Versions Compared


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SDP-14566:  Enhance EagleML in the AccountingAssetCash coverage to support mapping of the Cash Event Type - CS0136160 - Inbound MISC Entry negative EML message

The AccountingAssetCash Interface was enhanced to support the cashEventType element for MISC Income and Expense Asset Cash message types (Asset Cash Type = AMISCINC or AMISCEXP).
Possible values of Cash Event Type: DISB, RECPT.
<cashEventType>DISB</cashEventType> or  <cashEventType>RECPT</cashEventType>


Changed files:

SDP-15920 15920: Workflow_restart stream isn't failed if not failing if the underlying workflow is failed

The issue Logic was enhanced to ensure that the corresponding event and schedule for the schedule-based workflow did not get the correct status in case when the underlying workflow fails.

The issue has been fixed by setting the overall status of the workflow as FAILED when the CreateConsolidatedTSR is defined as Y and the underlying steps have errors.

Changed files:



This allows processing out of order instances in correct sequence from smaller to biggerlarger.

Modified file:

SDP-15048: EagleML: Source interface has an issue with long sourceName


Files changed:

SDP-12457 12457: Incorrect error message for WarehousePosition

When the warehouse position load fails in the Batch mode, incorrect security identifiers may be displayed in the TSR.

The error processing for batch mode was revised. The error returned from the database will be displayed in the TSR with the correct identifiers.


SDP-15121:  Incorrect dynamic entity list resolution in extracts when the definition includes the Accounting System Description

Extract The extract rules were not correctly resolving dynamic entity lists when the list definition included the Accounting System Description field.

New A new type of EntityList resolution has been added, it uses dynamic query instead of stored procedure.
Added a new value for the parameter 'entityselectiontype' for switching between Entity List resolution modes.


There were a number of fields that were missing in the Generic Issue Analytic extract.

The Generic Issue Analytic interface has been updated to extract these fields.

Following The following models were changed:

analyticsUserModel (SECURITY_USER_ANALYTICS table) - userSaChar16 - userSaChar30 were not loaded on MSSQL environments version 2017
Meta information has been updated for this model, to load these fields on MSSQL environments. 

ePSEquityModel (SECURITY_EPS_EQUITY table) - only epsEst1X and epsEst2X elements were supported on Oracle environments. The model wasn't was not supported on MSSQL environments.Added processing of ePSEquityModel for MSSQL. Added all fields for the model described in XSD for Oracle and MSSQL to load and extract. 

priceEarnEquityModel (SECURITY_PRICE_EARN_EQUITY) - The model wasn't was not supported on MSSQL environments.
Added processing of priceEarnEquityModel for MSSQL.

Changed files:

SDP-12935: provide Provide a possibility to exclude files from WAITEVENTS.DAT queue

Previously user wasn't User were not able to remove records about files waiting to be processed.
Information about waiting workflows and files waiting for the launched workflows stored in WAITEVENTS.DAT file or
in the data base database (if parameter W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE = Y in the are now available.

Functionality to cancel wait event based on the file name (FileName) or WaitEventCorrelationId has been added.
When a user sent sends a RTR with WaitEventCorrelationId or CancelRemoteFileName and , this value match with will wait for the event state record,
then and the waiting file for the workflow will be canceled.

Ability Added the ability to update the file statistic information for the canceled files when the file statistic is available
if W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE = Y then canceled files will be transferred from {workflow_name} _wait_queue (queue for waiting events) to {workflow_name} _error_queue (queue for canceled events)


SDP-17577:  WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT and WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT - MSTARDIRECT source with IncludePortfolioValuation set to Y or ALL failing

When the Source is was passed in as 'MSTARDIRECT', the extract SQL query was generated incorrectly when the IncludePortfolioValuation was included.

Fixed the error of executing of Warehouse Position and OpenLot extracts with parameter 'IncludePortfolioValuation' = Y or ALL and Source filter = 'MSTARDIRECT'.
Changed rules:

SDP-15207:  EagleML: Warehouse Rollback functionality shouldn't should not use the CorrId from the file name(XMLDBAPI)
SDP-15191:  EagleML: Warehouse Rollback functionality shouldn't should not use the CorrId from the file name(EagleML)

Roll Up rule handled correlationId value in the incoming file name for the Rollback functionality. 
This value was used in the query for The usage of the correlation id from the file name for checking which sub batches had failed on the load and run a roll back for the whole batch was proven reliable because the correlationId should be in exact place in the file name.

Only the correlationId in the file name can link key and data files related to the one process instance. 
This method was not reliable because correlationId should be in exact place in the file name.
This approach was replaced by adding correlationId value on the Python transformation step in the files itself.
Now key and data files have an additional value CORRELATION_ID(XMLDBAPI) and taskIdentifier/correlationId (EagleML).
It helps to link key and data files related to the one process more reliable, because each process has a unique correlationId.

Changed files:


There was a problem with extension processing when fieldCompareFlag = Y, because the insert\update to into the extension table happens in a separate DB call and as a result database call resulting in the extension and core tables could not be being in sync.

The new implementation allows to extend the core stored procedure to support loading extension fields and which will keep the extension and core tables in sync.
Please note: To activate this logic and switch to the new processing some manual steps are required
They have to be done only once, please visit confluence page about to be setup as a one time activity.  Request additional information located on the confluence page defining extensions.

Changed files:



The Expense Activity Extract does did not report any error in case mandatory an error when the required filters reportStartDate and reportEndDate were not specified. 

Correct A parameter handling check was added so that appropriate error message is returnedto return an error message if the filters are not part of the request.

File changed:



Issue There was an issue identified in grouping in for the Warehouse Position and OpenLot extracts when using the ‘IncludePortfolioValuation’  was with a value set to Y or ALL when more than one price information exists for the specific position.PortfolioValuation .  The data appear as an outlier, but to handle this inconsistency, the PortfolioValuation logic has been enhanced and a new repeated node pvAssetPrice was added in the extendedPortValuationModel to address when more than one price / source combination exists for the specific position.

This model will describe all prices which exist for the specific position.
