Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In your Eagle environment:

  1. Open up the Message Center Console.
  2. Locate the stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_w_setup  and right click on it.
  3. Click Send Data.
  4. Select your EagleDBMLRequest.xml file and click OK (If you do not have this file already, you can save the code below. Due to the HTML content, the wiki site will not allow the file itself to be stored here).

    Code Block
    <EagleML xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" eaglemlVersion="2-0" eaglemlType="ReferenceTransactionMessage" xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" xsi:type="ReferenceTransactionMessage">
      <messageId messageIdScheme="">1634B431F2296D98</messageId>
         <transactionId transactionIdScheme="">1634B431F2296D98</transactionId>
         <P n="orch_name">EJM Process</P>
         <P n="orch_descr">Eagle Job Manager Process</P>
         <P n="purge_flag">0</P>
         <P n="update_source">MCADMIN</P>