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In the Create Fund of Funds Allocation Rule panel, you can create a fund of funds allocation rule.

To create a fund of funds allocation rule: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Fund Accounting > Fund of Funds Create Fund of Funds Allocation Rule.
    You see the Create Fund of Funds Allocation Rule panel.

  2. Complete the options in the Create Fund of Funds Allocation Rule panel.

  3. Click Submit.

After you create a fund of funds allocation rule, you can assign that rule to a master fund when you create or edit it

Create Fund of Funds Allocation Rule Panel Options

The following are the options in the Create Performance Fee Rule panel.​




Add Fund of Fund Allocation Rule

Fund of Fund Allocation Rule Name


Specifies the name of the fund of funds allocation rule.

Fund of Fund Allocation Method



Identifies the fund of


funds allocation method that the fund of funds allocation rule uses. Each method allows the system to calculate how to apply the cash flow on the top level fund to each underlying securitized fund. For a description of the calculations associated with each method, see

Understand the

Calculate Fund of Funds Allocations using the Allocation


Method. Options include:

  • ACTUAL. The Actual fund of funds allocation method


  • . The Rebalance Asset Class fund of funds allocation method.

  • REBALANCE_OVER_UNDER. The Rebalance Over/Under fund of funds allocation method.

  • REBALANCE_TARGET. The Rebalance Target fund of funds allocation method.

  • SECURITY_OVER_UNDER. The Security Level Target with Rebalance fund of funds allocation method.



WRITERS NOTE: why is the Code Value Description for FOF ALLC METHOD code category all caps with underscores? Shouldn't fields in GUI have lower and uppercase words? 

Ignore Same Day Cap Stock Settlements
  •  The User Defined fund of funds allocation method. 

Capital Stock Election


Determines whether the system includes

same day

or excludes capital stock activity and capital stock settlements in the calculation of the

cash flow calculation. This scenario occurs when you book and

fund of funds cash flow. For funds that elect to process and to settle cap stock transactions on the same day, there is a risk of double counting cap stock cash. This is only an issue for funds that auto settle cap stock on the same day. Generally cap stock does not settle on the same day it is booked. Options include:

  • Include Net Capital Stock Activity and Cash Settlements. Default. Includes both capital stock activity (subs and reds) and same day capital stock settlements in the calculation of fund of funds cash flow. The system

does not include, or ignores,
  • includes same day cap stock settlements in the cash flow calculation

. If
  • Exclude Net Capital Stock Activity and Cash Settlements. Excludes both capital stock activity and same day capital stock settlements in the calculation of fund of funds cash flow.

  • Exclude Net Capital Stock Activity Only. Excludes current day capital stock activity from the fund of funds cash flow.

  • Exclude Cash Settlements Only. Excludes same day capital stock settlements from the fund of funds cash flow. If you book and settle cap stock on the same day, the system leaves the settled cash amount out of the cash buffer until the next day, and does not double count the capital stock. The system continues to include the cap stock amount in the current day's total cap stock and adjusted NAV.

  • No. Default. The system includes same day cap stock settlements in the cash flow calculation. If you book and settle cap stock on the same day, the system includes both the capital stock and the capital stock settlement in the gross cash flow, double counting the capital stock. As a result, a NAV calculation error can occur.
  • WRITERS NOTE: BT 166679

    Capital Stock Reinvestment Election


    Determines whether the system includes or excludes capital stock reinvestment activity and settlements in the calculation of the fund of funds cash balance and cash flow. Options include:

    • Include Reinvestment Activity and Settlements. Includes capital stock reinvestment activity and settlements in the calculation of the fund of funds cash balance and cash flow.

    • Exclude Reinvestment Activity and Settlements. Default. Excludes capital stock reinvestment activity and settlements from the calculation of the fund of funds cash flow and balance.

    • Exclude Reinvestment Activity. Excludes capital stock reinvestment activity and includes capital stock reinvestment settlements in the calculation of the fund of funds cash balance and cash flow.

    • Exclude Reinvestment Settlements. Excludes capital stock reinvestment settlements and includes capital stock reinvestment activity in the calculation of the fund of funds cash balance and cash flow.

    NAV Price


    Determines whether the system creates resulting fund of funds trades using the prior or current day security price. Options include:

    • Current. Uses the current day security price to create fund of funds trades. If security prices are missing, the system uses the trade price. The system creates pending trades when you submit the Run Fund of Funds Pending Trades panel after you process fund of funds allocations.

    • Prior. Default. Uses the prior day security price to create fund of funds trades. You can use this option only if the allocation rule uses the Security Level Target with Rebalance allocation method. The system creates pending trades when you submit the Post Fund of Funds Allocation panel to process fund of funds allocations.

    Cash Upper Bound


    Specifies the cash upper


    bound for the rule. The rule's cash bounds determine the final cash flow used to allocate down to the underlying funds. You must specify a cash upper bound that is greater than the cash lower bound. The value has a decimal format. For example, .10 for ten percent. 

    Cash Lower Bound


    Specifies the cash lower


    bound for the rule. The rule's cash bounds determine the final cash flow used to allocate down to the underlying funds. The value has a decimal format. For example, .05 for five percent.

    Cash Buffer Target


    Specifies the cash buffer target for the rule. The cash buffer target value falls in between the cash upper bound and cash lower bound values, and has a decimal format. For example, the cash upper bound is .10, the cash lower bound is .05, and the cash buffer target is .07.

    Fund of Fund Cash Ledger Rule


    Specifies the fund of funds cash rule to use for the fund of


    funds allocation rule. The system uses this cash ledger rule to retrieve the cash balance used in the cash flow calculation. For more information, see Manage Fund of Funds Cash Rules.

    Broker Name


    Specifies the name of the primary broker. 

    Broker Code


    Specifies the code that represents the broker. The fund of funds allocation process uses the broker code when it produces the pending trades.