividend receivable to the position_detail table. In addition, the transaction will have the ability to be settled via the multiple settlements panel.

Files changed:

SDP-20292:  Addressed Fresh installation issue when the W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE=Y is set in



Production Bugs

SDP-22084:  Rule changes to address issues with Extracts related to the NUGGETIZER when the RecordCountPerNugget is defined

An issue was found when the W_RECORD_COUNT_PER_NUGGET  was set to Y, then  the resulting extract had incorrect data with one record containing data from another record.  The nuggetizer logic was improved to fix this issue as this was related to Message Center initialization after cache clean up.

SDP-22015:  Fixed schedule wrapper workflow handling for WAITEVENTS DB mode

Schedule based workflows were enhanced to receive data if they were launched in the schedule wrapper workflow with the parameter W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE  set to Y.

Files changed:
estar\tpe\dynamic\msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\ (new)

SDP-20184:  Replaced the direct SP call for the REALIZEDGAINLOSSEXTRACT with a panel call

The FeedType RealizedGainLossExtract failed for some entities with error: ORA-01406 fetched column value was truncated.

Added logic to support RTR parameter AccountingValidationFlag to run the extract via panel.


Added support for for the displayUDF RTR parameter. The following fields are retrieved when displayUDF is set in the RTR:


Files changed:


SDP-19537:  Resolved Corporate Actions Sink amount issue in the SMF Schedule object type

The load of the Sink Schedule data failed as the value of the total sink amount exceeded 1.0. This issue was caused as the sink amount was rounded to 10 digits.
The corresponding DB field allows to store numeric values with 12 digits (DB type - NUMBER(28,12) ).  Rounding was increased to 12 digit.

SDP-19087: Updated the Date Format in Trade Extract to DateTime instead of Date

The format for the checkedDate, instructedDate, authorizedDate and preparedDate fields was changed from date to datetime in the WarehouseTrade Extract.

Files changed:

SDP-21840:  Resolved regression issue introduced by the ExchangePrice rule redesign

The source resolution logic has been updated to resolve the source instance based on the exact source name instead of a wild card search. This will prevent incorrect instance resolution when there are similar source names like 'TEST' and 'TEST RESOLUTION.'

Files changed:

SDP-21828: Changed :tag55: options on the xml-acct_cash_xml.xml rule file to add CASHDIV for Conversion Dividends

The Accounting Asset Cash object was modified to support the cash type of CASHDIV for the assetCashType parameter. This allows a user to pass a conversion dividend via EagleML. By using the assetCashType of CASHDIV, the transaction will map as a dividend receivable to the position_detail table. In addition, the transaction will have the ability to be settled via the multiple settlements panel.

Files changed:

SDP-20292:  Addressed Fresh installation issue when the W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE=Y is set in

The fresh installation of EagleML components failed when the W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE=Y was set in the and the stored procedure for the W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE did not exist on the region.
A check was added to prevent  the W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE stored procedure call when the stored procedure does not exist on the region.

Files changed:

SDP-17822:  Added the source in the /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-wh_brokertradequote_v2.xml and the in /eagle_default/in/xml/xslt/wrh_egl_gen_interface3.xsl

The deletion query for the warehouseBrokerTradeQuote interface was updated to include the sourceName field in the query. The mapping for source was added in the XSLT transformation and the inbound rule.

Files changed:

SDP-15208:  Added support for SecurityNotes, Issuer Relationship, and Schedule Module Extracts 

Added extract support for SecurityNotes for Oracle and MSSQL.

Supported filters: common, security, date. Added SecurityNotes extract in eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow.

Added new fields to load: noteCharKey, shareProperty, privateNote.


estar\tpe\dynamic\msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\ (new)

SDP-20184:  Replaced the direct SP call for the REALIZEDGAINLOSSEXTRACT with a panel call

The FeedType RealizedGainLossExtract failed for some entities with error: ORA-01406 fetched column value was truncated.

Added logic to support RTR parameter AccountingValidationFlag to run the extract via panel.


Added support for for the displayUDF RTR parameter. The following fields are retrieved when displayUDF is set in the RTR:


Files changed:




SDP-19537:  Resolved Corporate Actions Sink amount issue in the SMF Schedule object type

The load of the Sink Schedule data failed as the value of the total sink amount exceeded 1.0. This issue was caused as the sink amount was rounded to 10 digits.
The corresponding DB field allows to store numeric values with 12 digits (DB type - NUMBER(28,12) ).  Rounding was increased to 12 digit.

SDP-19087: Updated the Date Format in Trade Extract to DateTime instead of Date

The format for the checkedDate, instructedDate, authorizedDate and preparedDate fields was changed from date to datetime in the WarehouseTrade Extract.

Files changed:











SDP-17822:  Added the source in the /eagle_default/in/xml/xml-wh_brokertradequote_v2.xml and the in /eagle_default/in/xml/xslt/wrh_egl_gen_interface3.xsl

The deletion query for the warehouseBrokerTradeQuote interface was updated to include the sourceName field in the query. The mapping for source was added in the XSLT transformation and the inbound rule.

Files changed: