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The Eagle Reporting solution is comprised of three components: Advanced Reporting, Client Reporting, and General Reporting. Advanced Reporting is designed for internal management of reports. General Reporting allows you to design and generate reports.

This section describes Eagle General Reporting. Eagle General Reporting allows you to create, schedule, and distribute reports that


Topics Covered in This Chapter

Accessing General Reporting

Reporting Toolbar

General Reporting Modes

Configure General Reporting Parameters

Working with Components

Access General Reporting

If this is your first time running Eagle PACE, complete the following procedure to access the General Reporting module.

  1. In the Reporting Center, in the left navigation pane, click PACE Reporting > General Reporting > General Reporting.
    You see the General Reporting module.


General Reporting Module

Reporting Toolbar

Use the options on the Reporting toolbar to create and maintain reports and navigate around the General Reporting module. The options displayed on the toolbar depends on which tab, (Components, Reports, or Results) you have selected.


Refer to the following table for information on the toolbar options.








Click to return to the last viewed window after clicking Back.




Click to go back to the last window you used in Reporting.




Click to refresh the window.




Displays a categorized view of report components. Depending on which display option you have selected, it displays only your items or all available items.




Click to open the workspace and create or maintain a report. This option is only available from the Reports Explorer or the Viewer when an active report is in the workspace.




Click to view a report result. This option is only available from the Reports Explorer or the workspace when an active report result is in the Viewer.




Available when the Components or Reports tab is selected. Click to create a new Advanced Report or Report Package. Additional options appear depending on which item in the left window is highlighted.




Click to change the parameters in the General Reporting module.




Available when the Reports or Results tab is selected, and a report or report profile is highlighted. Click to send the selected report to the server to be run. You can also choose to submit a report with overrides.

General Reporting Modes






To switch modes, click the arrow to the right of Configure on the Reporting Toolbar and select Change Modes.


Most of the instructions and illustrations use the Build Components Mode.

Build Reports Mode




Build Components Mode




Build Components mode


Components Tab

You see the Components tab only in Build Components mode. It displays the Components folder, located on the left side of your window. Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Components tab.






Most Recent


Displays the most recently accessed or created rules and filters. The number of reports displayed here is determined in Configure.


Report Rules


Defines the structure of a report. Report rules bring together field rules, grouping rules and source rules. See Report Rules for more information.


Source Rules


Determines where a report gets its data. See Source Rules for more information.


Field Rules


Determines what data is displayed in the report. See Field Rules for more information.


Grouping Rules


Determines how data is organized in a report, and how subtotals are presented in a report.




Lists the available field attributes. Each field attribute points to a specific column in the database. You must create a field attribute for each column you want to include in a report.


Date Rules


Generates date parameters for a report. See Date Rules for more information.


Performance Calculation Rules


Defines the structure of the performance returns report, and brings together field rules, grouping rules and source rules. There are two types of performance calculations rules: Composite Weighted Returns, and Performance Returns. See the Eagle Performance Calculation and Reporting Guide for more information on performance calculation rules.

Reports Tab

Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Reports tab.






Most Recent


Displays the most recently accessed or created reports. The number of reports displayed here is determined in the Configure tab.




Lists the types of reports available.


Performance Calculations


Defines the structure of the Performance Return report. This option is available only in Build Component mode. Performance calculations bring together Field Rules, Grouping Rules and Source Rules.




Distributes a collection of submitted reports, called Packages, to selected users in your business group.


My Folders


Stores and sends your report results to folders created by a user. These personal folders are displayed only to the user who created them. You can create up to five levels of personal folders. Reports and results that you place in personal folders are displayed in the appropriate reporting folder in the Reports Explorer, such as Positions or Single Period, and appear in My Folder.

You create new folders in the workspace as well as in the Reports Explorer. From the My Folders section of the Reports Explorer, right-click to select New Folder, Rename Folder, Delete Folder or Find, to search Report names for a specific string.


Public Folders


Shares your reports with other users and allows you to view reports from other users. Only the owner and users with privileges to specific reports can edit those reports. All users can submit and copy a report design. You can create up to five levels of public folders. Reports and results placed in public folders are displayed in the appropriate reporting folder, such as Positions or Single Period, in the Reports Explorer and also appear in Public Folders.

You can create new folders in the workspace as well as in the Reports Explorer. From the Public Folders section of the Reports Explorer, right-click to select New Folder, Rename Folder, Delete Folder or Find, to search Report names for a specific string.

Reports Right-Click Menu

When you right-click a report, you see a shortcut menu. If you are the report owner you see a full menu of options. If you are not the owner, some options are unavailable.


Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Reports right-click menu.








Select to either open the workspace or access a wizard to create a new report, depending on which mode you are in.




Select to either open the workspace or access a wizard to edit an existing report, depending on which mode you are in.




Select to copy a report.




Select to delete a report. Only the owner of a report can delete it.




Select to rename a report.




Select to open the Publish Profile window. This option is only available if you are the report owner.


Transfer Ownership


Select to move the ownership of a report or component to another user. This option is only available if you are the report owner.




Select to display the details of the report.


Show History


Select to display a list of users who modified this report and the date changes were made.




Select to display other reports, packages and rules where the same report and underlying report components are used.


Find on Page


Select to search for reports by name, type, subtype, owner, date or comments.


Show Profiles with no schemas


Highlights the Profile Name in yellow if configured for a codeless exporter and no schema was configured. When a report is configured for a codeless exporter, it can be sent from PACE to another location. Once a report is configured for a codeless exporter, you cannot view it in PACE. See the Eagle PACE Uploader/Exporter Guide for additional details.


Show Profiles with exporter options




Select to export a report as an .egl file so you can import it into another environment.




Select to send the report to the server to be run.


Submit with Overrides


Select to submit the report to the server to be run with one time options that override the options stored in the report.

Report Status Queue




Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Report Status Queue right-click menu.








Select to delete the highlighted item from the Report Status Queue window.




Select to remove the Completed or Failed status from each item.




Select to view information on the report status, such as the log location.




Select to search for a specific report based on criteria in one of these fields: Report, Status, Start at, and Finished at.




Select to refresh the data in the Status Queue window.


View Today’s Items


Select to display only the items submitted today.


View All Items


Select to display all of the items that were submitted since the server started running.

Configure General Reporting Parameters




General Tab

Use the settings on the General tab to determine how the Reporting module appears.


System Configuration Dialog Box - General Tab

Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the General tab.






Automatically refresh the Reports queue and Results every xx secs.


Sets how often the data is refreshed in the Report Queue and Report Results windows. When you click Refresh on the main window, only the displayed data is refreshed.


Always go to Build Components mode when I login


Build Reports


Remember the last xx screen(s) I was working with


Sets the number of previously visited screens you want PACE to remember. If you enter zero, the Back and Forward buttons are deactivated.


Remember the xx most recent item(s) I used


Sets the number of items to be displayed in the Most Recent Folder, including Reports, Report Rules and Field Rules.


When I login set my active tab as




Setup my Restore Options

Overrides both Login Mode settings. By default, no options are selected. Options include:




Restore my column sizing. Uses the last column sizing across sessions.

Restore my window state. Uses the last active window criteria across sessions.

Take me to where I left. Opens the last open window in your next session. This option selects all the boxes above it and activates:

Restore my entire explorer state. Restores your sort, column sizing, and window state in the Reports Explorer.

Restore my entire viewer state. Restores your sort, column sizing, and window state in the Reports Viewer.


Setup my Additional Options


Sets up additional options. By default, no options are selected. The additional options include:

Show slim compose screen. Displays the Build a New Report window without displaying detailed description of each report type.

Single-click to open an item. Sets a single-click to open an item rather than a double-click. This option is off by default.

Make “Show All” as the default filter for all items. Sets the Reporting Filter to Show All so that all reports are displayed when you open a window. If you deselect this option, only the owner’s reports are displayed. This option is on by default.

Use a different color to show items that are owned by others. Displays the reports you own in a different color then the reports owned by others. By default, the owner’s reports are in black and all others are in blue. This option is on by default.

Warn me when a Regular Field definition already exists. Disables the message that a field attribute of the same definition exists when creating a Regular Field Attribute.

Select the top most item when I sort. Selects the top item in the item list, instead of the item that was previously selected. The checkbox applies only if pagination is off in all the Explorer windows.


Organize my Report and Result Explorers


Displays checkboxes that allow you to select which items and reports appear in the Report Categories window. You have access to all Reporting folders by default. Also, if a new public folder is added, all users have access to that folder by default. You can hide the public folder using this feature.


Customize Pagination options in all Explorers


Sets up paging in the Reports Explorer. Paging allows you to retrieve and process reporting windows more quickly.


Show me xx items per page


Sets the number of reports to display on each page. Enter a value between 50—500. The setting is applied to the current user in PACE Reporting.


Leave new/updated items on the current page


Keeps newly created or edited items on the page.

Options – General Tab

Working with Components

Components include reports and the items that make up reports. You can edit your own components, or other users components, including:

  • Reports

  • Report Rules

  • Field Attributes

  • Source Rules

  • Field Rules

  • Grouping Rules

  • Range Rules

  • Filter Rules

  • Date Rules

Editing Components

Complete the following procedure to edit components:

  1. Double-click the item.

  2. Right-click and select Edit from the right-click menu, or select Edit from the Compose menu on the Reporting Toolbar.

Published Component Edits

All items added to a reporting component are available to all users and business groups to which it is published. For example, if a field rule is published to a business group, and you then edit the field rule to contain additional field attributes. When you save the field rule, the additional field attributes are available to all published users and groups of the field rule.

If one or more field attributes are not published to all of the users or groups who have access to the field rule, you can publish the attributes to the identified parties before saving the rule. You see a window that identifies the components that are not published to the target users and groups. If you do not have permission to publish items to other users or groups, you cannot save the field rule.
























