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Anchor_Toc235264554_Toc235264554This section describes how to configure internal reports in the Eagle Portal. Internal reports manage how the information is displayed in the Eagle Portal.


About Internal Reports

A set of internal reports manage how the information is displayed in the Eagle Portal. You can configure and assign them to everyone, groups, or users. If all your users can use the same internal report, then assign it to everyone. If not, best practice is to configure multiples of these internal reports and assign them to various groups.

These internal reports include:

  • Entity Selector. This is ACCESS ENTITY SELECTOR type and determines the fields used for searching portfolios. This report is required.

  • Position Header. This is ACCESS POSITION HEADER type and displays portfolio based summary information in the header area of all query reports. This report is optional.

  • Security Lookup. This is ACCESS SECURITY SELECTOR type and determines the information returned in the lookup function that is available in the Security Cross Reference query. This report is optional


The following table provides specific information for configuring the OLAP and Advanced Reports field rules for some key internal reports in the Eagle Portal.


Portal Internal Report Type


Field Rules


Entity Selector


Fields with the following XML tags must be contained in the field rule:



These fields are used to build the link for the Entity Selector report.


Security Lookup


Fields with the following XML tags must be contained in the field rule:



The Security Alias field is used as a unique identifier for the securities. The Issue Name field is used as the default sort value in the security lookup results.


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  • The Entity Selector report controls the fields you want to use for searching portfolios. This report is required. In this example, one Entity Selector is set up to be used by everyone at the company


To set up one Entity Selector report for all users:

From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.

You see the Portal Administration window.

Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.

You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

Scroll down and double click the Entity Selector (internal) row.

You see the Query Settings dialog box.


Complete the fields on the Query Settings dialog box.

The following table describes each option on the Query Settings dialog box.








Displays the name of the internal report.




Displays the type of report, which is Internal.




Allows you to select a field rule. Click the ellipsis and select the Position field rule from the Select Report Rule dialog box.

The field rule must contain fields with the ENTITY_ID and ENTITY_NAME XML tags. It may also contain fields from the Entity and Entity Characteristic tables.




Displays the Define Report Sources dialog box, which allows you to specify the source of the holdings data.




Allows you to define a filter.




Determines whether to grant access to the internal report.

Click Next. In Assign Queries, this report is assigned to everyone by default.

Click Finish.


You can set up the Entity Selector report for multiple entity selectors for different business groups. In this example, an entity selector is configured and assigned to the Portal Client Services business group.

To set up one Entity Selector report for multiple business groups:

From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.

You see the Portal Administration window.

Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.

You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

Scroll down and double click the Entity Selector (internal) row.

You see the Query Settings dialog box.


Select ACCESS ENTITY SELECTOR in the Type field and click Next.

You see the Assign Queries dialog box.


Click Finish.

Click the Portal Query Explorer drop down menu and select User Settings Explorer.

Click Current User, and select the business group you want to use in this Entity Selector.

In the Entity Selector Query dropdown, select Entity Selector for CS.

Click Save.


The Header report displays holdings information for an account in a query at the top of the query results. This report is optional. You can create one header report that is used by all your users. If your users require different header reports, you can create multiple header reports and assign them to the different business groups. This report can contain up to four fields from the Position table, the Effective Date is a required field.

In the Header Report, you can toggle between the Close Summary and View Summary views.

To set up one Header Report for all users:

From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.

You see the Portal Administration window.

Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.

You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

Scroll down and double click the Header Report (internal) row.

You see the Query Settings dialog box

Complete the fields in the Query Settings dialog box.

The following table describes each option on the Query Settings dialog box.








Displays the name of the internal report.




Displays the type of report, which is Internal.




Allows you to select a field rule. Click the ellipsis and select the Position field rule from the Select Report Rule dialog box.

The field rule must contain the Effective Date from the Position table.




Displays the Define Report Sources dialog box, which allows you to specify the source of the accounts for reporting.




Allows you to define a filter.




Determines whether to grant access to the internal report.

Click Next. In Assign Queries, this report is assigned to everyone by default.

Click Finish.


The Security Lookup report defines the fields that are displayed in the results of the Security Cross Reference query. This report is optional. The example below shows that one Security Lookup Report is set up to be used for everyone.

To set up one Security Lookup Report for all users:

From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.

You see the Portal Administration window.

Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.

You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

Scroll down and double click the Security Lookup (internal) row.

You see the Query Settings dialog box

Complete the fields in the Query Settings dialog box.

The following table describes each option on the Query Settings dialog box.








Displays the name of the internal report.




Displays the type of report, which is Internal.




Allows you to specify a field rule. Click the ellipsis and select the Security field rule from the Select Report Rule dialog box.

The field rule must contain fields with the SECURITY_ALIAS and ISSUE_NAME XML tags.


Business Calendar


Displays the Define Query Business Calendar dialog box, which allows you to specify the dates on which a user can perform a query.




Allows you to define a filter.




Determines whether to grant access to the internal report.

Click Next. In Assign Queries this report is assigned to everyone by default.

Click Finish.


You can set up the Security Lookup Report to use multiple security selectors for different business groups.

To set up one Security Lookup Report for multiple business groups:

From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.

You see the Portal Administration window.

Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.

You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

Click Add Query and type a name for the query you are creating.

Select ACCESS SECURITY SELECTOR in the Type field.

Select a Security rule to be used for this query.

Define a filter for the query, if needed.

Select a Business Calendar if one should be used for query.

Click Next.

Click Next to access the Assign Queries dialog box.

Click the Groups folder and select the group that should use this security selector.


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