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When reconciling using MSGCENTER work tables, you can use the Cash Recon console to view the cash match exceptions table and the associated MSGCENTER work tables directly with the source data loaded from the Eagle data warehouse, Eagle STAR, or custodian files.



You must set DataSetOption=1 to view work table queries for the MSGCENTER database.

Create Cash Recon Results Summary Report

The Cash Recon Results Summary report displays cash record counts by entity for the date qualifications submitted. You can select a count record to view the underlying cash activity detail records in a companion pane.

To create the Cash Recon Results Summary report based on MSGCENTER work tables:

  1. From the Cash Recon console,


  1. click Cash Recon Results Summary


  1.  in the left pane.
  2. Click


  1. the Query Cash Recon Results Summary


  1.  tab.
    You see the Query Cash Recon Results Summary panel.
  2. Complete the fields on the Query Cash Recon Results Summary panel.


  1. Click Search.
    You see the Query Cash Recon Results Summary report.
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Table of Contents
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Query Cash Recon Results Summary Panel Options

The following table describes the key options on the Query Cash Recon Results Summary panel.

  • Entity List. Specifies the entity list to use filter query results.
  • Primary Asset ID. Specifies the asset identifier to filter query results.
  • Select by Post Date. Indicates whether to filter query results by an exact post date or post date range. The default is Exact Value.
  • Post Date. Specifies the post date to include in cash activity query results.
  • Select by Trade Date. Indicates whether to filter query results by an exact trade date or trade date range. The default is Exact Value.
  • Trade Date. Specifies the trade date to include in cash activity query results.
  • Select by Settlement Date. Indicates whether to filter query results by an exact settlement date or settlement date range. The default is Exact Value.
  • Settlement Date. Specifies the settlement date to include in cash activity query results.
  • Max Items. Specifies the maximum number of result records that are returned for viewing. Default is 100 records.

Query Cash Transactions

The Cash Transaction report displays the cash activity records loaded to the CASH_TXN work table in the MSGCENTER database. These records are typically refreshed from Eagle STAR or copied from the Eagle data warehouse.

To submit the Cash Transaction query for the MSGCENTER work tables:

  1. From the Cash Recon console, click Query Cash Txn in the left pane.
  2. Click the Query Cash Txn tab.
    You see the Query Cash Txn panel.
  3. Complete the fields on the Query Cash Txn panel.
  4. Click Submit.
    You see the Query Cash Txn report.

Query Cash Txn Panel Options

The following table describes the key options on the Query Cash Txn panel.

  • Status. Specifies the status of the cash activity match to filter query results.
    Options include:
    –  No match found
    –  Not Reconed
    –  Auto Recon
    –  Auto Recon With Tolerance
    –  Manual Recon
    –  Out-of-Balance
  • Query Date Type. Specifies the type of date range to filter cash activity query results.
    Options include:
    –  Post Date
    –  Trade Date
    –  Accounting Date
      Settlement Date
  • Start Post Date. Specifies the low post date to filter query results.
  • End Post Date. Specifies the high post date to filter query results.
  • Entity ID. Specifies the entity ID to filter query results. You can use a composite entity ID to view the roll up of all entities in the composite at the security level.
  • Source Name. Specifies the source to filter query results. For example, CUSTODY.
  • Trade Date. Specifies the trade date to filter query results.
  • Accounting Date. Specifies the accounting date to filter query results.
  • Settlement Date. Specifies the settlement date to filter query results.
  • Max Items. Specifies the maximum number of result records that are returned for viewing. Default is 100 records.

You can optionally qualify report results by assigned by and assigned to users, cash category, primary asset id, has comments (yes/no), transaction type, flow type (receipts/disbursements), and transaction status (traded/settled).

Query Cust Cash Transactions

The Cust Cash Transaction report displays records on the CUST_CASH_TXN work table in the MSGCENTER database. These records are typically loaded from custodian files.

To create the Cash Transaction query for the MSGCENTER work tables:

  1. From the Cash Recon console, click Query Cust Cash Txn in the left pane.
  2. Click the Query Cust Cash Txn tab.
    You see the Query Cust Cash Txn panel.
  3. Complete the fields on the Query Cust Cash Txn panel.
  4. Click Submit.
    You see the Query Cust Cash Txn report.

Query Cust Cash Txn Panel Options

The following table describes the key options on the Query Cust Cash Txn panel.

  • Status. Specifies the status of the cash activity match to filter query results.
    Options include:
    –  No match found
    –  Not Reconed
    –  Auto Recon
    –  Auto Recon With Tolerance
    –  Manual Recon
    –  Out-of-Balance
  • Start Post Date. Specifies the low post date to filter query results.
  • End Post Date. Specifies the high post date to filter query results.
  • Entity ID. Specifies the entity ID to filter query results. You can use a composite entity ID to view the roll up of all entities in the composite at the security level.
  • Source Name. Specifies the source to filter query results. For example, CUSTODY.
  • Trade Date. Specifies the trade date to filter query results.
  • Accounting Date. Specifies the accounting date to filter query results.
  • Settlement Date. Specifies the settlement date to filter query results.
  • Max Items. Specifies the maximum number of result records that are returned for viewing. Default is 100 records.

You can optionally qualify report results by assigned by and assigned to users, cash category, primary asset id, has comments (yes/no), transaction type, flow type (receipts/disbursements), transaction status (traded/settled), and custodian account.