Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This command is used to work with team foundation server. Command allows downloading, uploading and deleting files or folders in TFS.


Here is command usages:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe tfs --download=<file|folder> --tfs_url=<http://someURL:8080/tfs> --domain=<some-domain.local> --user=<username> --password=<passWorD> --tfs_path=<$/SomeFolder/1.txt> --server_path=<"D:/SomeFolder"> [default_pending_options=<y|n|t|f|1|0>] [tfs_get_option=<1..7>][tfs_lock_level=<1..4>] [tfs_file_encoding=<1..10>][tfs_pend_changes_options=<1..7>]

cmdmgr.exe tfs --<upload|delete>=<exist_workspace|temp_workspace> --tfs_url=<http://someURL:8080/tfs> --domain=<some-domain.local> --user=<username> --password=<passWorD> [--workspace_name=<WorkSpaceName>] [--workspace_owner=<IAmOwner>] --tfs_path=<$/SomeFolder/1.txt> --server_path=<"D:/SomeFolder"> --taget_name="1.txt" --comment=<"checkin or delete comment">[recurcive=<y|n|t|f|1|0>] [rewrite=<y|n|t|f|1|0>][default_pending_options=<y|n|t|f|1|0>] [tfs_get_option=<1..7>] [tfs_lock_level=<1..4>] [tfs_file_encoding=<1..10>] [tfs_pend_changes_options=<1..7>]


Here is list of all parameters for both syntaxes:

  • download – download type. Can be «file» or «folder» download.

  • upload | delete – workspace type for upload or delete. Can be «exist_workspace» or «temp_workspace»;

  • tfs_url – TFS server URL;

  • domain – user domain;

  • user – username;

  • password – user password;

  • tfs_path - TFS source\destination path(if download action, must contain also file or folder name. When upload only destination folder path);

  • server_path – local source\destination path;

  • workspace_name – TFS workspace name. Ignored if «temp_workspace» used;

  • workspace_owner – TFS workspace owner. Ignored if «temp_workspace» used;

  • target_name – file or folder name without path for upload or delete;

  • comment – TFS check in comment;

  • recursive – delete or upload items from subfolders;

  • rewrite – option for rewriting already existing file or folder;

  • default_pending_options – if this is parameter is set, parameters below will be ignored;

  • tfs_file_encoding – text file encoding used by TFS;

  • tfs_lock_level – level type for version control items;

  • tfs_get_option – option which controls how items are processed during donwload;

  • tfs_pend_chages_options – options that affect how items are pended.

Windows and UNIX command manager applications differs in SDKs that used for work with TFS. Pending options are available only for UNIX because it uses JNI SDK. Windows use .NET and never use these options.





Code Block
cmdmgr.exe tfs --download=file --tfs_url=http://someURL:8080/tfs --domain=some-domain.local --user=username --password=passWorD --tfs_path=$/SomeFolder/1.txt --server_path="D:/SomeFolder"




Code Block
cmdmgr.exe tfs --upload=temp_workspace --tfs_url=http://someURL:8080/tfs --domain=some-domain.local --user=username --password=passWorD --tfs_path=$/SomeFolder --server_path="D:/SomeFolder" -–target_name="1.txt" --comment="Test comment" –-rewrite=n




Code Block
cmdmgr.exe tfs --delete=exist_workspace --tfs_url=http://someURL:8080/tfs --domain=some-domain.local --user=username --password=passWorD --workspace_name=my_space –-workspace_owner=Nyan --tfs_path=$/SomeFolder --server_path="D:/SomeFolder" -–target_name="1.txt" --comment="Test comment" –-rewrite=n --tfs_lock_level=1, --tfs_pend_changes_options=1
