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Case Insensitive

Sometimes you want to force xrefs be loaded in upper case for a record to make them case insensitive. Use the following element in the incoming message:

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Use Only Security Alias as XREF

When <assetResolutionOption>USE_ONLY_SEC_ALIAS_AS_XREF</assetResolutionOption> is set, only Security Alias will be used as identifier and if resolution cannot find a Security, new Security will be created.

In case of I2I the following option in the RTR for I2I workflow can be added:

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Primary Asset Id is required field for GenericSMF load. The client may not have a Primary Asset Id and Type but may have an Security Alias in incoming file.
The asset resolution option RESOLVE_PRIMARY was introduced to enable Primary Asset Id and Type resolution by provided Security Alias. It is supported for Regular, Forward and Swap securities.


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Skipping delisted securities


Asset Resolution Option = ‘SKIP_DELISTED_SECURITY’ is available only for GenericSMF.

Once a security becomes delisted the Reuters Internal ID for it adds a carat to identify it’s been de-listed.
For example, the new ID will be ESRX.OQ^L18 as opposed to ESRX.OQ.
This functionality checks if a security delisted. It’s not limited only to REUTERS id and ‘^' sign.
Global parameters what may be used in combination with SKIP_DELISTED_SECURITY is listed here  Advanced Configuration Options
If the parameter is present in resolution options it means that skipping delisted security is enabled.

If one of tokens is passed in one of listed security xreference identifiers - security resolution raises an editcheck.

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