Enter the Search Criteria
After selecting the value in the Query Based On field, enter the security identifier or a portion of it into the XRef ID field. In the following example, all that is known of the security identifier is that it begins with 1. After entering a value, click the Start Search button.
The system returns all securities that have a cross reference identifier that begins with a value of 1. You can refine/condense your search by entering a more specific security identifier and clicking the Start Search button again.
In the above figure, where the exact security identifier is entered, the Book Trade tool only returns the single security.
Select Transaction Activity
Once you have successfully queried for the security for which you want to process the transaction, right click the selected security. This opens a shortcut menu where you can select the specific transaction activity to process.
To select the transaction type to process, point to the appropriate shortcut menu option and then click the option you want.
The Book Trade tool opens the proper panel based on the transaction type selected as well as the processing security type, for example, the Book Trade tool does not open a fixed income buy panel for an equity security.
Note |
In the above figure, the Book Trade tool not only populates the trade panel with the details of the selected security, but also copies the data for the entity, trade date, and settlement date. You can change his data once the panel is displayed as needed. |
Complete Transaction Activity
Complete the transaction by entering all the necessary trade details.
Each trade panel allows you to enter additional data elements that do not affect the accounting of the actual transaction. These data elements include:
- Broker Name/Code. Required for every trade.
- Settle Instructions. Can be used for additional trade instructions.
- Settle Location. Physical Location of the Trade (NY, FED, Euroclear, and so on).
- Transaction Notes. Free format field for additional trade notes.
- Original Trade Ticket Number. Trade Identifier; although not a required field on the panel, the usage of this field is necessary if an automated trade workflow includes a trade cancel.
Validate Transaction Data
After all the applicable trade details are entered into the panel, you can click the Edit button. The panel performs a set of data checks to ensure that the details meet a basic set of standards. These basic checks include the following:
- Settlement date cannot be before trade date
- Trade date cannot be before issue date (for fixed income)
- Price cannot be zero
- Broker code missing
When the Edit button action processes, a results dialog box appears in the Book Trade tool.
The Book Trade tool displays both edit check errors and warnings. Errors (ERR) prevent a trade from processing, whereas a warning (WARN) still allows a trade to complete. You can click the Close button to exit out of the edit dialog box.
If the edit check results in any errors, you need to correct/add the required data before either clicking the Edit button again, or clicking the Submit button.
The Submit button first executes the same panel edit checks that are performed when clicking the Edit button. But in this case, if no errors are detected, the panel delivers the trade details to the processing engine which performs its own set of data checks before completing processing of the trade.
When the trade completes, the Book Trade tool display a Status dialog box similar to the one shown in the following figure.