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Flag NameValid ValuesDescription
noLoadValidationFlagY or N

Turns off the following checks for SMF:

Code Block
<EDITCHECK EXPR="!(StringLength( :tag3931: )=0) OR (|noLoadValidationFlag|='Y' or :noLoadValidationFlag:='Y')" TAG="3931" ERRORMESSAGE="PROCESSING SECURITY TYPE IS REQUIRED" />
<EDITCHECK EXPR="!(StringLength( :tag11: )=0) OR (|noLoadValidationFlag|='Y' or :noLoadValidationFlag:='Y')" TAG="11" ERRORMESSAGE="INVESTMENT TYPE IS REQUIRED" />
<EDITCHECK EXPR="!(StringLength( :tag85: )=0 AND :tag3931: != 'FWXXXX') OR (|noLoadValidationFlag|='Y' or :noLoadValidationFlag:='Y')" TAG="85" ERRORMESSAGE="ASSET CURRENCY IS NULL" />
<EDITCHECK EXPR="StringLength( :tag1432: )!=0 OR (|noLoadValidationFlag|='Y' or :noLoadValidationFlag:='Y')" TAG="1432" ERRORMESSAGE="PRIMARY ASSET TYPE IS NULL" />
<EDITCHECK EXPR="StringLength( :tag961: )!=0 OR (|noLoadValidationFlag|='Y' or :noLoadValidationFlag:='Y')" TAG="961" ERRORMESSAGE="ISSUE NAME IS NULL" />

preserveNullY or N

This parameter is linked with tag5284, which nulls DB fields during the process of update. 

When you want to update a record to have certain fields with NULL value, please set preserveNull = Y and set those fields in the incoming message with value 'NULL' for strings, '-2147483648' for numbers and '0001-01-01' for dates. For example:

Code Block

tagNochangecaseY or NOriginates from panels, defines for which incoming tags case should not be changed
historyOnlyFlagY or NToggles data update between composite and history tables. Insert will always be performed, update can be switched off.
accountingValidationFlagY or N

This parameter determines whether a message is routed to the core panels for application of the accounting Accounting panel logic and error handling. Setting it to Y mimics the user functionality and experience when of creating securities manually via Issue Viewer. It identifies missing required fields and provides a direction for debugging if there are errors. Y is the recommended setting for Accounting clients.

When the flag is not passed or set to N, EagleML attempts to do a direct insert into the database and bypasses the core panels. This is typically used by Data Management clients who do not require the same level of accounting checks.

Code Block

accountingValidationFlag= N or null:
It does a direct load and missing data points necessary for accounting.

Additional accounting-related elements will be necessary to get a successful message. However, this flag is necessary for setting up messages that are intended to utilize Eagle’s accounting functionality.

skipIfExistFlagY or NUsed in resolution logic. Toggles exclusion of existing records
inactiveFlagY or NRefers to SECURITYDBO.SECURITY_MASTER.INACTIVE_FLAG database field
updateMasterTablesFlaglist of tagsNot a flag in general terms. Defines the list of tags that are updated in history and composite tables when Generic SMF is loaded in history mode
fieldCompareFlagY or NWhen this flag is set to ‘Y’, SMF record is updated only if some field(s) had their value(s) changed, i.e. SMF record with new effective date is inserted in History and updated in composite tables only if a field has a different value from one in Database - otherwise no action is performed
journalizingFlagEXCLUDE_JOURNALWhen this flag is set to ‘EXCLUDE_JOURNAL’ then journal information is not written to database
spokeCheckFlag1To skip standard Security Resolution, set spokeCheckFlag to "1" in your SMF message. Aliases will be loaded into DB "as is" instead
vendorModeFlagVENDOR_MODERepresents tag 1085 in SMF panels which allows to skip the default lookup security alias calculation for pan-qissuedetail.htm if this flag is set as ‘VENDOR_MODE’.
Not used in EagleML
